【必須1】 . エントリー期間 6月1日~8月1日23:59
World League Series
World League Series 【WLS】
(Preliminary judging)
Released on September 1st 100 works selected
(Japan Standard Time (JST) )
Awards will be given to 100 people by league. You will be entitled to participate in the second screening.From the ability values calculated by AI screening, the prizes will be judged by allocating to the most suitable league that the designer is good at out of 10 types of leagues. A total of 100 winners will be selected by calculating the rankings of each league, the world, the whole country, and the grade level. Winners can advance to the World Championship match.
World Championship Series [WCSS]
(Secondary judging)
October 1, 2022 ~ November 1, 2022 World vote
(Japan Standard Time (JST) )
14 champions will be decided
In the second screening, we will distribute the work on YouTube and archive it while transmitting the work to the world by translating it in three languages, and collect votes and opinions from all over the world. In addition to the 1st AI screening, in the 2nd screening, architects, professors and architectural students from all over the world will vote in the world and ask and answer questions to determine 14 champions.
Share your votes and comments
WCSS Second Judging Global Voting & Comments
Period October 1-November 1
Judging for the second round (WCSS World Championship Series) will be determined by the total score of the world votes in order to judge from a more global and diverse perspective. From the 3-page tournament vote, 3 works will be selected from the top 1 work for each league, and the final total score will determine the gold, silver, and bronze prizes. Based on [Scoring rules], votes are weighted by voters, and screening is performed according to [Voting regulation].
【Voting regulation】
Ⅰ…Voting and comments can be made by anyone, including exhibitors.
Ⅱ…You can vote from the Google form of [Vote].
Ⅲ…Vote can select 5 works from 100 works.
Ⅳ…Comments, questions, and advice can be made from the [Comment] Google form.
Ⅴ…Please make comments in consideration of the designer.
Ⅵ… Comments can be made from simple impressions to specific points.
Ⅶ…In the event of double voting or fraudulent voting, all scores will be discarded.
【Scoring rules】
・Architect, university teacher・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Perfect score x 15 x (5 votes)
・General contractor, organizational design department ・・・・・Perfect score x 5 x (5 votes)
・WCSS (World Championship) contestants・・・・・・・・・・・ (My score) x 5 x (5 votes)
・WLS (World League) Exhibitors・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・(My score) x 3 x (5 votes)
・Architecture student (graduate school) ・・・・・・・・・・・Perfect score x 2.0 x (5 votes)
・Architecture student (university/junior college) ・・・・・・・Perfect score x 1.5 x (5 votes)
・Architecture student (vocational school) ・・・・・・・・・・・Perfect score x 1.0 x (5 votes)
・General other than architecture・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Perfect score x 0.5 x (5 votes)
It is a league that competes for the overall perfection of architectural design proposals.
WASA World Architecture Student Award WLS World League Match Winners
Title Shenting Market
■ Site:46 Đường Hai Bà Trưng, Tân An, Ninh Kiều, Cần Thơ, ベトナム
■ Program:Market, based on the existing local environment, the architectural form of the market solves the real problems of the area
■ Software:Rhino7,Photoshop ,Illustrator,Vary CAD
■ League: Allリーグ
■ Overall score: 2289
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Genius architect Medal
■ University: 河南大学
■ School year : 3rd year undergraduate
■ Architect: 王滨宇
■ Co-Architect: 河南大学 三年级 元鼎善
■ Co-Architect: 河南大学 二年级 李雅寧
As we all know, in the Southeast Asia region of Asia, due to the unique topographic and climatic characteristics, alluvial plains with developed water systems have been formed. In this plan, our team chose Cai Rang water in Can Tho City, which is a representative estuary delta in southern Vietnam. The river area where the market is located. The developed river system has created a rich water culture in the region, and people's clothing, food, housing and transportation are closely related to the river. However, with the development of the times, highway networks and land transportation have prevailed, and these living patterns formed by relying on rivers are also facing new challenges.
Therefore, we explore the existing system model in the area, hoping to seek new opportunities through architecture to connect the land and rivers, past and future, tradition and culture, religion and belief in the area, and provide people in the area with New development hopes and opportunities.
In addition, "Shen Ting" is the performance place of Vietnam's national quintessence "water puppet show". In this country, the market is carried by the river, and the river connects the city and the countryside. We hope to create a new type of water space to integrate into the local "Shen Ting culture" ”, eventually becoming a unique part of this area, changing the local way of life, and even becoming a new cultural symbol of the area.
Title :ChronologiCoaster 120
■ Site:H7VW+JVR, Jinghan St, Jiang'An, Wuhan, Hubei, 中国
■ Program:Renovation and renovation of old buildings + cultural experience building
■ Software:Rhino, AutoCAD, Photoshop, nolimits2, Lumion
■ League: Allリーグ
■ Overall score: 2225
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Master architect Medal
■ University: 武汉大学
■ School year : 3rd year undergraduate
■ Architect: 吴楚风
"Hankou Dazhimen Railway Station was built in 1900 and is the most magnificent and magnificent railway station on the original Beijing-Hankou Railway. However, with the completion of Xinhankou Station in 1991, the station building was abandoned, and it was silent among the market and high-rise buildings. middle.
At a node like Dazhimen where time and space are intertwined, how to create a historical and cultural experience center, so that the historical events deposited on the site can be translated in architectural space? How to explore new dimensions outside the space, so that people participating in it can get rid of the didactic display, so as to better empathize with history and obtain unforgettable individual memories?
People often use lines to describe time, and linear space is often used to carry the logic and coherence of time. Therefore, the author hopes to translate the history of time through the linear space element of the roller coaster, and make it more dialogue and immersion. The linear roller coaster uses mimetic techniques to echo the twists and turns of the historical road in spirit, and functionally echoes the past that Dazhimen Station is closely related to rail transit.
In this roller coaster translation journey, designers spatially deconstruct historical events through external sensory experiences such as height, speed, visual elements, light and shade; The control of the senses deconstructs the emotions and cooperates with the space to give the experiencers the emotional changes and psychological states corresponding to the times, so as to achieve emotional resonance with the nationalities of various times. Re-enacting history and historical experience from the dual dimensions of inner emotions and outer space experience.
Title :Storytellers of the town - A base for intergenerational coexistence that spins the story of life -
■ Site:石川県金沢市金石西4-5-30
■ Program:Multi-generation symbiosis base that combines various programs such as kitchens, classrooms, fields, etc.
■ Software:ARCHICAD、SketchUp、Illustrator、Photoshop、Procreate
■ League: Allリーグ
■ Overall score: 2203
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 金沢工業大学
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: 西尾 依歩紀
■ Co-Architect: 金沢工業大学 4th year 鹿田 菜々子
■ Co-Architect: 金沢工業大学 4th year 針生 智也
■ Co-Architect: 金沢工業大学 4th year 松本 拓大
"Kanaishi, a port town located in the northwestern part of Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, is built and devised on a daily basis in order to live in this land, and the accumulation of these forms the landscape of the town. It can be said that this kind of scene of activity is a "town story" that has been woven since ancient times. And aren't they assets of this town that should be passed down to future generations? I proposed a multigenerational coexistence base open to the city, where the scenery of life is formed in the place where public facilities that are currently closed to the city are built. Kanaishi's relationship of mutual aid, which was once established by the timber industry and fishery, will be replaced by children who are the bearers of the town and the elderly who know the town, and a new mutual aid that will be involved not only within the facility but also with local commerce and public facilities. I thought about the shape of the relationship.
Regarding the composition of the base, there is a "city axis" that determines the placement of buildings from the axis of the surrounding buildings, a "half-state" that creates room for people to intervene by lowering the degree of perfection of the building. I used three methods called "components" extracted from sketches and analyzes of daily activities.
Incorporating the golden stone manners seen in the town, the planning based on the present and the future, and the base that includes the form that people can intervene, the activities and construction that have been unfolding in the town appear. And by interacting with many people, they reaffirm the story of the town, which is the scenery of life, and pass it on to future generations. This is the storyteller of the town, a base for intergenerational coexistence that spins the stories of life. "
Title :noahsarcinreverse
■ Site:Govan Dry Docks, Glasgow
■ Program:Disaster Planning Department, Knowledge Division, Manufacturing Chain
■ Software:Sketch Up, Rhino, Enscape, Photoshop, In-design,
■ League: Allリーグ
■ Overall score: 2170
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Glasgow School of Art
■ School year : Master 2nd year
■ Architect: Gracjan Labowicz
The inaction of governments pre & post COP26 and blatant ignorance of the issue of climate change in public debate and its near future trivial consequences begs for urgent action and preparation for this new design
environment in our cities.
In the light of the climate crisis and global warming trajectory capped at a current level of co2 emissions reaching
2.7 degrees Celsius by 2100. As a consequence of the water level increase and increased annual rainfall in Glasgow, the shoreline will only expand. Projected flooding renders the new elevation 3 meters higher than the
current by 2030 and 5 meters by 2100. The scale of damage and potential paralysis of existing city networks and current economies and industries of Glasgow will be substantial.
Portrayed through a fictional scenario, it is a story of Cyan Society taking over Govan Dry Docks. This new secret society builds a high flooding prevention wall around the site’s perimeter- foretelling the story of the great flood is on its way to the rest of the city. It prepares the city for the flood. It focuses on lobbying for nature-based
solutions to the flooding issue instead of creating mega-projects such as dams or storm barriers. Immediateaction is taken by making room for the natural environment in the urban context via greening the city with plants
as a form of protest.
Title :Shinfugaku Thirty-six Views -A museum interspersed with the past and the present-
■ Site:富嶽三十六景の描かれた36の場所
■ Program:Dotted Museum
■ Software:Rhinoceros Twinmotion Photoshop Illustrator
■ League: Allリーグ
■ Overall score: 2126
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 明治大学
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 水越 永貴
"Mt.Fuji is a symbol of Japan. Its majestic and beautiful appearance reigns as a symbol of Japan in all ages. This fact is clear even if we trace the history of Mt.Fuji worship.
The Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji, drawn by Japanese ukiyo-e artist Katsushika Hokusai, depicts Mt. Mt.Fuji, which can be seen from anywhere, exists as a symbol that connects 36 places visually or consciously.
The Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji was painted in 1831. At this time in Japan, the study of the Japanese national system was completed, and it was an era when people were searching for a theory of the national polity of Japan, how to conceive the concept of the national polity of Japan in preparation for the opening of the country.
From these backgrounds and considerations, it can be interpreted that the background of Thirty-six Views of Mt. is not it.
Based on that interpretation, the Thirty-six Views of Mt.
This proposal dismantles the present-day Mt. Fuji, which has ceased to play the role of national integration through sight, into a collection of various experiences of diverse people. "
Title :Renewal of Healthy Campus of Tongji University School of Medicine
■ Site:中国上海市普陀区真南路500号
■ Program:Education Update Urban Design
■ Software:Rhinoceros Lumion Photoshop
■ League: Allリーグ
■ Overall score: 2117
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 同济大学
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: 尹泽诚
■ Co-Architect: 同济大学 四年级 汤振豪
■ Co-Architect: 同济大学 四年级 史清源
■ Co-Architect: 同济大学 四年级 郭力娜
Tongji University started with the medical department, and the medical plot is very deep. However, the Huxi campus where the medical school is located is old and needs to be updated urgently to meet the needs of discipline revitalization. The overall design is based on this background. Orientation to help Tongji medical revival. At the campus level, the design optimizes the spatial structure, functional layout and traffic organization as a whole. Combined with the functional concept of the campus in the new era of 2035, the campus space with traditional functional isolation and environmental carving is transformed into a campus place that emphasizes functional complex and dialogue between the old and the new. . At the architectural level, we design and connect important building nodes in the campus with the clues of "settlement", "happy life", "learning", "innovation" and "ecology" respectively, and respond to the future layout of innovative and healthy campuses with a complex functional group model , and based on this, it is possible to provide a healthy space for the revitalization of medicine.
Title :Unbounded Symbiosis
■ Site:中国广东省珠海市金湾区洪湾片区
■ Program:Commercial area, Residential area, Education
■ Software:Sketchup、autocad、T20天正、ps、ai 、id、enscape、vray
■ League: Allリーグ
■ Overall score: 2112
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 珠海科技学院
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: 张伟杰
""Homeland" is people's common cognition of the most basic social space in a city, and achieving harmonious coexistence is an eternal topic of human pursuit of a better life." "Wisdom" is within the third and fourth industrial revolutions (new technology) In the context of the revolution, factors that must be considered in the future development of the home to realize a real smart city; Tang Changan divided Quancheng into several "li" and "square" as residential areas, a resident from work to life, basically exists and " In the "Li" and "Square", the periphery is built with high walls, and the commercial and handicraft industries are planned in the concentrated "city".
Modern planning should take the essence and discard the dross, keep the "li" and "square" including residential and other functions, and place the business that was concentrated in the outer "city" in the Tang Dynasty in the "li" and "square", and After removing the high wall, each "lifang" module can meet a variety of functions, and each module can be connected with each other through the corridor, creating a home without borders for living together. With the development of the times, when the speed of construction of various infrastructure in cities cannot keep up with the speed of population concentration and development, it will bring consequences such as housing shortage, traffic congestion, poor communication, and environmental pollution.
Title :Yuan Sympathy·Magnetic Market
■ Site:西安市八仙庵地段
■ Program:City design
■ Software:Photoshop、lumion、sketchup、illustrator、rhino、autocad
■ League: Allリーグ
■ Overall score: 1089
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 中国长安大学
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: 马欣荻
■ Co-Architect: 重庆大学 研一 张远德
This scheme is based on the theory of relational coupling, takes the Baxiangong area in Xi'an as the design object, and is guided by the concept of magnetic force generated by sympathetic current. Space, extending the axis of ritual order for historical sites and other planning techniques, fully transform and update the original urban village with broken architectural texture, the inactivated and decayed antique market around the Eight Immortals Palace, the old residential area and the abandoned gray space in the city. In order to enrich the spatial connotation, the design analyzes the way people get along with each other through Jung’s eight-dimensional character, and builds a virtual Yuanjia social world, modularizing the interest space into the renovated building, forming a virtual magnetic level in the cloud, and enhancing the popularity and attractiveness of the area. Drive online and offline consumption of "Magnetic Market". At the external space level, the design focuses on using the connection of composite space and public space to link the original isolated development areas, continuing the original ritual axis of Baxian Nunnery, in order to form a city where virtual and reality are coupled and mutually robbed, and information flow and material flow are benignly coupled. picture.
Title :Co-Vertical Farm
■ Site: Wuhan, Hubei, China
■ Program: Residential
■ Software: Revit Rhino Ps AI ID Airpak CAD Lumion
■ League: All リーグ
■ Overall score: 2064
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Southwest Jiaotong University
■ School year: 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: Zhang Li Xingyue
■ Co-Architect: Southwest Jiaotong University Architecture Class 2018 Du Mingxuan
■ Co-Architect: Southwest Jiaotong University Architecture Class of 2018, Wu Beth
"This plan focuses on openness and sharing, and a new style of returning to the garden.
The rapid development of today's society has led to the expansion of population and the shortage of land resources. The social needs have been seeking benign symbiosis with land resources. Therefore, the discussion on the concept of "housing" continues to expand. The concept of "cooperative vertical farm" proposed in this conceptual design not only includes the innovative discussion of the original residential form: the compatibility of permanent residence and short-term stops; it also includes the openness of the residents' life form: liberating the soul in the city, returning to Pastoral life; at the same time, the open use of the original "residential" space has also formed the concept of "cooperation and openness.
The building is mainly divided into two parts, one part is the main "shared body" - the general balcony space is shared to form an open farm, and the farm is arranged around the space of homestays and youth hostels. The renovation reshapes the living space of "balcony", and turns the place where the implicit communication with the outside world takes place into a social activity for common participation. Temporary residents and residents work together, and the fruits of labor are also shared to a certain extent, deeply practicing the "cooperative style".
Title :Silk Road Art and Culture Centre
■ Site:甘肃省张掖市马蹄寺
■ Program:cultural Center
■ Software:CAD、Rhino, Photoshop, Illustrator, Idesign, lumion
■ League: Allリーグ
■ Overall score: 2059
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 湖北工程学院
■ School year : 5th year undergraduate
■ Architect: 李思宇
With the advent of globalization, local cultural identity is dying out, and this changing architectural culture profoundly influences our beliefs and attitudes. Through understanding the culture of the Silk Road, I want to build a space carrier carrying culture and think about the internal connection and expression form between architecture and culture. I took horseshoe Temple on the Silk Road as the research object and repaired the current temple by means of silk weaving. I hope it can become a direct expression of the Silk Road culture and convey our vision of looking back to the past and looking forward to the future.
Title :planting color
■ Site:東京都中央区銀座
■ Program:Commercial facility
■ Software:AutoCAD、Rhinoceros、Illustrator、Photoshop、Twinmotion
■ League: Allリーグ
■ Overall score: 2054
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 芝浦工業大学大学院
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 葛西 健介
The power of humans is increasing and the power of nature is being lost. An era of unequal relationships. I believe in the colors of nature, and Suesai draws the blessings of people and nature. Planting up to now is to plant greenery that has been domesticated by humans, and planting greenery in this proposal is to plant greenery that is not managed by humans. Located in Ginza, which is surrounded by an oasis in the heart of the city, such as the Imperial Palace, Hibiya Park, and Hama-rikyu Gardens, the spatial experience of feeling the vitality of nature by changing the nature of greenery has a secondary effect on human beings, and the quality of green awareness. will be an opportunity to raise We will carry out a planting plan that will be lost in the increasing number of pencil buildings in Ginza. Through the graduation design, the prospect is that Suesai will redefine the new value of nature.
Title :In a world where there are trees, insects, birds and children
■ Site:日本 神奈川県 厚木市 上荻野 1429
■ Program:primary school
■ Software:ArchiCAD, Photoshop Illustrator
■ League: Allリーグ
■ Overall score: 2052
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 東京電機大学
■ School year : 3rd year undergraduate
■ Architect: 徳家 世奈
Satoyama, which was once an indispensable part of life, has become diverse due to human intervention. Satoyama, which is now neglected because it no longer needs the resources of the mountain, has various problems. Therefore, we propose to develop the resources of satoyama into education. Through various experiences in satoyama, children will come into direct contact with various places and things in nature, which will be a source of self-confidence. Starting with activities for children, a new community will be born that involves local residents, guardians, etc., and will serve as an opportunity to support local industries and restore the diversity of satoyama. When designing, we paid attention to percolating water veins in the ground throughout the year and protected normal water veins by making the building a raised floor type. The load-bearing wall, which is a structural body, brings various effects both spatially and temporally. In order to maintain the balance between human space and natural space while maintaining satoyama vegetation, the placement of load-bearing walls conveys the existence of water veins to future generations. At this elementary school, children receive learning that can only be found in satoyama. Satoyama regains its value as an entity that creates a place for children, and the region inherits the diversity of Satoyama.
Title :Uraokoshi Calling Kanazawa's Ura, Our Ura
■ Site:public space
■ Program:パブリックスペース
■ Software:ARCHICAD、SketchUp、Adobe Illustrator、Adobe Photoshop、Twinmotion
■ League: Allリーグ
■ Overall score: 2056
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 金沢工業大学
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: 西尾 依歩紀
"Back of Kanazawa". Ura, which is located next to the front, has a townscape that retains the remnants of the Edo period when it prospered as Kaga Hyakumangoku, and a modern townscape that has been reorganized through redevelopment. was In Ura, even today, you can see scenery that autonomously expresses the individuality and desires of the people of the town in the form of decorations and events. However, since the 1980s, due to repeated developments and the prefecture's political intentions to uphold the front, the theaters that had built up the back were relocated and many buildings were demolished, and the back was disappearing and becoming more uniform. there is Since the post-war Showa era, when this town was born, the unique scenery that expresses our individuality and desires (our back) is regarded as the "back identity" and should be protected and expanded in this town. I thought it was the scenery that should be done. For the four sites in Ura, where the vitality is not felt, I created a structure that will serve as an auxiliary line to encourage people's independent activities, such as a single-pipe scaffolding device that amplifies individuality and four huge movable doors. proposed. People freely interpret the heterogeneous structures that appear in the city, projecting their own individuality and desires. Ura, which is becoming more uniform, will once again be colored by people's individuality as time goes by. The architecture and the individuality of the people in the town will help revive the back. Uraokoshi, Kanazawa, to pass on the last suspiciousness to future generations.
Title :Museum
■ Site:The site is located in Vasai Fort , Killa Rd, Police Colony, Vasai West, Palghar district, State Maharashtra, India.
■ Program:Museum Spaces, Administrative departments, Study Center, Exhibition centers, Library with book records, Spill out spaces, Cafeteria, etc.
■ Software:AutoCAD, SketchUP, Vray, Lumion, Photoshop.
■ League: Allリーグ
■ Overall score: 2035
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Mumbai University
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: Eldhose Bince
The concept of my design is inspired from the perspectival view of the monumental Vasai fort, closely located to our site of interest. This inspiration takes birth in the fact that the historic fort can be caught site of, from each and every location of the exhibition floor, in its complete elegance. The objective of my design was to create a wholesome experience for the visitors, thereby enabling them to experience a walkthrough the timeline of history, as they take a stroll through the museum. A perfect blend of achieving conceptual based architectural design enables the visitor to connect more to the respective historical artefacts in display. The design proposal strives to blend the philosophies of the contemporary architecture with passive architectural ideologies to attain inclusiveness in all possible ways and means. One of my priority was to create a space which would serve the purpose of panoramic view of the site with more open end spaces. Le Corbusier have always been one of my inspiration while designing buildings whose ideologies mainly revolve around the ‘Dom-ino’ design and the ‘Five Points Architecture’. I believe that architecture shouldn’t just be about a built form, instead it should aim to should have create a character that brings its spaces and detailing to life. This will in turn encourage people to connect more to the structure and its surrounding nature, to the maximum possible extent. Another stand out feature of my design lies in the reflected picturing of the great ‘Chimaji Appa’, from the perforated wall onto its opposite side wall, due to the internal reflection caused by the sunlight. This picturing on the third floor of the museum intends to offer a phenomenal experience to the visitors.
It is a league that competes only for comprehensive proposal ability in building design proposals.
WASA World Architecture Student Award WLS World League Match Winners
Title :The Incarceration of a City: Floating Structures of the "in-between"
■ Software:Rhino, illustrator, photoshop, Indesign
■ League: Oneリーグ
■ Production score: 1122
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Genius production Medal
■ University: The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
■ School year : Master 2nd year
■ Architect: Arwa Qalalwa
■ Site:The Gaza Strip 8G3PCCF6+V4
■ Program:A robust Infrastructure that activates and thrives Gazan communities, it responds to real-life scenarios in Gaza, and provides shelter, energy production, rainwater cultivation, co-habitation, and operates above ground, underground and somewhere in the “in-between” in Gaza’s surface.
A robust infrastructure that activates and sustains Gaza's communities. The project develops a set of sectional conditions of a new type of infrastructure responding to real-life scenarios in Gaza under Israeli occupation, destruction, and incarceration. The system is operational all year long and works on various terrestrial levels, providing shelter, energy production, rainwater cultivation, and sustaining life activities and resistance under the extremely constrained urban conditions of Gaza.
Title :Adult Park Through the analysis of Kafka and Hemingway
■ Site:東京都渋谷区円山町1−17
■ Program:park
■ Software:Illustrator Photoshop Rhino, Autocad
■ League: Oneリーグ
■ Production score: 1098
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Master production Medal
■ University: 東京理科大学大学院
■ School year : Master 2nd year
■ Architect: 吉浦 聡一郎
"This is a proposal to design an architecture in Shibuya to reconsider yourself by incorporating the worldviews of the two books into the space.
The two books have contrasting contents, but both have a common theme of reexamining oneself.
So, by spatializing the worldviews of the two books, I came up with the idea of creating two contrasting spaces where you can reconsider yourself.
The site will be designed at the midpoint between the front and back of Shibuya.
Next, drop the world view into the space.
First, the contents of these two books are introverted and extroverted, respectively, so we define them as internal space and external space, respectively.
Next, extract the parts that express the world view of the two books, abstract them, and apply them to the technique.
For example, in Kafka's space "feel the presence", by manipulating the walls and adding level differences, it is possible to create a space that is visually invisible but can be felt.
By creating five spaces in the same way, you can create spaces for introverts and extroverts.
By creating a flow line that connects them, you can come into contact with different values and think more deeply about your own way of life. "
Title :expieriencedartgallery
■ Site:Barras Market, Glasgow
■ Program:Expierienced Arts Gallery
■ Software:Sketch Up, Enscape, Vray, Indesign, Photoshop
■ League: Oneリーグ
■ Production score: 1084
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Glasgow School of Art
■ School year : Master 2nd year
■ Architect: Gracjan
My personal interest in contemporary arts as well as influence of contemporary art on modern society has initiated my research standpoint. Particularly noting the rapid widespread and meaningful impact of artists work on the social and cultural wide spectrum global audience due to social media and online activity. My viewpoint on
contemporary art extends and occurs further beyond exhibition of artefacts exhibited in white gallery space- today modern society expects to live through an experience created and set up by the artist. Artists that use existing space with its architectural characteristics and through ad-hoc ways of artistic perspective re-define them- For
instance works of Richard Wright & Jim Liamby.Artists that use gallery space as plain canvas space to create experiences through
installations of their own-the space and artistic input work as two separate entities- with emphasis on space being just the vehicle for the
experience. These can be observed in artists: Ann Veronica Jenssens, Mirsolav Balka, Random International-artists basing their work on projections and light or technological solutions.
This approach its interesting for opening into futuristic proposals and development on this kind of art. Use of digital technology to make art its
an interesting development in contemporary arts.
Title :SFM -Satellite Factory × Factory Museum-
■ Site:東京都大田区京浜島2-10
■ Program:Collective factory, art museum, complex facility
■ Software:rhinoceros,illustrater,photoshop,twinmortion
■ League: Oneリーグ
■ Production score: 1063
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 明治大学大学院
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 門田 岳
The project site is located on Keihinjima, an artificial island in Ota Ward facing Tokyo Bay that was completed in 1986 by land reclamation. The challenge is to have two functions in this place, which is a declining "manufacturing town", as a "base for art and manufacturing" and a "collective factory" where factories with advanced and advanced technology in Ota Ward are located. This is an architectural proposal. First of all, after preliminary research, we have a network that allows us to cooperate with each other in the processing process between factories in Ota Ward, called nakama mawashi, and deliver the ordered products. I paid attention to two points that the real space is not a "thing" but a place (= studio) to transmit the story. From this, I considered the concept of this proposal from two axes. The first is to apply the existing “Nakamawashi” to free up the processing processes and processing spaces of the existing factories on Keihinjima Island. It will be a cluster of satellite factories for the purpose of promotion and manufacturing cooperation. The second is to use this place as a base for "visualizing and experiencing (=museum)" from receiving orders for manufacturing in Keihinjima to delivery and sales. We propose a complex facility that will be a place for business people and factory tours for business people and ordinary people.
Title :Indigenous Cultural Education Centre (Final Design Proposal)
■ Site:Ouyan Street, Surfers Paradise, Queensland AUSTRALIA
■ Program:1. Art Exhibition, 2. Library, 3. Art Learning, 4. Music Learning, 4. Dance Learning, 5. Restaurant, 6. Open Indoor Dance Space, 7. Outdoor Performance Space, 8. Service/Storage.
■ Software:Revit, SketchUp, AutoCAD, Procreate (Ipad), Lumion, Photoshop and InDesign.
■ League: Oneリーグ
■ Overall score: 1059
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Deakin University
■ School year :Master 2nd year
■ Architect: Mauritian Kreole
The concept of the Nerang River Indigenous Cultural Education Centre was inspired through the respect I wanted to pay to the indigenous people of Australia by supporting the passing of indigenous knowledge. A place where people can learn about aboriginal culture of Yugambeh Territory in Queensland, Australia. The design of the building and its landscapes were developed with inspiration of the natural elements surrounding the proposed site, especially its connection to the Nerang River. A place with a historical meaning towards the aboriginal people of this region. I wanted the building to become a symbol of journey from Earth to Water through it's fluid design while blending in its site and hiding 'urban concrete junk' from the river view. The landscapes become a place of connection to the indigenous grounds. Ultimately, the centre becomes a space of understanding, respect, learning and re-education of Indigenous People and their almost lost culture in the region.
Title :PARK+ing - Proposal of a near-future city for mobile people with an eye on electric vehicles -
■ Site:東京都港区お台場
■ Program:parking
■ Software:Illustrator、Photoshop、Rhinoceros、
■ League: Oneリーグ
■ Production score: 1059
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 法政大学
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 児玉 征士
"This is the story of how parking lots, which are large void spaces in the city, are transformed into new places for people to live. As the world shifts to electric vehicles, the way we live and work will evolve and change rapidly. This proposal is a proposal for a near-future city that I expect for the future.
Apart from the increase and decrease in the number of cars, parking lots continue to increase rapidly. Isn't it a problem that parking lots that do not function as places for people to spend time continue to increase?
On the other hand, with the spread of electric vehicles, the value of cars will increase not only as transportation but also as a place to stay. There are more and more people who work and live without a base, and they are called mobile tribes. We propose the way mobile people spend their time and its architectural form in a multi-storey parking lot.
Until now, architecture has been conceived from a human-centered perspective. In the future, cars will enter the building, and the form of the building itself will change greatly as people and cars coexist. In this proposal, we tried to design based on the change. "
Title :I Mine Community
■ Site:新疆省可可托海矿坑
■ Program:Ecological restoration, mine community
■ Software:CAD、Rhino, Photoshop, Illustrator, Idesign, lumion
■ League: Oneリーグ
■ Production score: 1044
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 湖北工程学院
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 李思宇
With the development of heavy industry, the industrial structure is facing transformation. The project looks at China's heavy industry cities 50 years from now, when they will have reached maturity. The project aims to improve the environment of the mine by reusing the old mine. Build an ecological community integrating agriculture, industry, education and entertainment in the mining area. People form a new model of community economy through material exchange. It is committed to promoting the development of the community in the future, the formation of the community economic model, awakening people's awareness of the use of the waste mine, and providing a convenient and friendly ecological environment for the people of the mining area.
Title Light the way to live on the island
■ Site:日本宮城県石巻市鮎川浜
■ Program:Fishery facilities, whaling facilities, viewpoints, small halls, etc.
■ Software:Rhino/illustrator/photoshop
■ League: Oneリーグ
■ Production score: 1041
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 京都大学
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 佐藤 夏綾
"Even after being swept away by the tsunami, people's lives continue to live on the sea side. From a survey centered on dialogue and actually seeing livelihoods in Ayukawahama, Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, the disaster area of 3.11, we found that the core of life is now. I was keenly aware of the fact that it is still on the beach, the strength of the tradition of actually seeing the livelihood and life, and the diversity of the people who are active in Ayukawa.
Based on these, we plan to create a "museum" of Ayukawa on the sea side of the seawall to show the livelihoods, that is, the livelihoods and lifestyles of Ayukawa.
The design configuration is
1. Liberation of whale slaughterhouses that show whaling that has continued since ancient times, and fascination with whales
2. Revival of banya, floating architecture, invitation to the sea, showing fishing in the fishing grounds
3. Katariba, showing the recovery of Ayukawa, talks by the sea
4. A viewpoint to see the future of Ayukawa, thinking about the future of Ayukawa
Based on these four programs, we will create a space that is open to the outside while focusing on the activities there.
The design method uses a strong structure and SI as one element. Considering the spatiality of the fishing port and the future post-earthquake situation, steel frames were used extensively. The second element uses temporary construction. We decided to use it based on the spatial nature of the seaside, where the usage changes with time.
Considering the large earthquake that will come someday and the scenery of the fishing port, I created a building that will be a place for people to live. Create a new future for Ayukawa with the power of architecture. "
Title :Iso Chronic City
■ Site:Harlesden, London, UK
■ Program:Multiple 15 minute cities by altering network centrality and introducing missing amenities
■ Software:Rhino with Grasshopper and Python Scripting, Enscape, Unity 3D with C# Scripting, SketchUp, AutoCad, QGIS, DepthMapX, Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Microsoft Office
■ League: Oneリーグ
■ Production score: 1038
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: University College London
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: Sonali Bordia
■ Co-Architect: University College London Master 1st year Prakriti Srimal
■ Co-Architect: University College London Master 1st year Shuyao Li
■ Co-Architect: University College London Master 1st year Siyang Zheng
IsoChronic City is an urban response to the recent predicament of what the process of reurbanization in cities will entail in the post-pandemic era. The project uses datasets interpreted by machine learning algorithms along with spatial computational methods to create urban environments influenced by notions of proximity and walkability within 15 minutes. The proposal consists of restructuring existing network centrality, fabricating responsive public spaces and transforming unused built structures with additional amenities to create a city which repeats itself at regular intervals.
Title :Rising with the Phoenix
■ Site:Fanling New Development Area, Hong Kong
■ Program:Regional mixed use development, ecological enhancements, social cultural integration
■ Software:AutoCAD, Rhino, Enscape, Lumion, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, ArcGIS Desktop
■ League: Oneリーグ
■ Production score: 1031
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Cornell University
■ School year : Master 2nd year
■ Architect: Lok Tim Chan
“Blue-green infrastructure 2.0: The next generation of blue-green infrastructural design in its re-integration with social & cultural realms - Rising with the Phoenix” is a design thesis project centering around the importance and implications of integrating the human element in the development of blue-green infrastructure (BGI) design beyond prevailing efforts on innovations of this technology’s hydrological aspects (blue) and ecological potentials (green).
At an area of 165ha, Fanling New Development Area (NDA) as a new development area located in Hong Kong is selected to demonstrate how BGI innovations across scale can integrate local social and cultural colors. This unique site is intersected by the key Ng Tung River of the larger Northern New Territories and consists mostly of industrial grounds and vegetated planes within the planning boundaries.
Through rigorous and robust site analysis as well as in-person interviews of local cultures and histories, a deep and comprehensive understanding of the larger region is distilled and used to guide the larger design motif and direction. Ecological, hydrological, and social research and projections provide a canvas for site-specific design details while the cultural and historic relics defining the local communities direct the overall thematic approach and the interrelationships between people, water, and ecology.
Title :New Schwangau
■ Site:Germany
■ Program:Resident and Shopping
■ Software:Rhino Lumion Adobe
■ League: Oneリーグ
■ Production score: 1022
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Leibniz Universität Hannover
■ School year : 3rd year undergraduate
■ Architect: Chun Te Lee
New schwangau is located under the Alps. Abundant natural resources and tourism resources are the biggest advantages here. But at the same time, there are also many social structural problems. Therefore, this design is a small urban planning design that combines the local cultural background, social structure issues and natural landscape. It is mainly for the environmental planning derived from the young generation returning to their hometown or staying in their hometown for development. We look forward to changing the status quo through architecture and urban planning.
The design concept in the landscape incorporates curving flowerbeds and meadows. Try to integrate all areas with nature. Decorate the area with “water” and add different natural elements. Create opportunities in people’s lives to interact with the environment. Balancing and communicating between living conditions and natural ecology is what we expect throughout the region.
Design of the building is mainly inspired by the rolling peaks of the Alps. Continuous irregular pitched roofs form multiple living units. On the ground floor of the building are mainly commercial and office areas. Combined with large floor-to-ceiling windows, the entire area has high light transmission. Above the second floor is the living space and the building body is connected by wooden bridges to achieve variable circulation and flexible open space. The exterior wall of the building is made of slender wooden grilles and a large number of plants are attached. Therefore, the effect of light blocking and green façade is achieved.
It is a league that competes only for comprehensive expressive ability in architectural design proposals.
WASA World Architecture Student Award WLS World League Match Winners
Title :studio
■ Site:United Kingdom, Manchester (Carpark space of Hope mill, 113 Pollard St, Manchester M4 7JA, United Kingdom)
■ Program:Multi-purpose apartment for artists
■ Software:autocad, sketchup, enscape, photoshop, procreate
■ League: Twoリーグ
■ Presentation score: 1020
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Genius presentation Medal
■ University: Manchester School of Architecture
■ School year : 2nd year undergraduate
■ Architect: Amanda Leong Meng Dan
The apartment consists of a theater, practice rooms and multiple different accommodations. As Hope Mill is an old mill turned multi-purpose studio for artists of all types, and the one form of art that fascinates myself the most was performing art, specifically musical theater performances. Having an old mill which represents the history of how Manchester got its title as an 'industrial city' and merging it with the music and art scene of modern Manchester seems intriguing. Thus, came the idea of having both elements within a single building, having them interact with each other but also not interfering with one another.
Title :Childream - child friendly housing
■ Site:天府三街 中国
■ Program:child friendly housing
■ Software:rhino+enscape+photoshop
■ League: Twoリーグ
■ Presentation score: 1003
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Master presentation Medal
■ University: 西南交通大学
■ School year : 3rd year undergraduate
■ Architect: 李汝楷
"The concept of child-friendly is derived from "child-friendly cities". In 1996, at the second UN Habitat Conference, UNICEF and UN-Habitat jointly advocated the construction of "International Child-Friendly Cities Program". The meeting pointed out that the health of children and children is the ultimate criterion for measuring the health of the human living environment and the level of government management. However, the new generation of parents is under increasing work pressure, it is difficult to balance the time to spend with their children, and at the same time, it is not conducive to the life of children. The environment has higher requirements, and an age-appropriate, safe, interesting, and learning-oriented space is needed.
in life.
Based on this concept, this scheme will be scattered in the original urban space, and the living space suitable for children of different ages will be extracted, and added to the residence through a certain combination method, connecting each other to form a system, allowing children to fully experience the joy of childhood, and let the children fully experience the joy of childhood. Parents who yearn to be involved in their children's growth can also enjoy parent-child time.
Title :RE-INTERWINE Re-thinking Beirut Port
■ Site:Beirut City, Lebanon
■ Program:Urban planning and design.
■ Software:Rhino, Lumion, Photoshop, Illustrator, Auto CAD
■ League: Twoリーグ
■ Presentation score: 1002
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 周勤超
■ Co-Architect: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, First year of graduate school, Qin-Chao Zhou,
■ Co-Architect: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, First year of graduate school, Wan-Hsuan Wu
This project aims to redesign each urban block and connected it in tandem with a linea r transportation system. An intertwined approach is used to try to solve the problems of the city. The four specific zones identified—based on opportunity and potential—are characterized by different strategies and uses. They can be described as: Waterfront activities center, Cultural and Creative Center, Agricultural Trade and Food district and innovation center.Coupled with citizen participation, allow users to customize their own street activities and behaviors. We aim to provide a sustainable urban design that belongs to the local population!
Beirut is one of the oldest cities in the world, devastated by the Lebanese civil war 30 years ago. Its cultural landscape underwent major reconstruction. For nearly three years now, Lebanon has been assailed by compounded crises—specifically, an economic and financial crisis, followed by COVID-19 and, lastly, the explosion at the Port of Beirut on 2020, the economic lifeline of the city was forced to stop functioning. —“After the explosion: What’s next for Beirut?”
Title :Beijing Danwei Compound 2.0
■ Site:Beijing
■ Program:Open Residential Neighborhood
■ Software:Sketchup Photoshop InDesign Rhino
■ League: Twoリーグ
■ Presentation score: 999
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Harvard University
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: Xudong Zhu
Danwei, the communist work-life urban unit, is usually an enclosed community in today’s Chinese cities, built by the government or state-owned corporations to provide their employees with jobs, housing, and other welfare facilities. It then represented a unique vision of constructing a city in China under the Planned Economy. However, the physical walls of these outdated superblock compound units became problematic nowadays. They caused traffic congestion, inefficient urban space utilization, and ultimately privatized public facilities. How to reasonably remove the walls around the compound and open the originally introverted block to the city has become the core topic of the project.
European settlements have always been known for their openness. In most cases, the balance between the privacy of the housing and the publicity of the urban environment is always properly proposed. Taking advantage of the double-degree program at Polytecnico di Milano, I conduct on-site research on 32 cases of local opening residential blocks and study urban renewal strategies. By analyzing the spatial characteristics, management mechanism, and open attributes, I summarize several design methods and public participation mechanisms of local open residential blocks. Then, combining the historical development of the Beijing Danwei Compound and its unique spatial typology, a series of corresponding regeneration strategies are put forward.
Title :Conflux - Where Rivers of the Bronx Meet
■ Site:Cross Bronx Expressway, The Bronx, NY, USA
■ Program:Megainfrastructural redesign, community revitalization, riverfront design, regional urban redevelopment
■ Software:AutoCAD, Rhino, Lumion, Enscape, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, ArcGIS
■ League: Twoリーグ
■ Presentation score: 997
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Cornell University
■ School year : Master 2nd year
■ Architect: Lok Tim Chan
■ Co-Architect: Cornell University, MLA 2022, Yichen Liu,
■ Co-Architect: Cornell University, MLA 2022, Yiyun Liu
Conflux: Where Rivers of the Bronx Meet is a comprehensive and extensive design imaginary that addresses complex issues of mega-infrastructures in underserved communities through the concept of rivers and intersections. By reinterpreting infrastructures of transportation, this project transforms the Cross Bronx Expressway (CBE) into a living river for people, cultures, and social vibrancy. It reconnects local communities as it courses through the urban fabric. The concept of rivers as a symbol of life and potential is expanded into the Bronx River, flows of ecologies, in its rejuvenation and reintegration with the redesigned pedestrian-oriented CBE. The rivers further permeate into the surrounding neighborhoods through the web of tributaries and re-imagination of various key blocks around the CBE’s point of interaction with the Bronx River which serves as a feature point, conflux of all different flows, the Bronx Eye. Robust and dynamic spatial, programmatic and ecological design narratives bring about social inclusion and equity but also build resiliency, and respond to climate change impacts and ideals of sustainability.
Title :Miao Miao's Dream World
■ Site:概念场地
■ Program:Peace & Love are The Eternal Themes
■ Software:CAD、Rhino, Photoshop, Illustrator, Idesign, lumion
■ League: Twoリーグ
■ Presentation score: 993
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 湖北工程学院
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 李思宇
The story originated from MiaoMiao, a girl who was unable to properly handle her inner emotions and ended her life in an extreme way. I want to disassemble the elements according to the narrative structure of the story, and make a spatial mapping of the narrative structure, so as to use architecture to reconstruct the text and explore the dream world in MiaoMiao's heart. We are following the narrative clues ,walking though her mapping space about the four emotions to experience the whole story immersively. Using abstract spatial language to reproduce the storyline, let people in the real world notice the warmth around them. In this way, peace and love will surroundding the whole world.
Title :Bringing “Wetness” Back into the City
■ Site:Les Tres Xemeneies, 08930 Sant Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona, Spain
■ Program:Urban masterplan, river, coastal, and urban ecological restoration and enhancemnets, dunescape simulation, riverfront design, urban forestry, mixed use urban redevelopment, blue-green infrastructural systematic integraiton, park systems
■ Software:AutoCAD, Rhino, Lumion, Enscape, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, ArcGIS
■ League: Twoリーグ
■ Presentation score: 990
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Cornell University
■ School year : Master 2nd year
■ Architect: Lok Tim Chan
■ Co-Architect: Cornell University, MLA 2022, Eric Zhenrui Mei,
■ Co-Architect: Cornell University, MLA 2022, Echo Xingjian Wang
This project in its ambition to tackle complexities in the wicked problem of undesirable “dryness” that persists in Barcelona’s postindustrial waterfronts and urban fringes, aims to leverage the concept of “wetness” in its various interpretations and representations to reimagine a better future by building resiliency, vitality, and adaptability. Through rigorous cross-scale analytical processes to unfold the multidimensional existing qualities surrounding the site and its larger regional settings, a robust design inventory and strategy systems through typological investigation as well as articulated spatial manipulation, and orientation are distilled to address the issues at hand. In its essence, the design uses a diverse yet interconnected set of tools in an attempt to reach a level of comprehensivity that begins to resolve the different “dryness” in social, economic, ecological, geographical, and infrastructural terms under a dynamic urban scale inclusive of a waterfront, riverscape and urban center. It is a design by inquiry, through research, realized via investigation, and expanded from exploration and projection.
Title :Industrial Training Center
■ Site:The site is located near RTO office, Chandansar Road, Virar East, Palghar district, State Maharashtra, India
■ Program:Administrative Office, Industrial Center with studio classes and lecture halls, cafeteria, a dormitory, Staff Quarters, Conventional Center with Auditorium which are open to public, etc. constitutes the proposed design for industrial training center
■ Software:AutoCAD, SketchUp, Lumion, Vray, Photoshop
■ League: Twoリーグ
■ Presentation score: 988
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Mumbai University
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: Eldhose Bince
My concept is built around experimenting with open end spaces and vernacular passive architecture. This strategy is primarily employed for the reason that an industrial campus is required for a brief time. Panorama vistas, extruded structural facades and more features will be seamlessly incorporated into the site's contours, on its execution. Thereby enabling people to relate, the architectural experience to the environmental envelope. In order to attain architectural completion, local materials will be employed in the construction of the school.
An enhanced interaction between the users and nature can be achieved if the building has life and emotion, which pushed me to incorporate open end recreational spaces rather than mere soulless facades of glass and concrete. A campus plays a critical factor in building futuristic minds and creating memories, and thus I have tried my best to make it lively by means of connecting spaces bringing the users closer to nature.
Title :Time-Erosion
■ Site:Portland Bill, Isle of Portland, DT5 2JT
■ Program:Gallery
■ Software:Grasshopper, Rhino, Enscape
■ League: Twoリーグ
■ Presentation score: 983
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: University College London
■ School year : 2nd year undergraduate
■ Architect: Nanhao Chen
The programme would be a series of leisure facilities along the coastal path in Portland for hikers and tourists. Each building occupies a great spot for observing various geological features, leading and attracting people to walk through the path to the lighthouse to enjoy the beautiful views of Portland. Doing so boosts the community to thrive and brings a new dynamism to the locals.
The design of the project is inspired by the two forces that erode the coast of Portland, the wave and quarrying. Reversing these two erosions through scripting forms various spaces and lighting for the users to experience and reacquaint Portland through the reading of the architecture.
Time is the key concept that drives the project. By extracting and encoding the wave data of Portland from different time periods into the building blocks, it informs how the geological features of Portland were shaped through time as the users walk through the spaces. With a combination of architectural elements generated by Grasshopper and the composition of spaces inspired by the quarries, it aims to take the users through a journey of exploring the story of the time in Portland.
Title :As if listening to and comparing the tones of the space
■ Site:東京都調布市 東つつじケ丘2丁目1
■ Program:Complex public facilities (libraries/theater halls/commercial facilities/daycare centers)
■ Software:Procreate/Illustrator/Photoshop/Rhinoceros
■ League: Twoリーグ
■ Presentation score: 978
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 京都大学大学院
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 幸地 良篤
We aimed to create a public facility where you can choose your own place according to your heart, “just like listening to and comparing the tones of the space”. In Japan, there is still a deep-rooted idea that healthy people are socialized and mentally disabled people are isolated in hospitals. Set in Tsutsujigaoka, Chofu City, we aim for a new coexistence between the mental hospital and the town, including multiple developments. We thought that the reason for the success of the mental hospital regionalization lies in the “geographical context of Tsutsujigaoka = two loosely connected layers”, and used these as hints when designing. The 1st floor is divided into 4 parts according to the topographical line, and the square in front of everyone's station, the theater hall, commercial facilities and consultation facilities, the terrace for hospital users, the blindfolded shopping street, the nursery school, and everyone's garden are laid out in short lengths. It was planned so that anyone can use it from end to end of the site. On the 2nd and 3rd floors, we relied on the gradation of atmosphere and functions of Tsutsujigaoka to design a gradational place to live, and a large and small library. A new public facility loosely connected to the whole town has the potential to solve difficult problems.
Title :Gently Scooping Fragments of Memories ~A story of encounters and farewells over the history of the human torpedo "Kaiten"~
■ Site:山口県周南市 大津島/徳山駅周辺
■ Program:Kaiten Memorial Museum/Ferry Terminal
■ Software:Adobe Illustrator,Adobe Photoshop,Auto CAD
■ League: Twoリーグ
■ Presentation score: 977
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 東京理科大学大学院
■ School year : Master 2nd year
■ Architect: 磯永 涼香
"Otsushima, Shunan City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. At the end of the Pacific War, a training base for the human torpedo "Kaiten", one of the Japanese Navy's special attack weapons, was established here. Many young people around the age of 20 who sortied with this kamikaze weapon at that time lost their lives. However, with the 75th anniversary of the end of the war, memories of the war are fading.
There, I met the human torpedo "Kaiten", learned the feelings of the Kaiten crew, and built a story that inherited the memories. As a proposal, I designed a Kaiten Memorial Hall that encompasses 11 emotional spaces and a ferry terminal that leads to it. The ferry terminal is a complex facility with a roadside station and a public hall, and a human torpedo "Kaiten" that appears and disappears with the ebb and flow of the tide is installed on the premises. People meet Kaiten at this place where tourists and residents gather. The Kaiten Memorial Hall is a facility where you can simulate the feelings of the Kaiten crew as they travel through 11 emotional spaces. Features include a submerged memorial hall, 11 emotional spaces that extract the main emotions from the life of the crew, 106 stone pillars representing the crew who died in battle, and a tower of memory that connects the past to the future. In particular, the Tower of Memories is a space that represents the boundary between life and death for the crew members, from the time they sortie until the end of their lives. Through my work, I sincerely hope that people will face the horror of war and the preciousness of life, and that the same mistakes will never be repeated. "
It is a league that competes for the perfection of problem-solving design proposals.
WASA World Architecture Student Award WLS World League Match Winners
Title :Idealism and Materialism
■ Site:Ellenbogen Sylt, North Germany
■ Program:observation deck
■ Software:Photoshop, Rhino, Design, Illustrator, lumion, CAD
■ League: Aリーグ
■ A-Type score: 343
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Master solution Medal
■ University: 湖北工程学院
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 李思宇
This project is based on the theory of materialism and idealism philosophy.Material or consciousness which is the original of the world, the theories are mapping out different architectural space consciousness of design thinking, I want to present a materialist with architectural design gimmick with idealist in the eyes of space environment, I am starting from the root of the two theories, The site is located on a small island in Germany, the home of both philosophical theorists, to provide a viewing space for both groups of people who come to the island. Materialism and idealism are completely opposite in philosophy, but there are interdependent parts in the real world. I hope to reflect the two theoretical worlds through space. In the viewing platform, they are both unique and belong to a whole.
Title :4k TV Sports Channel HeadQuarters
■ Site:Umm Suwayya Street, Doha, Qatar
■ Program:Headquarters for AL kass TV channel (Qatari Sports Channel) includes 2 4k Studios, offices, café, and a connective bridge to their old real buidling
■ Software:Revit, Rhino, Enscape, Photoshop, Grasshopper
■ League: Aリーグ
■ A-Type score: 334
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Qatar University
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: Loulyana Alchalabi
The sports channel headquarters is desiged to create a co-working space and the form finding was through the concept of diverging perceptions. Perception can differ from one to another because indviduality is what makes us. People watching sports are having mixed emotions of excitement and difference of opinion because of different perception of events. Thus, it is like a mathmatical curve flactuating, it is not rigid, but variable. The perceptions all converge to a point of enjoying the sport while diverging in perceptions and opinion of team choice!
The design of this building was primarily inspired by amphibians.
The main goal of the project is to create a sustainable lifestyle that is not dependent on a specific location, embracing the life cycles of nature and how they occur, both in the water and on land, in order to combat the accompanying overcrowding and migration phenomena. It is primarily aimed at cities. The aim is to try to create a mobile lifestyle that is sustainable for people and the planet. With the possibility of working from home, the house becomes an active object not only for the city, but also for the planet. If many people adopt this way of living, a new type of community living can be born, drawing on and giving back to the earth, reducing the urban population, increasing the cultivation of natural food without the use of pesticides, creating a new way of production, which can also be a sustainable way of development.
Title :A Sublime Transcendence
■ Site:The Quays, Sligo, Ireland
■ Program:Concept Hotel
■ Software:AutoCAD, Sketchup, Photoshop, iMovie
■ League: Aリーグ
■ A-Type score: 324
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: ATU Sligo
■ School year : 3rd year undergraduate
■ Architect: Karen Keaney
The Harper Campbell building was built on the quays in Sligo in 1905. The building’s structure is protected due to its architectural importance. This area was once a bustling transport hub. Foreign boats docked, emigrants departed, and trains ran daily. I used this notion of transport and movement as a source of inspiration for my design.
This project intends to re-imagine this forgotten building as a new and exciting hotel. The building will house sleep pods that can move freely throughout the building and beyond. The pods are suspended so the occupant can choose to be daring and elevate themselves up through the building. This journey induces emotions of both fear and excitement. It’s that spine-tingling feeling you get when you stand at the edge of a cliff. It’s a feeling of transport and transcendence, as you forget about your surroundings and are caught up in the moment.
Title :Shenzhen Urban Campus
■ Site:Shenzhen
■ Program:Educational Campus
■ Software:Rhino Sketchup Photoshop InDesign
■ League: Aリーグ
■ A-Type score: 322
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Harvard University
■ School year : Master 2nd year(graduated)
■ Architect: Xudong Zhu
In 1979, the central government approved the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (SEZ) to increase the intensity of development. Four years later, a 90.2-kilometer-long and 2.8-meter-tall barbed wire was erected, called the Secondary Borderline, including 163 watchtowers, 13 checkpoints, and 23 farming gates. Along the borderline, it was stationed by armed police, inspecting people and vehicles that wanted to enter the SEZ. Therefore, the Secondary Borderline is a man-made boundary set up for the special status due to political and economic development. With the return of Hong Kong in 1997, the whole city of Shenzhen carried out integrated reform. Nowadays, there is no need to reserve borders between the SEZ and the Mainland. Followed by this change, many questions appear spontaneously. Firstly, both sides of the Secondary Borderline have experienced high-density development. However, as a particular protective land property, the Secondary Borderline was not allowed to exploit within a specific range, which manifested a loose and messy morphology. Secondly, it created a vast drop in social psychology among the public, leading to many social contradictions. Moreover, as the administrative boundary of the Secondary Borderline is inconsistent with the geographical one, many unsupervised areas appeared along the line naturally, which provided floating population and immigrants with the possibilities for the breeding and spreading of spontaneous settlements and created countless “villages in the city.” In summary, it’s imperative to reform and redesign the surrounding areas of the Secondary Borderline.
Title :Connected garden community
■ Site:北海道恵庭市恵み野
■ Program:landscape
■ Software:Adobe Photoshop、Illustrator、Rhinoceros
■ League: Aリーグ
■ A-Type score: 321
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 東京理科大学大学院
■ School year : Master 2nd year
■ Architect: 白井 芙実
■ Co-Architect: 近畿大学大学院 修士2年 古結 敬広
■ Co-Architect: 東京工業大学大学院 修士2nd year 楠本奈生
■ Co-Architect: 東京工業大学大学院 修士1st year 松下暉佳
"In the past few years due to pandemics and wars, people have realized the importance of living together with each other.
In order to create a sustainable world, I believe that we need to work together to nurture the future, regardless of the scale of the world, country, or town. And for that to happen, I thought it was essential to create an environment where people could meet, get to know each other and their places, have fun and laugh together, and talk about the future of themselves and the city.
Megumino, Eniwa City, Hokkaido is one of the centers of "GARDEN ISLAND/GARDEN CITY", and most of the houses have gardens. The garden sits on top of the ecosystem of the land (soil, water, etc.), and by reflecting the hearts and minds of those who maintain it, it belongs to the ecosystem of the city and forms a unique ecosystem that is related to both nature and the city. increase. And when we connect gardens together, we connect hearts and minds, and ecosystems with ecosystems, and we thought that a complex, close-knit, and expansive community connected by gardens would be a great framework for sustaining Megino. .
We have designed a "way of connection" through the garden in order to promote face-to-face activities, expand a community where people can talk with smiles, and help build a town. "
Title :Cor Urbis
■ Site:in every city with high pollution
■ Program:Urban Ventilation (New Utility System)
■ Software:sketchup 2022, lumion 11, photoshop 2022, Autocad, Excel, Power point
■ League: Aリーグ
■ A-Type score: 320
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Tanjungpura University
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: Egit Fandikson
■ Co-Architect: Tanjungpura University, Graduate, Rita Noviana
Global warming is a problem that continuously causing hazard to Earth’s environment. Until today, we are still looking for effective solutions to reduce its ongoing damage. According to the 2021 World Air Quality Report, the average PM2.5 reaches 20.32 ug/m, which is four times higher than the recommended PM2.5 concentration by WHO (5 ug/m). One of PM2.5 that contributes to the poor air quality is black carbon (BC). Based on this, we want to focus on BC emissions from transportation. Here, we propose a new utility system with urban ventilation that can be used worldwide. We name it Cor Urbis.
We are inspired by the amazing anatomy and physiology of the human body. We found the similarities between elements of a city and the human body (one of them is the roads = blood). So, Black carbon from the streets = CO2 in the blood. Just like the human body, the city also needs a Cor to replace the polluted air with fresh air. Cor Urbis are vent units that are placed in the pre-existing street light. So, street lights in every city around the world now also function as 24-hour carbon filter that helps reduce black carbon thus global warming, not just for lighting at night.
Title :A Thousand Ris of Another World ~The Cemetery of Neighborhoods~
■ Site:千里ニュータウン 千里東町公園
■ Program:cemetery, chapel
■ Software:Adobe Photoshop、Illustrator、Rhinoceros
■ League: Aリーグ
■ A-Type score: 314
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 東京理科大学大学院
■ School year : Master 2nd year
■ Architect: 白井 芙実
Senri New Town, which has been open for half a century, has opened the Senri New Town Information Center, protected the bamboo that existed before the new town was built, and various activities based on the sense of attachment to the hometown. is born.
However, this city is an artificial city. The landscape of the city continues to be renewed, and all the places of memories spent here are destined to disappear. I thought that the inability to share memories and memories across generations was at the root of the problem of new towns, which is currently being pointed out, and felt that there was a need for a place to tie together the thoughts and memories of Senri New Town.
Therefore, I searched for clues to create such a place in an "other world" that does not yet exist in Senri New Town. “Another world” is a place with a different time axis, such as temples, shrines, and dark alleys, where you can escape from everyday life. Among them, the cemetery often remains in the same place for many years, and it is a place that makes you think about the deceased and your hometown every time you visit the grave. Therefore, I thought that creating a cemetery that would become Senri's "other world" would be an opportunity to transform Senri New Town into a true "town" where people's memories are accumulated.
In this ever-changing city, we propose a cemetery that preserves and shares everyone's memories and memories as "hometown scenery" in an unchanging form, and connects people related to Senri New Town with local ties. """
A league that competes for the perfection of design proposals related to history and context.
WASA World Architecture Student Award WLS World League Match Winners
Title :Kingsbury Run Nature Reserve: Collective Re-imagination
■ Site:Kingsbury Run, Cleveland, OH, USA
■ Program:Park design, forest trails design, ecological enhancements, soil remediation, blue-green infrastructural design, community revitalization, social reinvigoration
■ Software:AutoCAD, Rhino, Lumion, Enscape, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, ArcGIS
■ League: Twoリーグ
■ Presentation score: 338
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Genius context Medal
■ University: Cornell University
■ School year : Master 2nd year
■ Architect: Lok Tim Chan
■ Co-Architect: Cornell University, MLA 2022, Eric Zhenrui Mei,
■ Co-Architect: Cornell University, MLA 2022, Echo Xingjian Wang
Kingsbury Run Nature Reserve: Collective Reimagination began its journey with a task, and that was the proposition of a new future for the site in its services for the surrounding neighborhoods. Located in Cleveland, Ohio, the site has gained considerable attention during the last 10-20 years in redevelopment schemes for improving the local communities given their past mistreatments from environmental injustice, and toxic dumping in the site that posted serious health hazards for the inhabitants living directly next to it. But also, to fulfill the promises from urban renewals around the site that never came to be as advertised. For us to gain a deep understanding of the site, a dive into the analytical approaches to revealing existing contextual complexities was made before engaging in discussions with local stakeholders for meaningful community engagements. Through robust and rigorous site investigation and documentation research, a holistic methodology to “know” the site and the people was developed. And by the exploration of the different systems, and their interrelationships, combined with active conversations with stakeholders concerning the prospects of the site’s redevelopment, the rich analytical exercises helped in the conceptualization of the project such that it is highly performative, functional, and dynamically experiential.
Title :Weaving Chalk
■ Site:New Alresford, England
■ Program:Plan a self-sufficient community motivated by restoring chalk streams and grassland ecology in England, find a healthy life and work possibility
■ Software:Rhino, Photoshop, Vray, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign
Revit, Enscape, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator
■ League: Bリーグ
■ B-Type score: 332
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Master context Medal
■ University: Architectural Association School of Architecture
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: LIU CHUN
A new living pattern is raised to rebuild the connection: plan a self-sufficient community motivated by rebuilding the environment and finding a healthy life and work. The project puts forward one possibility under the topic, aiming to restore chalk streams and grassland ecology. The linear settlements and chalk streams create a weave, 3 housing types link local people's life with restoring the environment. The restoration strategies also provide people with new sustainable works and lifestyles.
9. Affected by the new crown epidemic, the incidence of depression worldwide has increased, and mental health has become the focus of urgent attention in the post-epidemic era. This design will select the landscape and buildings on the banks of the Shijing River in Baiyun District as the research scope, extract the seven sins and seven goodnesses from the site as the basis for the spatial translation of narrative therapy, and translate it based on the relevant theories of art healing, breaking the landscape and nature of the site. The boundary between buildings creates a natural healing architectural place, awakens people's perception of nature, and triggers people's reflection on life.
"In Kanaya-cho, Shimada City, Shizuoka Prefecture, there is a SL that is preserved in dynamic condition. I myself have been taking care of Shin-Kanaya Station since I was a child. Many families with children visit on holidays, and the SL changes direction. The scenery surrounding the turntable can be seen in. Therefore, most of the site is a parking lot. We propose the railway near the heart and the future life in the basin.
Stations and warehouses where people and goods were only getting on and off had a calmness that seemed to indicate a sense of distance with the residents. However, by making effective use of the vacant seats and blank space on local trains, it became possible to collect and distribute goods at each station, and even in a mere warehouse, buying and selling special products transported there, eating and drinking were mixed. Fascinating transition to space. From now on, each station will become the starting point of life and a place to stay. Even with the timetable revised due to the decrease in the number of local train users, as the industrial effect increases, goods will come and go more than ever, and at the same time, workers (people) will also enter the watershed. Railways that have become tourism resources will regain their form as a means of transportation, and the Oigawa Railway will be reborn as a part of the lives of residents along the railway lines.
Title :EdinburghArchitecturalSchool
■ Site:4 Keir Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9EU
■ Program:Education Building
■ Software:Rhino, AutoCAD, Procreate, Photoshop
■ League: Bリーグ
■ B-Type score: 320
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: University of Edinburgh
■ School year : 2nd year undergraduate
■ Architect: Jiayi Liu
■ Co-Architect: University of Edinburgh Second Year Ruoxin Tan
■ Co-Architect: University of Edinburgh Second Year Audrey Zhang
■ Co-Architect: University of Edinburgh Second Year Jiayu Lu
■ Co-Architect: University of Edinburgh Second Year Jingzhi He
This project is an architectural school design in the city centre of Edinburgh. Tucked away in a peaceful urban space with a rich history, this school will supplement the Edinburgh College of Art Lauriston Campus to provide facilities catered specifically to architecture and landscape architecture students. The core facility of this school is the exhibition
hall, which provides a space for students to showcase their finalized projects. To refine the teaching environment, we proposed a library and multiple studio spaces for teachers and students in the second block.
Title :Dynamic Threshold
■ Site:Boston Southport
■ Program:Housing + Urban Public Facilities + Urban Landscape
■ Software:Rhino Photoshop Illustrator InDesign
■ League: Bリーグ
■ B-Type score: 317
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Harvard University
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: Xudong Zhu
Sai Joshi (Harvard University Master of Architecture in Urban Design Graduated this year in May)
The project is located in Boston. As an urban issue that has received much attention, “Dynamic Threshold” attempts to use design means to alleviate the problem of sea level rise caused by climate warming. At the beginning of the design, we analyzed the possibility and scope that the site will be submerged by sea water in the future and then proposed a bold idea: as a designer, can we let the natural element of water dominate the entire design? Can we actively introduce water to the site?
Considering the severe land pollution of the original site, the design first challenged the studio brief and chose to move the site westward to a concentrated triangular plot, which better connects with the surrounding diverse urban environments, residential neighborhood, seafood processing centers, as well as the Boston Convention Center, and provide better conditions for future development. Then, we delineate the profile of sea level rise in 75 years as the boundary between nature and man-made development.
Title :HulotFlatinParis
■ Site:Rue Fernand Raynaud, Paris, 75020
■ Program:Apartment Design
■ Software:Rhino, Sketchup, Photoshop, Enscape
■ League: Bリーグ
■ B-Type score: 316
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: University of Edinburgh
■ School year : 2nd year undergraduate
■ Architect: Jiayi Liu
The architecture is a sustainable apartment design for the movie character Mr Hulot. Modular design and sustainable construction theories are applied to reduce carbon footprint. Primary and secondary structural materials are locally produced timber. Indoor and outdoor green spaces are positioned according to the sun path, serving as communal activity areas for residents. To maximise the natural heat for every apartment, I used a set-back structure and made lower roofs become balconies for top floors. Public spaces are placed on the bottom floors, which are underheated areas.
A league that competes for the perfection of design proposals related to building types and systems.
WASA World Architecture Student Award WLS World League Match Winners
Title :ad-cycle life -A main street that encourages interaction between locals and tourists by bicycle-
■ Site:滋賀県大津市なぎさ公園おまつり広場
■ Program:Main street with advertising bicycles (landscape)
■ Software:Adobe illustrator, Adobe photoshop, Adobe Fresco, Rhino
■ League: Cリーグ
■ C-Type score: 336
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Genius building Medal
■ University: 立命館大学大学院
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 神原 夏穂
■ Co-Architect: 立命館大学 社会人1年目 石家佳奈
"We cycled around Lake Biwa.
I will propose based on the actual experience of the two days.
What do you want for your trip now?
Isn't it a "once-in-a-lifetime encounter" with people who have the same purpose and the culture rooted in the place?
The things that left a strong impression on me through cycling were interactions with my family at restaurants, and chance encounters with the beautiful scenery of Shiga when I was exhausted.
However, nowadays people often drive directly to their destinations, and such chance encounters are lost.
Therefore, we propose an ad-cycle life.
ad-cycle is a new system that combines "advertising" that brings about encounters with local attractions and "bicycle" that brings about chance encounters.
Through ad-cycle's intervention in the town, people who go to the town can get information about the area, shops have the effect of attracting customers through advertisements, users can get a means of transportation, and it will be an opportunity for all people to interact. .
Urban development by ad-cycle will spread to the world along with the spread of the bicycle society, and will weave once-in-a-lifetime encounters in various places. "
Title :Haka lurking in the gusset
■ Site:東京都練馬区北町
■ Program:cemetery
■ Software:rhinoceroses,illustrator,photoshop
■ League: Cリーグ
■ C-Type score: 314
■ Award name: Master building Medal
■ University: 東京理科大学大学院
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 上島 奨平
■ Co-Architect: 東京理科大学大学院 修士1st year 蓜島 幹汰
In modern times, burial methods for ashes have diversified, and they are buried in various ways. This design is a proposal for a joint enshrinement tree burial, which is one of the burial methods. As a result, the demand for privately owned rudai graves is on the decline.
The site is a small plot of 10 tsubo in Akatsuka, Nerima Ward, Tokyo. It has been subdivided by repeated urban development and land reshaping, and has become a narrow land. The land use zone corresponds to the neighborhood commercial district, but houses and housing complexes are lined up around the site to maximize the building coverage ratio and floor area ratio. The external space is planned as a cemetery to create a void in the city.
Many cemeteries are secured by high-quality external spaces as spaces for mourning the deceased. It is a rich space that is required in a dense residential area. However, it is generally considered taboo to build a cemetery in a residential area, and it is surrounded by a high wall to separate it from the city. In addition, it is difficult to imagine the connection and coexistence of the cemetery space and the house due to the difference in scale from the house. In this design, by reducing the size of the cemetery and designing it on a residential scale, it will harmonize with the residential area and coexist with the community by creating a high-quality external space that the cemetery originally possesses.
Title :Mud and Change -A town built by a community through a reservoir-
■ Site:大阪府堺市美原区「舟渡池」
■ Program:Welfare agricultural space
■ Software:ArchiCAD、twinmotion、illustrator、Photoshop
■ League: Cリーグ
■ C-Type score: 313
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 大阪工業大学大学院
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 亀山 拓海
■ Co-Architect: 大阪工業大学大学院 2nd year山本晃城
■ Co-Architect: 大阪工業大学大学院 1st year小林美穂
In the past, in areas with light rain, water for agriculture and domestic use was obtained by excavating reservoirs. Similarly, there are many reservoirs in Mihara Ward, Sakai City, which have brought many benefits. However, due to the lack of maintenance of the reservoir, various problems have started to occur, such as the deterioration of the embankment, the decrease in the allowable storage capacity, the odor problem due to lack of maintenance, and the serious damage expected when it collapses. At the same time, "welfare" was separated from daily life due to the lack of a community, and it came to be carried out only in facilities, but the shortage of workers has begun to appear conspicuously in welfare facilities, and it is beginning to reach its limits. Therefore, the teacher-student relationship that existed around the reservoir will be reproduced as a “landscape”. Individuals build a teacher-disciple relationship in their livelihoods and hobbies to provide teaching and accompanying support. A community that can help each other is formed by the exchange of master and pupil positions on a daily basis, and the "landscape" of people, architecture, and ponds is reorganized. And we aimed to shift to "community-wide welfare" in which an individual's specialty becomes support for someone else, in other words, everyone can support.
Birth and change means that all things in the world are born one after another and continue to change with the passage of time. As the concept of this design, I designed the life, ecology and production space of a farmer in Tanzania. In other words, it holistically arranges living, ecological, and production spaces in relation to the characteristics of the original place. Originally, a single life was the core, but the house was the core of the living space for living and outdoor activities, as well as an ecological space that uses sisal hemp and architectural forms to circulate water, and a production space that promotes home production. change. In other words, lifestyle strategies regulate social relationships and enhance the atmosphere at home. It is a strategy to improve housing problems and meet water demand. The ecological strategy is a strategy to increase the ecological effect of roof water storage and avoid environmental pollution caused by building materials. The production strategy is to form a complete industrial chain in which cattle breeding, farming, and manufacturing are jointly developed to increase household income. Through designing living, ecological, and production spaces, Tanzania can create an environment that continues to circulate with the passage of time.
Title :ISMART Community
■ Site:青岛
■ Program:Community
■ Software:PS, AI, CAD, SU
■ League: Cリーグ
■ C-Type score: 311
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 青岛理工大学
■ School year : Master 2nd year
■ Architect: 青岛理工大学 2nd year 王子璇
■ Architect: 青岛理工大学 2nd year 张敏
■ Architect: 青岛理工大学 2nd year 许文亚
The plot is located in the Xiaogang port area of Qingdao. The plan considers cultural attributes and makes full use of natural resources. At the planning level, the spatial organization model of open blocks and closed groups is clarified to create a 24-hour dynamic community circle. On a technical level, due to the intermittent nature of solar energy, over-reliance on photovoltaic power supply can easily lead to an imbalance between supply and demand. This proposal proposes a low-carbon, prefabricated, heavy-duty, timber-framed coastal residential community with an integrated solar power generation system. The system includes photovoltaic panel banks, heat pumps, absorption cooling systems, batteries and fuel cells. During the day, solar energy provides electricity and heat, and the hydrogen is stored using solar electrolysis for fuel cell power generation at night. At the same time, the excess photovoltaic and wind power generation can be stored in the battery. When the renewable energy power generation is not enough to meet the user's load demand, the battery is discharged. The wind power generation electrode is unstable, so when designing an integrated power system, wind power is mostly used as a backup supplementary energy source.
Title :Bio Caring
■ Site:Taiwan, Taichung
■ Program:Hospital and Caring
■ Software:Rhino Lumion Adobe
■ League: Cリーグ
■ C-Type score: 310
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Leibniz Universität Hannover
■ School year : 3rd year undergraduate
■ Architect: Chun Te Lee
■ Co-Architect: UCL,Bartlett School of Architecture Leibniz Universität Hannover Master 1 year Chao-Chun Kung
■ Co-Architect: National Cheng Kung University Master 1 year Pei-chi Tsai
Bio caring is located in Taichung, the second largest city in Taiwan. It is a highly urbanized city with high housing prices and an aging population. Many elderly people have become marginalized groups in the city due to living costs and inconvenience. Therefore, Bio caring is a long-term care , medical linkage and social integration to create a senior care center with excellent quality of life. To integrate the senior care center into today's Taiwanese society. This will be the goal of our planning and design.
The concept of architectural design comes from the local hilly terrain. The rolling hills and vertical greenery form "city hills". The rolling gentle slopes and stairs provide opportunities for the elderly to move freely. The compound stairs on the south side are the best Example. The building on the south side is mainly designed with a retirement center. The public space includes a sports center, a concert hall and a multimedia play space plus a clear living space. There is a green patio in the center of the building, which brings natural light into the building The indoor space also increases the indoor airflow. The landscape continues the broken outdoor landscape.
The design sets two ceramic artist couples as the owners. By studying the living habits and artistic concepts of the two artists, the artistic concept and artistic creation are integrated into the living space, so that the living space and the artistic concept complement each other, making the home a place for artists to draw inspiration. With the perfect artistic concept performance place. The design is based on the theme of an indoor garden, and the organically shaped surface creates a cave feeling. Trying to create a corner of its own natural world in the hustle and bustle of the city. At the same time, the decorative materials are mainly foamed ceramics, which not only fits the professional characteristics of the owner, but also achieves the purpose of environmental protection and utilization of waste.
Title :Oysters, Bamboo and Living Island
■ Site:広島県江田島市能美町中町
■ Program:Recycling oyster farming facility
■ Software:ArchiCAD、Twinmotion、Photoshop、Illustrator
■ League: Cリーグ
■ C-Type score: 307
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 千葉大学大学院
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 坂倉 康太
"Etajima City, Hiroshima Prefecture has a long history of thriving oyster farming, taking advantage of its calm waters.
However, in recent years, environmental pollution caused by oyster farming, such as the burning of bamboo used for oyster rafts and the outflow of plastic farming pipes into the sea, has caused damage to local residents. On the other hand, the proliferation of bamboo has become a problem in abandoned farmlands in the region.
Therefore, we propose a recycling-type oyster farming facility that uses bamboo, which is an unused resource, as an oyster farming material and returns it to the region as a soil conditioner and weed control.
The following three points are set as the main objectives.
The first is the circulation of bamboo in the area. Made a raft from moso bamboo grown on the island, and used shinodake to change the plastic aquaculture pipe back to bamboo. After being used in aquaculture, the bamboo is pulverized and used on the island to create a bamboo circulation system.
It is a league that competes for the perfection of proposals designed around design methods and modeling operations.
WASA World Architecture Student Award WLS World League Match Winners
Title :The Beginning of Late Spring
■ Site:天津市和平区五大
■ Program:public buildings, memorials
■ Software:CAD, Photoshop, ID, AI, Enscape
■ League: Dリーグ
■ D-Type score: 354
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Genius maniera Medal
■ University: 天津大学仁爱学院
■ School year : 3rd year undergraduate
■ Architect: 孔德睿
"Tianjin has the most sunshine hours in May and the least in December. The prevailing wind direction is the southwest wind. The soil is sticky and the soil layer is seriously salinized. The design site is adjacent to Munan Park. In terms of building and site layout, It is planned to continue the spatial sequence and order of the park.
There are more than 2,000 buildings in Wudao, among which 423 small foreign buildings are listed by the Tianjin Municipal Government as historical buildings of different grades. All kinds of architectural styles come together in one place, which can be called the "World Architecture Expo", witnessing the social and historical changes in China over the past century.
Through the processing of the abstract space art of the five avenues streetscape, there is a close connection with geometric figures in the abstract space. In the translation of the architectural vocabulary extracted later, make it fit with the place. The street scene of the Fifth Avenue is full of symbols and decorations of Western classicism. Through the extraction of geometric elements from the "Geometric Elements" translated by Xu Guangqi, it is in line with the common elements in the Five Avenues. These common spatial elements make up this book. At the heart of the memorial's design.
Title :Shaping Things
■ Site:NA
■ Program:A journey to explore individual identity through personal craftsmanship
■ Software:Sidefx Houdini , Zbrush , After Effects , AutoCAD, Keyshot
■ League: Dリーグ
■ D-Type score: 345
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Master maniera Medal
■ University: Confluence institute of innovation and creative strategies in architecture
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: Sutanuka Jashu
The world is in a state of chaos. Every day there is a great change happening around us, making it difficult to distinguish between day and night, life and death, fantasy and reality. Somehow, we all feel some kind of disconnection, confusion, uncertainty, some kind of dysfunction.
One day, we may experience glitches or technical errors and realize we were just part of another world.
My project started with that glitch and the idea of how everything in this universe is interconnected with each other. Whether it's microscopic biological elements like mycelium, the veins of our bodies, particles from the solar system or molecules in water. Be part of this journey towards
Here I am creating a crossroads between materials-based research and algorithmic practice, which aims to offer promising possibilities for bridging the natural and the artificial.
Title :urban housing mountain
■ Site:
■ Program:Dedicated housing mountain lodge
■ Software:rhinoceros、illustrator、photoshop、twinmortion
■ League: Dリーグ
■ D-Type score: 342
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 明治大学大学院
■ School year : Master 2nd year
■ Architect: 門田 岳
"Japan's cities have matured. Limited flat land, cities have been described as 'miscellaneous' and 'diversity' and overflowed with buildings and people. Even in such a world, the reality that the goal of life is to acquire a house or secure a stable place to live may change. On the other hand, in mountainous areas, various problems, starting with nature conservation, are reaching a critical point. In the world of mountains, which tend to be awe-inspiring, the existence that connects humans and non-humans is the mountain hut. This is a narrative story drawn by me, who has experienced mountain climbing since childhood and visited many mountain huts.
The existing buildings in the city will be dismantled in stages, and the materials obtained from the dismantling will be used to construct buildings on the mountains. The rules for dismantling are motivated by changes in how rooms are handled due to human stories (independence, marriage, childbirth, death), and relocations are also carried out according to requests for expansion of space on the mountain side. From here, the story that started as a human story will eventually be overlaid with the story of architecture.
Prologue below
“In 2022, the O residence stood in the city as a very ordinary private residence as usual. However, the family and the O residence will lead a strange life because of one person who is fascinated by mountains and mountaineering.
"Urban Residential Hiking" This is a proposal of a new way of life by a house and its family that weaves together the distant but certainly connected city and mountains. 』"
Title :Wirraway Indigenous School of Arts (Project Exploration & Concepts)
■ Site:Graham Street, Port Melbourne
■ Program:1. Administration, 2. Gallery, 3. Dance Learning, 4. Main Performance Theatre, 5. Library, 6. Theatre Learning, 7. Music Learning, 8. Creative Arts Learning, 9. Communal Spaces, 10. Service Rooms, 11. External Green Space.
■ Software:Revit, Autocad, SketchUp, Lumion, Procreate (Ipad), Photoshop & InDesign
■ League: Dリーグ
■ D-Type score: 342
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Deakin University
■ School year :Master 2nd year
■ Architect: Gavin Lim Shung
The Wirraway Indigenous School of Arts located in Port Melbourne, Australia, is an aboriginal secondary school project designed through a creative journey of functions follow forms where cardboard models were created from various photographs. One selected model became the subject of ongoing developments through the assistance of an urban renewal project called The Fishermen's Bend Framework. A framework with specific sustainability goals intended to change the future of Port Melbourne. The school aim was to give students a place to learn the Aboriginal Arts of Australia. The arts were divided into five major programs which were Dance Learning, Theatre Learning, Creative Arts and Music Learning. The overall project was deeply inspired by the Aboriginal Culture through materiality, colours and forms which altogether create cohesive spaces.
Title :The home that accompanies the architect for a lifetime: Adaptive residential design based on self-written script
■ Site:The Gaza Strip 8G3PCCF6+V4
■ Program:living, gathering, working, resting
■ Software:photoshop,sketchup, adobe illustrator
■ League: Dリーグ
■ D-Type score: 330
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Politecnico di Milano
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 李忠勋
This design starts from the actual space usage needs of resident users, and introduces variable elements into the house to create a home atmosphere that can be changed according to different life stages, even at different times such as morning and evening, and different space usage needs. As an architect's home, this design fully considers the rich and changeable multi-dimensional enclosed space requirements of the architect's life and space, and uses linear elements to enclose the space with constant openness. Create a fresh, interesting and convenient full-life-cycle apartment that changes with the residents.
The project is located at the junction of South Lovers Road and East Yuehai Road and faces the Pearl River. It is in the service scope of coastal leisure and entertainment as a whole. Therefore, the main service personnel of the art museum are also inclined to coastal entertainment. Therefore, the design of the entire art museum incorporates a large number of public activities. space. Secondly, the design of the exhibition hall is inspired by the changes of light expressed in Monet's paintings (the change of color temperature between days, the different situations of direct light), and then the design is carried out.
It is a league that competes for comprehensive abilities such as the form of architecture and the beauty of composition.
WASA World Architecture Student Award WLS World League Match Winners
Title :CAA 2021 Wood Shell Pavilion(拼接组茶亭)
■ Site:Architecture Department,China Academy of Art campus
■ Program:Tea Pavilion
■ Software:CAD, SketchUp, Photoshop, Indesign
■ League: Eリーグ
■ E-Type score: 357
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Genius Form design Medal
■ University: China Academy of Art
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: Chu Liren
■ Co.Architect: China Academy of Art Year 4 Instructor: Li HUANG
■ Team Member: Liren CHU, Yu XU, Jiabao WANG, Ziyi SHENG,Yiru WANG, Gaohong XU, Jiamin ZHANG, Meiyi CHEN, Ziyun FANG
Project Description
The CAA 2021 Wood Shell Pavilion is one of the built projects in a series study focusing on thin and flexible wood(less than 2mm thickness) as the primary material and experiment new forms of structure to find suitable strategies of building a habitable space. A group of student are challenged to complete a pavilion project with a limited budget of 3000 RMB(450 USD), and also are required to design and build by themselves in only one month. This research is aimed to use minimized amount of material to build a reliable structure in an innovative way where resources are limited and develop a path towards a more sustainable and affordable future of architecture.
The CAA 2021 Wood Shell Pavilion is developed from a bottom-up approach that leaves the imagination of form entirely to the properties of the materials and the designer's intuition. Based on the results of research into bending, layering, and cutting, the centrally symmetrical pavilion consists of eight modules that are twisted and interlinked. Spatially, It follows the structure trend on purpose by staggering the two semicircular base units to enrich communication between the inside and outside. The shell is not only the structure system but also the enclosure. The scale-like shell with gaps allow light to pass through, Both openings are intentionally oriented so that one frames the mountains from the entrance like a camera aperture, while the other overlooks the benches. while the other overlooks the benches. The entrance of the pavilion is 1.5 meters high and visitor bend down to enter which creates a dynamic relationship between the space and the body.
Title :The_Quaver
■ Site:Orłowskie peer, Gdynia, Poland
■ Program:Experimental, recreational
■ Software:Sketch Up, 3Ds Max, Lumion
■ League: Eリーグ
■ E-Type score: 355
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Master Form design Medal
■ University: Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Gdańsku
■ School year : 3rd year undergraduate
■ Architect: Adela Moss
The Quaver is my diploma project, it is solely conceptual and acts as an experiment, a "project - essay". I study interior archietcture, however I understand it as more abstract – the creation of space, experiences. „The Quaver” serves as an attempt at redefining the notion of timber architecture and construction through introducing movement and mechanics into it. The structure is to merge with the structure of Orłowskie Peer in Gdynia, Poland - it’s location, my hometown - and become a "living machine", which one can experience from the inside. The movement of the design is to be perpetuated by the energy and movement of sea waves. The project and it's objectives were inspired by the works and words of Theo Jansen - "The line between art and engineering exists only in our minds", my interest in mechanical constructions and the location itself, through the sea’s ever-changing, dynamic character. The project was to be designed so that the least amount of carbon footprint is produced for it’s creation. The carbon footprint of carefully chosen materials was to be calculated with the Byggeriets Material Pyramid. „The Quaver” was supposed to be a temporary structure to „live” during the summertime months.
Title :Streak Pavilion
■ Site:DECC open plaza, West bay, Qatar
■ Program:pavilion for public space and retail booths, along with engaging activites
■ Software:revit, photoshop
■ League: Eリーグ
■ E-Type score: 349
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Qatar University
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: Loulyana Alchalabi
West bay is a very lively area with skyscrapers and traffic, I wanted to capture the lights of the cars a they are speeding using shutter speed photography to represent the identity of this area and the speed people live in. It is a structure that captures speed and movement where it gives the users a surreal experience. If buildings were visual music, how rock and roll would be?
Title :Lien Guan Architecture -A space where walls sway-
■ Site:京都府京都市西京区嵐山上河原町
■ Program:Library and museum complex
■ Software:illustrater/photoshop/sketchup/vectorworks/twinmotion
■ League: Eリーグ
■ E-Type score: 336
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 佐賀大学
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 田村 怜史
"Somehow connected, somehow separated.
I think that such a sense of distance that humans have indicates the degree of their relationship with others. Modern architectural space divides the space evenly and becomes a monotonous continuation of distance, so the singularity of the space is abstracted, and the fluidity of the space beyond the divided boundary does not occur. We believe that this is greatly influenced by the walls that form the framework of the uniform space. Plan a space where you can freely choose
The morphological manipulation of the wall is such as adding diagonal walls and thickness instead of arranging them in the same shape as in a homogeneous space to partially block the view and create depth by shading, such as a space that tapers forward or widens at the end5. By accumulating the walls according to one form rule, we envision a variety of uses according to each function. As you move around the room, the scenery in which the front and back walls overlap is constantly reorganized, inviting encounters with spaces you have never used and new spatial experiences. By creating a place suitable for such diverse audiences, we propose distance-based architecture that creates a strong and weak relationship between the building and the audience. "
Title :Dynamo Ginza -Proposal of urban power plant powered by silver bra and urban environment-
■ Site:東京都中央区銀座一丁目
■ Program:urban power plant
■ Software:Illustrator、Photoshop、InDesign、Rhinoceros、FlowDesigner
■ League: Eリーグ
■ E-Type score: 336
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 滋賀県立大学
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 石川 博利
■ Co-Architect: 滋賀県立大学 修士1st year 㓛刀虎之介
"As the vulnerability of regionally dependent energy systems has become apparent due to a series of disasters, ``locally produced and consumed electricity'' that takes advantage of regional characteristics is attracting attention.
In this project, by proposing an "urban power generation facility" in "Ginza", which is the target area of the plan, it will play a part in the power supply in the city. We aim to solve the energy problem in the city by using the urban environment such as people who visit Ginbura, building wind, and rainwater as the power source, and three types of power generation methods: biomass, wind power, and solar power, and their circulation systems.
Architecture is planned to respond to the environment. First, by setting the volume back to the city block, we create a comfortable semi-outdoor space that takes in the wind of the city block. Next, by twisting the volume, a form that contributes to mitigation of building wind is adopted. By twisting, the heat-receiving surface and the shaded surface are secured in the south direction, promoting the chimney effect and improving the power generation efficiency.
In addition, we propose a comprehensive environmental system that uses two types of environmental tubes for waste heat and cooling, as well as the use of rainwater. By creating an architecture as a cool spot in the city, we will present the way it should be as an urban environmental architecture in the future that will alleviate the heat island phenomenon. "
Title Knitting seams -Rising Shimokitazawa-
■ Site:下北沢駅前
■ Program:Commercial facility
■ Software:rhino,v-ray,illustrator,photoshop
■ League: Eリーグ
■ E-Type score: 333
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 東京理科大学大学院
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 殖栗 瑞葉
Shimokitazawa has a maze-like walking space, and before you know it, you will forget your destination and start exploring. In the city, the connections between roads and buildings enrich the walking space, and the connections scattered throughout the city make walking around the city an experience. However, a wave of redevelopment is coming to this city, and the city is about to change dramatically. In this city, which is gradually becoming taller with the development of highways, we will reconstruct the city three-dimensionally. The seams that enrich the city are located between the pre-war roads and the buildings that are continuously changing, so it can be said that it is a gap between inheritance and renewal in the city. Creating a commercial facility that creates experiences by architecturalizing the gap between inheritance and renewal. By updating the town based here, it will be reorganized three-dimensionally while inheriting the town centered on pedestrians.
Title :Parametric structure
■ Site:Suzhou, China
■ Program:Vertical garden
■ Software:Grasshopper, Rhino
■ League: Eリーグ
■ E-Type score: 328
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
■ School year : 2nd year undergraduate
■ Architect: Junye He
■ Architect: Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Year 2 Yue Pei
■ Architect: Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Year 2 Jiayu Xu
■ Architect: Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Year 2 Zhuang Meng
■ Architect: Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Year 2 Junye He
■ Architect: Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Year 2 Shihao Yi
Today, parametric design is having a significant impact on the traditional way of designing buildings. This project is therefore an interesting experiment to explore computer modelling.
Firstly, in this work, computer design performs two main functions. One is for defining complex building shapes and the other is for force simulation. Parametric modelling software is able to help architects to control the dimensions of each building element precisely and efficiently, thus creating a beautiful curved building. At the same time, with the help of computers, the previously complex process of force analysis is greatly simplified, which is a more likely to realize complicate curved buildings.
Secondly, the buildings designed by the parametric software also have the necessary functionality to be more than just a charming sculpture. In this project, the building's function is defined as a large trellis in the city, acting as a vertical garden. The plants represent nature. While parametric design empowers the productivity of architecture, harmony with nature is also something that every architect must think about.
Title :World War I memorial museum
■ Site:54.805003, 19.963709 - coordinates in google, Kaliningrad region
■ Program:
■ Software:SketchUp, Revit; 3Ds Max+Corona renderer; Adobe Photoshop; Autocad.
■ League: Eリーグ
■ E-Type score: 328
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: Negoda Matvey
The World War I Memorial Museum is located on the Baltic Sea coast, west of Kaliningrad. This place is quite popular with residents of nearby settlements: many people go to the coast to relax and enjoy the surrounding nature. Near the memorial museum there are several monuments and war graves, which are also a place of frequently visited. However, the lack of convenient transport infrastructure makes the coast difficult to access. The Memorial Museum establishes and enriches people's connection with the place, making it more accessible. Now people can not only "touch" nature, but also honor the memory of people affected by the war. Depending on the location of the entrance to the building, there are several routes. The exhibits and elements tell about the war and its horrors, reminding people of the high price they had to pay for peace. War is a crime against humanity
■ Site:Kadıköy Parkı
■ Program:Library (Library of things, multipurposel hall, study areas, exhibition spaces, Restaurant, Cafe, Workshop areas, Technology rooms, Common kitchen, ofices, Maker space, Accomodation unit etc.)
■ Software:SkehUp, Lumion, Photoshop
■ League: Eリーグ
■ E-Type score: 327
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Istanbul Bilgi University
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: Kemal lker Aldemir
-Istanbul is a city that has hosted many civilizations such as Byzantines, Ottomans, etc. The Bosphorus is an international transit point. We can think of the Bosphorus (we can think as a exhibition path of structures) as an open space where structures such as Hagia Sophia, Galata tower, Haydarpaşa, Çamlıca tower, etc. are exhibited(landmarks of Istanbul).
-The project area is at a very important point. It can be seen as an entrance axis with the historical peninsula to Istanbul. (Entrance to exhibition path of time). The new library to be built can be a landmark representing the modern era and work with other exhibited historical era landmarks.
Basically, as a concept;
-New Library is part of the time exhibition of Bosphorus and works as a Landmark of the city.
-The building has an effort to show itself, try to reach the historical peninsula.
-It is presented as part of the exhibition along with its platform.
-Maintaining eye contact with the environment.
-The view is important, the orientation towards the Bosphorus.
It is a league that competes for comprehensive abilities such as space and interior.
WASA World Architecture Student Award WLS World League Match Winners
The scheme is hidden in nature and in dialogue with the mountains, highlighting the way of life that faces the mountains and rivers and coexists in harmony with nature. The main body of the building is ups and downs, resembling a continuous hill. Architectural layout form iron and terrain, natural harmony. The architectural style is the new Chinese-style building, which is in line with the local living environment. When designing the courtyard, it not only echoes the site, but also sets off the main building. At the same time, garden species are used to frame and contrast the scenery. Move and change the scene and other methods to increase the interest on the basis of the guarantee function.
Title :Kasba casa
■ Site:Proposed site has the sight of the Yamuna river and botanical garden with the bird sanctuary around.
■ Program:A high rise building
■ Software:Lumion、sketchup、autocad、vray
■ League: Fリーグ
■ F-Type score: 329
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Master Space design Medal
■ University: Madhav Institute Of Science and Technology, Gwalior
■ School year : 3rd year undergraduate
■ Architect: Shivangi Swarnkar
The concept is inspired from Streets and colonies are referred to as "mahalla" in India unites people, similarly the cluster of building formed by making the common opening on every 3rd floor towards the street.
vertical colonies kind of experience towards the building to unite people together. like gullies in India
■ Site:4 Columbuis Circle, New York, NY 10019
■ Program:The Space will be mainly distributed under five main cate- gories of teams: CEO, sales team, marketing team, finance team, production team, and operation/resource team.
■ Software:Revit, Enscape, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator
■ League: Fリーグ
■ F-Type score: 325
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Syracuse University
■ School year : 3rd year undergraduate
■ Architect: Hongan Nan
The office space is mainly intended to allow occupants to travel in a smooth and coherent flow that guides them toward the resting/support spaces, thus allowing occupants to achieve flexibility and dynamic interactions between workspaces and resting/supporting areas. Additionally, the color theme of pink incorporated with black and white overfills the workspace that allows occupants to experience the pleasant and pleasance the pink shade provides and experience the strong contrast between black and white tones. The concept of sustainability is included within the office space considering energy saving and inspiration from The Living Building Challenge ideas. Furthermore, the office space promotes technologies to achieve virtual reality or flexible work transition from working from home and working on-site. Last but not least, the collaboration between individual and team-based workspaces is clearly distinguished for further flexibility.
Title :2022PortfolioApartment Assembly
■ Software:Rhino, Sketchup, Photoshop, Enscape
■ League: Fリーグ
■ F-Type score: 316
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: University of Edinburgh
■ School year : 2nd year undergraduate
■ Architect: Jiayi Liu
This portfolio is a collection of my creative inspirations. Projects mainly focused on the groundbreaking and experimental design ideas, supplementing the architectural design I studied at school.
Title :DoesArchitectureCare
■ Site:Garstang Rd, Cockerham, Lancaster, United Kingdom, LA2 0HA
■ Program:Nursing Home
■ Software:Photoshop, Indesign, Procreate
■ League: Fリーグ
■ F-Type score: 308
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: University of Edinburgh
■ School year : 2nd year undergraduate
■ Architect: Jiayi Liu
The project is designed to respond to the theme ' Architecture does not care.' After investigating the details of the old building Crookhey Hall, I was amazed by the complicated and inconvenient circulation. Its structure and organization are reversing to older people's physiological needs. To magnify the puzzling circulation, I demolished all the structures except the circulation and the rooms around it to form a new tectonic. The appearance of the design expresses the plight of the elderly and gives a negative answer to the question: does architecture care?
Title :Tangling Brethe
■ Site:大阪府大阪市北区中之島淀屋橋
■ Program:urban outer space
■ Software:Procreate/Illustrator/Photoshop/Rhinoceros
■ League: Fリーグ
■ F-Type score: 306
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 京都大学大学院
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 幸地 良篤
■ Co-Architect: 東京理科大学大学院 修士1st year 橋口 真緒
"We use water every day. While water cities in history directly understood the value of water, in modern times the relationship with water has become indirect. , the relationship with water needs to be recognized again.We propose a new relationship with water in the aquatic city Osaka through "air design".
The site is Yodoyabashi, Osaka Prefecture. Yodoyabashi is Osaka's most beloved bridge, located at the crossroads of Midosuji, the bustling center of Osaka, and the river, which symbolizes the water metropolis of Osaka. This proposal proposes an underwater walking space in the river in line with Osaka City's Midosuji walking space, aiming for a new "urban exterior space".
Taking a flat surface that is born from the river and disappears into the river, you can feel the connection with the bridge while connecting with the ground. While valuing the place where aquatic creatures live, I planned to cherish the place of people. The scenery created there has the potential to induce unique emotions and actions. The city's exterior space, which nurtures a new relationship with water, expands toward Midosuji, and will become a rich place for the people of the city.
Title :Origami
■ Site:大阪府枚方市上野3丁目4-17
■ Program:corner of university campus
■ Software:Rhinoceros,Twinmotion,Photoshop,Illustrator
■ League: Fリーグ
■ F-Type score: 305
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 千葉大学大学院
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 片山 雅也
A slab that connects space and space. The slab creates continuity in the space and makes the flow of people fluid. Architects Claude Paran and Paul Virilio proposed the possibility of a new space in architecture with an architectural slanted floor (hereinafter referred to as slanted floor), with the aim of fixing human life on a slanted plane. He proposed the "slanted theory". A slanted floor is an architectural component that is claimed to have the possibility of a third architectural space in contrast to the horizontal and vertical axes in modern architecture. In this proposal, we create a place where the boundary between the inside and the outside becomes ambiguous by slanting the inside and outside and constructing a building that includes a slanted floor space (hereinafter referred to as slanted floor architecture) like folding origami. To plan. The slanted floor gradually switches between expanding and narrowing the space, creating a sense of openness and closure, and by inducing a visual relationship between people, it indirectly connects individuals and groups. In addition, the hill-like floor removes barriers to movement, and the slope gently connects the three-dimensional space, making the upper and lower spaces continuous and creating diversity in the space. Furthermore, in order to realize the concept of a campus open to the city, we will reconsider the architecture that is built as an extension of the city and nature so that the townscape that spreads on the west side of the site and the forest that spreads on the east side are continuous.
"The architectural design of the kindergarten is novel in conception, reasonable in function and appropriate in layout, and responds to the needs of contemporary kindergarten buildings in the city. Combining with the actual situation of the site, breakthroughs have been made in the aspects of modeling conception, function setting, and color tone.
(1) Modeling concept: Combine the orderly building units, the tortuous and continuous roof platform to respond to the urban atmosphere, and use the rich height difference to respond to the modern urban scene.
(2) In terms of functional setting, combined with the division of the kindergarten’s architectural teaching, office and logistics lines, the functions of living units, public classrooms, and logistics areas are reasonably placed in the building volume, and the small open-air theater has not only become a visual focus, and undertakes inter-class activities for children;
(3) In terms of color tone, combined with the theory of architectural aesthetics in kindergartens, it responds to children's psychological needs for architectural colors. Using blue and white tones, it implies the image of the ocean, white clouds, and city, and expresses the expectation for children to be healthy, broad-minded, and dreaming forever. "
"Countless modern people are caught in the torrent everywhere in their lives, speeding up, and being carried forward every day. They can't choose their starting point, and they can't choose their destination. It's like a way home, sure. The end point is the confusion suppressed by the navigation, numbness in obeying and the machine's orders. At the scenery where you want to stay, you are blown away by the horn of the traffic light; at the place where you want to skip quickly, you are stuck by the fixed traffic.
Based on this phenomenon, a new type of community space model—a right to choose is proposed. The reasonable shortest path organization method is calculated by the wool algorithm, and the traffic pattern within the community is simulated based on this spatial form: the road network is divided reasonably. A centralized activity venue is formed in the central area of the community, and a skywalk is formed around it. The public indoor space is reasonably organized under the skywalk, so that people can enjoy the convenience of life immediately through the walkway.
It is a league that competes for comprehensive abilities such as details, materials, and furniture.
WASA World Architecture Student Award WLS World League Match Winners
Title :Local production for local consumption of memory
■ Site:静岡県島田市伊太1314
■ Program:housing complex
■ Software:autoCAD,illustrator,photoshop
■ League: Gリーグ
■ G-Type score: 338
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Genius human design Medal
■ University: 静岡理工科大学
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 疋田 大智
The pandemic of the new coronavirus has controlled the public by limiting contact with the outside world and others to a minimum. The transformation of my life due to the corona crisis has made me realize that the existence that directly affects me and the existence that has given me is important. Therefore, I would like to reconsider what the “other” was. In the end, I think that others (family other than myself, nature, animals and plants) are memories. Space is an existence that communicates the time and emotions that I and others share, and the indirect memories that cannot be taken in are not others. That's why somewhere in our hearts, we always think of the original scenery and live by clinging to our memories. In the plan, I would like to focus on the space “school” where everyone has shared experiences with others, and I will take up my alma mater. Now, instead of treating the closed school building as a receptacle for functions, I would like to plan a village where all kinds of other people gather through a strong connection between memory and space. City-scale elements that do not require school district boundaries were able to spin past memories through space and create new lives with others.
Title :small hands looking at the big world
■ Site:愛知県豊橋市 佐藤5丁目16-2
■ Program:Nursery school (0 to 2 years old)
■ Software:Procreate/Illustrator/Photoshop/Rhinoceros
■ League: Gリーグ
■ G-Type score: 307
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Master human design Medal
■ University: 京都大学大学院
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 幸地 良篤
■ Co-Architect: 京都大学大学院 修士1st year 岩崎 遊野
■ Co-Architect: 京都大学大学院 修士1st year 大橋 和貴
■ Co-Architect: 京都大学大学院 修士1st year 城 怜奈
"All of us, including adults and children, have different physical characteristics. However, today, fixed values are often used for measurements, and the 'dimensions' of children are 'forgotten.' I wonder if it is. For children aged 0 to 2 who were in their mother's womb not long ago, the existence of a nursery school may feel like a city.
The target site is Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture. Beginning with the promenade that spreads throughout the town, the area around the site offers an environment where you can live while feeling the nature. When I looked at the area around the site from a child's perspective, I felt that the promenade was lush like a forest leading to Okumikawa, and the ponds such as Chomiike looked like the sea leading to Enshunada. Based on these, we aim to create a "nursery school that grows with the climate" from various places and spatial experiences born from "forgotten dimensions".
At this nursery school, which carefully picks up "forgotten dimensions," children learn about trees, learn about nature, interact with various people, and find their favorite places. Even when I grow up, I will continue to walk in this big world with steady steps. The lively atmosphere that nurtures the "children's point of view" will eventually become the "townscape" and become the climate of Toyohashi. "
Title :change residence
■ Site:東京都渋谷区猿楽町
■ Program:complex
■ Software:Illustrator、Vectorworks、twinmotion、スケッチアップ、Photoshop
■ League: Gリーグ
■ G-Type score: 304
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 日本大学
■ School year : 3rd year undergraduate
■ Architect: 高松 えみり
"This architecture is a complex facility that integrates work and home, with the core of the building being a house that can be lived in for generations, and the small space that spreads out from there to expand the community.
As represented by Hillside Terrace and Daikanyama T-site, which celebrated their 50th anniversary, Daikanyama has always been a driving force behind Tokyo and Japanese culture. This place has a strong community that has been around for a long time, and while there is a spirit of respecting tradition, there is also a spirit of trying to be on the cutting edge of the times.
As the Asakura family continued to live in the area for generations, the town of Daikanyama felt the flow of the times and changes in needs, and as the surroundings changed, the entire town was renewed and formed. By continuing to live in this place in the same way, the community will expand with the five cores. We propose a future lifestyle of "opening business" that makes the most of Daikanyama's uniqueness so that the community that integrates work and home will become a base for new Daikanyama culture.
We proposed a new method of community formation based on the 50 years of the town of Daikanyama, which we believe will change the shape of collective housing in the future and will be a step towards a richer life. "
Title :Primary Healthcare Center (Nurse Station)
■ Site:The site is located in Saphale East and is a Reserved Site for healthcare facilities, Nallasopara, Palghar district, State Maharashtra, India.
■ Program:Nurse Work Station Administrative department, Wards and Rooms, OPD'S, ICU units, Diagnostic Centers, etc
■ Software:AutoCAD, SketchUP, Lumion, Photoshop
■ League: Gリーグ
■ G-Type score: 397
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Mumbai University
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: Eldhose Bince
This design proposal is based on the concept of 'refractory brutalism'. This concept aims to create designs at a point where refraction of light meets brutalism. While refraction of lights ensures bending of the light, brutalism results into massive monolithic and a rigid geometrical style. Refraction of light is the change in direction of the incident ray from one medium to another. In our case, the incident ray from the air medium (surrounding) enters the building and takes a form which is quite interesting than just an opening. The way the sunrays falls on the floor and the walls, not only creates a pattern which is pleasing to the viewer but also provides diffused sunlight throughout the porch. This is referred to as refraction of light. These type of facade treatment is also used in multiple areas where harsh sunlight is falling on the structure.
The play of light due to a combined effect of refraction and scattering of light adds on to its aesthetic value. This helps in ensuring diffused sunlight throughout the structure.
Brutalist buildings are characterized by their massive, monolithic
and 'blocky' appearance with a rigid geometric style and
large-scale use of poured concrete. The use of exposed wood and concrete is the peculiarity of brutalistic architecture which is highlighted in my structure. The rawness of the materials, adds on to the overall essence of the structure.
In my design, the false facade which is used throughout the
structure not only serves for aesthetic point of view but also caters
in the enhanced distribution of diffused sunlight throughout. The wooden logs used throughout the structure is of 3 cm wide, which helps in maximizing the diffused light throughout the areas hit by harsh sunlight, to maintain an overall cooling effect.
Title :Hachieawase of Kabeawase
■ Site:
■ Program:housing complex
■ Software:rhinoceros,illustrator,photoshop
■ League: Gリーグ
■ G-Type score: 292
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 日本大学
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: 三谷 翼空
■ Co-Architect: 日本大学 4th year 梅澤 秀太
"Architecture that stays close to the lives of others and shares behavior"
Due to the corona crisis, more time is spent at home, troubles between families, isolation of single people, and less opportunities to meet people are progressing. In recent years, in collective housing, people gather in the collective housing just by connecting the corridors to the boxed dwellings, but there are almost no encounters with people, and even if new residents move in, they will not be involved. ends with the first greeting, and there is absolutely no opportunity to engage further. Due to the functional and efficient layout of the house, although it is physically free, it feels like it is mentally inconvenient. Can it be said that the architecture really protects itself even if it can withstand the rain and the wind? It seems that the role of architecture is to protect yourself only when you have peace of mind. I think about such a collective housing where you can meet people, penetrate into other people's lives, and live together. In this proposal, the inner walls of the house are extended to the upper and lower spaces to create a space where residents can indirectly feel the daily scenery of the residents. The space is partitioned by walls and arranged in consideration of people's line of sight, and the whole collective housing that shares the behavior of life inside and outside the house creates a spatial experience like a single house. "
Title :Ochibamichi's house
■ Site:東京都八王子市南大沢
■ Program:housing complex
■ Software:Rhinoceros,Twinmotion,Photoshop,Illustrator
■ League: Gリーグ
■ G-Type score: 292
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 千葉大学大学院
■ School year : Master 1st year
■ Architect: 片山 雅也
■ Co-Architect: 千葉大学大学院 2nd year 大久保宣恭
■ Co-Architect: 千葉大学大学院 2nd year 西川友実子
■ Co-Architect: 千葉大学大学院 1st year 稲毛裕也
■ Co-Architect: 千葉大学 4年th year 漆原東子
Trees in parks and roadside trees maintain a beautiful appearance in the city and give people a sense of calmness and comfort. However, fallen leaves from these trees spoil the aesthetic appearance, clog rain gutters and gutters, cause slips, and cause trouble with neighbors. ing. Therefore, instead of excluding fallen leaves from people's living space, we focus on their properties and propose a collective housing where people can coexist with fallen leaves. When people step on fallen leaves, they break and harden. In this housing complex, people walk on the piled-up fallen leaves, and the trajectories that are trodden down appear as "Ochibamichi". A favorite place, someone's walking path, a children's playground... In addition, by manipulating the architecture to create gaps where fallen leaves can enter and gaps where the surrounding nature can be taken in, Ochibamichi will be intertwined with people's lives on a daily basis. Ochibamichi is born when people walk, and at the same time, it gently restricts where people walk. Through this interaction, people meet and a living space is formed as they create their own place. The action of fallen leaves and people's lives spreads a variety of fantails throughout the site and even into the city.
Title :We sew, connect and meet
■ Site:
■ Program:housing complex
■ Software:rhinoceros,illustrator,photoshop
■ League: Gリーグ
■ G-Type score: 285
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: 日本大学
■ School year : 4th year undergraduate
■ Architect: 三谷 翼空
■ Co-Architect: 日本大学 4th year 梅澤秀太
■ Co-Architect: 日本大学 4th year 安藤大翔
■ Co-Architect: 日本大学 4th year 尾沢圭太
■ Co-Architect: 日本大学 4th year 法橋礼歩
"People's lives are divided by walls. However, the pipes wrapped around architecture cross the boundaries in places that are not visible every day, supporting and connecting our lives. By sharing them, we create an endless dwelling that continues to connect.People unconsciously cross the boundaries of their lives by the act of drying, putting away, and hanging clothes.However, modern dwellings However, we have not been able to present a destination that transcends that boundary.Therefore, by adding an element to hang clothes on the plumbing that has been manifested as an axis for sharing life, and sublimating it to a [connector] that connects each dwelling, A residence that connects the inside and the outside.
Hang out the laundry. It seems that the actions that we are used to seeing in our daily lives actually jump over the boundaries of our daily lives and provide an opportunity to connect the inside and the outside. By adding color to the behavior that has become a habit in the endless act of people's lives, we propose a "never-ending house" that jumps over the boundaries of time and space by weaving space.
Title :studio 1.2
■ Site:12 Gore St, Manchester M1 3AQ, United Kingdom
■ Program:A shop selling a traditional delicacy while educating people about the delicacy
■ Software:autocad, procreate, photoshop, indesign, sketchup
■ League: Gリーグ
■ G-Type score: 279
■ Award year: 2022
■ Award name: Best Selection Award
■ University: Manchester School of Architecture
■ School year : 2nd year undergraduate
■ Architect: Leong Meng Dan Amanda
Kueh' has been a childhood snack that my parents bring home for my sister and I, we make then on special occasions and I love how it tastes. Hence, when it came to choosing a delicacy from home to be the main theme of the design, I picked 'kueh'. We had to provide a space for the making and selling of the product, and also a space to educate others on the product. The design of the building incorporated elements from traditional shop-houses found in Singapore's culture, as well as other cultural elements in the interior.