【必須1】 . エントリー期間 6月1日~8月1日23:59

Structure of the Book

Chapter 6
Perfect Design and Evaluation
Chapter 0
What is "Perfect Architecture"? ”完璧な建築”とは
The Perfect Architecture (Multidimensional Design and Construction Theory)"
What constitutes a "perfect architecture"? The answer varies depending on one's perspective. Clients, designers, builders, and users each evaluate architecture based on their own unique values.
For clients, "perfect architecture" may contribute to corporate or organizational expansion, enhance revenue and recognition, or provide exceptional services and experiences. For designers, it may lie in the creation of innovative forms, spatial experiences, the revitalization of communities, or the embodiment of architectural theory and artistic expression. For builders, the process of realizing a concept, improving construction techniques, or strategically executing complex details can be defining aspects. For users, factors such as improved convenience, interior and furniture design, immersive spatial experiences, and opportunities for social interaction may define perfection in architecture.
In essence, architecture that responds to all these perspectives and allows for multifaceted interpretation can be considered "perfect." Architecture does not exist under a single unified value system but rather incorporates diverse viewpoints. This is similar to media works such as manga and anime, where interpretation is enriched not only by the main storyline but also by historical context, the creator's ideology, artistic techniques, economic influence, and accumulated knowledge. The same applies to other cultural fields such as film, literature, music, games, fashion, and cuisine, where a multidimensional appreciation is possible. For example, in cinema, aspects such as cinematography, scriptwriting, and musical scoring interplay to create meaning. Similarly, in architecture, multiple value systems coexist, allowing for varied forms of appreciation based on one's perspective.
Constructing "The Perfect Architecture (Multidimensional Design and Construction Theory)"
By collecting architectural values and designs from around the world, breaking them down into textual components, classifying them, and integrating them into a single database, it becomes possible to comprehensively document all forms of architectural value and design patterns. Methods such as text mining for architectural theory classification and artificial intelligence-driven analysis techniques enable more precise categorization of architectural characteristics, moving away from subjective evaluation. By visualizing architecture’s multidimensional nature, the realization of "The Perfect Architecture" becomes possible.
This book defines "The Perfect Architecture" as a theoretical framework, exploring its concept from a multidimensional perspective. Achieving this requires organizing architecture’s infinite qualities ("Nature") and elements ("Elements") into a structured text-based system.
"Nature" refers to the intrinsic characteristics of architecture, which cannot simply be described through adjectives but require comprehensive textual expressions.
"Elements" include historical context, material composition, spatial form, and functional aspects, all of which should be systematically documented through text.
Architecture in the 21st Century and the Meaning of "The Perfect Architecture"
Looking at Western and Japanese architectural history, architecture has always evolved alongside societal transformations. From traditional stylistic architecture to modernism through the Industrial Revolution, and later to postmodernism and deconstructivism, architectural trends have continuously emerged and shifted.
In the 21st century, what defines architecture?
With advancements in information technology, cultural and design ideas are instantly shared across the globe through the internet and social media. Despite regional differences in climate, materials, and economic background, architectural technologies and design methodologies have rapidly globalized, blurring the lines of regional identity. Additionally, the rise in architectural education and economic growth has led to an increase in architects worldwide, along with the emergence of mega-architecture firms that integrate both design and production at an unprecedented scale.
The widespread use of algorithmic design tools such as Grasshopper has enabled the creation of complex architectural forms never before possible. However, the standardization of these technologies also allows anyone to utilize the same methodologies, leading to a homogenization of design approaches. The application of 3D printing in architecture is advancing rapidly, but it too presents the challenge of making similar designs widely replicable.
In the 20th century, architects were at the forefront of design, shaping new paradigms. However, in the 21st century, as design tools and accessibility expand, architectural design itself has become more ambiguous, necessitating a redefinition of architecture’s role and value.
The concept of "The Perfect Architecture (Multidimensional Design and Construction Theory)" addresses this issue. By systematizing and structuring the vast array of global architectural designs through a multidimensional lens, a new framework for architectural theory can be proposed. Through the integration of information technology and diverse perspectives, the essence of 21st-century architecture can be explored, and the concept of "The Perfect Architecture" can be realized.
This book seeks to define "The Perfect Architecture" as a theoretical concept, exploring its possibilities from multiple dimensions. Readers are encouraged to engage with its ideas—both in agreement and in critique—as they consider the future of architecture.
Author 著者
Yusuke Shimizu – Architect and Critic
設計者兼評論家 清水 勇佑
The author of this book, Yusuke Shimizu, is a Japanese architect and critic. He studied architectural design at Nihon University, one of Japan’s leading institutions for architectural education, with over 700 students enrolled in its first-year architecture program. His academic exploration extended beyond the Department of Architecture to fields such as marine architecture, urban planning, and production engineering, deepening his inquiry into design concepts and evaluation frameworks. This interdisciplinary approach led him to reexamine the essence of architecture, eventually setting the foundation for his pursuit of the “perfect architecture.”
The Essence of Design Proposals
During his architectural design studies, Shimizu engaged in discussions with a diverse range of students and professors, exposing himself to multiple perspectives on architecture. The sheer volume of design projects produced annually—along with the accumulated archives of past works—was immense. However, many ideas bore similarities, and even highly original proposals often converged within a limited range of variations.
By his second year, he hypothesized that architectural design proposals were combinations of fundamental “Elements” of architecture. He explored the possibility of systematizing and structuring these elements, allowing designers to enhance their memory and creativity. By leveraging a well-organized database, he believed it was possible to clarify design expansibility and similarity, ultimately fostering the creation of more distinctive and exceptional architectural designs.
Objectivity in Architectural Evaluation
The professors evaluating architectural projects had diverse values and perspectives, leading to variations in assessment criteria. Although grading was conducted on a 100-point scale, and extensive discussions took place among faculty members, achieving a completely satisfactory evaluation framework remained challenging. While critiques from architects and professors were invaluable, the subjective nature of their assessments sometimes resembled popularity-based voting rather than purely objective evaluation.
Starting in his third year, Shimizu sought to introduce a more objective method by collecting a broad range of evaluation comments (Nature of Architecture) from both within and outside the university. He conducted statistical analyses to integrate subjective evaluations while refining an objective evaluation system. His approach aimed to position architectural works and designers in a more systematic, data-driven manner—a methodology applicable to competitions, academic evaluations, and proposal assessments by utilizing accumulated subjective evaluations in a structured way.
設計作品を評価する教授陣は多岐にわたり、それぞれ異なる価値観や視点を持つ。評価の場では、100点満点の採点が行われ、教授同士の議論が交わされるものの、評価基準に対して完全な納得感を得ることは難しい。建築家や教授による評価は非常に有益ではあるが、主観的要素が強く、意図せずとも人気投票的な側面を帯びることがある。大学3年次より、評価コメント(建築の性質 "Nature")を学内外から広範に収集し、統計分析を行うことで、評価者の主観を踏襲しながらも、客観的な評価を可能にする手法を確立できるのではないかと考えた。このアプローチにより、プロポーザルやコンペ、学内評価において、過去の主観的評価の蓄積を活用しながら、作品や設計者の能力を客観的視点で位置付けることが可能となる。
The Database and the Pursuit of the "Perfect Architecture"
During his student years, Shimizu developed a comprehensive database integrating architectural Elements (design components) and Nature (evaluative characteristics), continuously collecting and analyzing architectural data from around the world. The essence of this database lay in structuring design ideas and compositional methods systematically, bridging the gap between designers (creators) and evaluators (critics) by aligning their expectations and values.
He theorized that by analyzing past design trends, optimal design solutions could be derived, leading him to apply this methodology to his graduation thesis, where he pursued the theoretical foundation of “perfect architecture” through this database-driven design and evaluation system.
Following his academic journey, Shimizu served as the chief judge of the WASA World Architecture Student Awards, where he deepened discussions on the concept of perfect architecture through evaluation activities. Currently, he continues his career at Kengo Kuma & Associates, applying his principles in practice as both an architect and critic.
Script 本書
To adequately express the multidimensionality of "perfect architecture," the two-dimensional representation of traditional print media has inherent limitations. Printed books serve as a foundational backbone offering the universal framework of "perfect architecture," while specific architectural designs and technical details are best explored through the web, thereby realizing the true value of this book. Books as a medium convey information to readers with a linear narrative structure. However, understanding "perfect architecture" requires more than a single viewpoint; it demands a multidimensional, non-linear reading experience. Therefore, the fusion of print media and the web becomes crucial.
To accurately express the multidimensional nature of architecture, the limitations of two-dimensional representation in print media must be acknowledged. Books function as a foundational framework that presents the universal components of architecture, while the dynamic details of architectural design and technology are entrusted to the web, ultimately providing true value to readers. The enduring content of print media serves to accurately document fundamental architectural concepts and philosophies, forming the basis for architectural understanding. Meanwhile, the web acts as a dynamic platform for exploring the latest architectural designs and technological advancements.
By integrating the comprehensiveness of books with the fluidity of the web, a new system for recording and understanding architecture can be established. Readers can grasp fundamental concepts through books while accessing the latest information via the web, thereby acquiring practical insights.
This approach significantly contributes to the evolution of the architectural field. By using books to understand theoretical knowledge and the web to examine real-world examples, readers can experience a multidimensional learning process that cannot be captured in a single print publication. By continuously updating records to reflect changes in the real world and sharing new technologies and research findings with concrete examples, the very nature of architecture will be further enriched.
Simultaneous Agnosia 同時多発性の認識不全
In pursuit of architectural perfection
In the modern era, where information circulates instantaneously and design convergence accelerates, architecture is increasingly influenced by globalization, necessitating a redefinition of creativity. Under these circumstances, architects and designers must not only pursue originality but also position it within historical, social, and technological contexts to create enduring value. To establish new design theories, it is essential to systematize the multidimensional value of architecture through the concept of the "perfect architecture."
Simultaneous Creativity and the Positioning of Originality in Architecture
In contemporary architectural design, we cannot ignore the phenomenon of "simultaneous creativity." As the number of architects and designers increases globally and information is instantly shared through the internet, similar designs and thought processes are emerging almost simultaneously across the world. This phenomenon highlights that individual creativity is never isolated but is instead born within the cultural and technological context of society as a whole. Architects must always be aware that no matter how unique they believe their designs to be, similar ideas may already be taking shape elsewhere.
Architecture is not created from nothing; rather, it is constructed upon the accumulated knowledge, forms, technologies, and history of the past. Even the most avant-garde designs are often evolved or derived forms of previous works or a combination of multiple influences. Even if an idea appears innovative, it is inevitably rooted in an individual's cultural and linguistic environment, and it may already have been realized in different forms within other historical and regional contexts.
This phenomenon is also deeply connected to the homogenization and standardization of design. In architectural projects, when cost efficiency and constructability are prioritized, the individuality of design is often overshadowed by rationality and reproducibility. The widespread use of CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and BIM (Building Information Modeling) has streamlined design processes, leading to the increasing prevalence of modularized elements and, consequently, similar designs. In other words, while advances in architectural productivity offer significant benefits, they also pose the risk of eroding the uniqueness of design.
こうした現象は、デザインの均質化や標準化とも深く関係している。建築プロジェクトにおいて、コスト効率や施工性の向上を優先する場合、個々のデザインの独自性よりも、合理性や再現性が重視されることが多い。特に、CAD(Computer-Aided Design)やBIM(Building Information Modeling)の普及により、設計プロセスが効率化されると同時に、モジュール化された要素の活用が一般化し、結果として類似したデザインが増加する傾向にある。つまり、建築の生産性向上がもたらす恩恵の裏側で、デザインの個性が埋没するリスクが高まっているのだ。
So how can architects establish originality and clearly position their designs? The key lies in adopting a multidimensional perspective. It is not enough to create unique forms; architects must also understand how their designs are positioned within historical contexts and how they are received under social and environmental influences. Here, the concept of "perfect architecture" becomes particularly useful—not as a mere idealized vision but as a framework for evaluating architecture across multiple dimensions.
Moreover, architectural creativity requires a balance between subjective creative power and objective analytical ability. The former represents an architect's sensibility, experience, and personal philosophy expressed through design, while the latter involves conducting thorough research and analysis to understand how one's design is evaluated within historical and social contexts. When these two aspects are integrated, architecture moves beyond mere eccentricity and becomes a meaningful act of creation that contributes to society.
具体的には、自らのデザインが 「学内」「地域」「国内」「世界」 という異なるスケールでどの程度独自性を持つのかを分析することが求められる。あるデザインが学内では革新的と評価されても、国内や国際的な視点ではすでに一般的な手法である可能性もある。逆に、ある地域では既存の価値観に基づいたものが、異なる文化圏では全く新しい発想として捉えられることもある。このように、建築デザインは絶えず異なる文脈の中で再解釈されるため、自身のデザインがどのレイヤーでどのような立ち位置にあるのかを把握することが極めて重要となる。
Moving forward, what is required of us is the ability to pursue originality in design while also situating it appropriately within historical and social contexts to create enduring value. To achieve this, the following perspectives are crucial:
Recognizing the layers of originality: Understanding how a design is perceived at academic, regional, national, and global scales.
Emphasizing historical and social positioning: Ensuring that originality is not pursued in isolation but is instead informed by historical continuity and social significance.
Fusing creativity with analysis: Developing designs that are not only aesthetically unique but also critically grounded in architectural discourse.
Ensuring sustainability in meaning: Creating works that are not just momentarily innovative but continue to hold significance over time.
True architectural creativity is not merely about generating unprecedented forms but about determining how a design is positioned within its era and how it retains meaningful value over time. As architects, we must create within the context of past accumulations and continuously question the significance of our work for the future. In an era where simultaneous creativity is unavoidable, adopting a multidimensional approach to our designs and ensuring their firm significance within history and society is the stance required of us.
With the increase in the number of architects and designers and the development of the internet, similar designs and thought processes are being created simultaneously. Those who design architecture should always be aware of this. No matter how innovative the designs or proposals created may be, it is important to evaluate them from an objective viewpoint and position them within the global context of design.
Designs, even when created from scratch by architects and designers, often draw from existing forms, developments, and combinations. Even innovative ideas proposed are influenced by one's own cultural and linguistic contexts, potentially already realized somewhere else in the world. As the population of architects and designers grows, the proliferation of similar designs and thought processes becomes unavoidable.Architects, designers, and architecture students confront the daily chaos of the modern world.
In architectural projects, standardized designs are often adopted to emphasize cost-efficiency and ease of construction. Furthermore, the proliferation of technologies such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) has streamlined the design process, contributing to the increase in standardized designs and expressions.
To foster more creative and multidimensional designs, it is crucial to embrace the concept of "perfect architecture," where designs are constructed in a multidimensional manner daily. Understanding the probability of one's design being created within academia, local communities, domestically, and globally helps gauge its originality. Moreover, it aids in positioning one's design amidst derivations, developments, and combinations.
Creative endeavors demand both subjective creativity and objective analytical skills. At its core lies "perfect architecture," serving as a critical foundation. Simultaneously, we are encouraged to leverage our unique perspectives and experiences to generate unique designs.
Architecture is not merely a physical structure but an evolving entity that continuously transforms in response to societal and technological shifts. Future-oriented architecture must transcend fixed forms, adapt to environmental and societal changes, and integrate with technology to present new spatial possibilities. In essence, future-oriented architecture embodies four key attributes: adaptability, sustainability, interactivity, and autonomy. It must evolve in resonance with societal changes. This chapter explores the characteristics of future-oriented architecture and examines the concept of the "perfect architecture" that transcends the flow of time.
1. Characteristics of Future-Oriented Architecture
1. 未来志向の建築の性質
1.1 Adaptability
Future cities and architecture must possess flexibility to swiftly accommodate changes in use, expansion, or contraction in response to a rapidly evolving society. Architecture must not be a static entity but one that adapts to its ever-changing environment, ensuring long-term value in future societies.
Walter Gropius's concept of "Bauhaus Adaptable Housing" exemplifies this principle. Its modular design allows for the free reconfiguration of interior spaces, enabling flexible responses to residents' evolving lifestyles. Similarly, Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) proposed "The Mountain," a sustainable housing project that merges urban living with nature, demonstrating architectural adaptability in a residential context.
1.1 適応性(Adaptability)
ヴァルター・グロピウスが提唱した「バウハウスの可変住宅」は、その先駆的な概念の一例である。可変性を備えたモジュール設計により、室内空間の構成を自由に変化させることが可能となり、居住者のライフスタイルに合わせた柔軟な対応を実現した。同様に、ビャルケ・インゲルス・グループ(BIG)の「The Mountain」は、都市と自然の融合をコンセプトに、持続可能な集合住宅の在り方を提案し、住環境の適応性を示している。
1.2 Sustainability
For architecture to endure into the future, resource circulation and energy efficiency must be prioritized. Architecture must coexist with the environment and implement sustainable energy solutions, serving as a fundamental principle for future-oriented buildings.
Norman Foster's "The Edge" in Amsterdam, recognized as one of the most energy-efficient office buildings by BREEAM, provides a clear direction for sustainable architecture. Additionally, Kengo Kuma's "GC Project" explores the potential of sustainability by utilizing timber as a primary structural material, reducing carbon emissions, and integrating renewable energy sources.
1.2 持続可能性(Sustainability)
ヴァルター・グロピウスが提唱した「バウハウスの可変住宅」は、その先駆的な概念の一例である。可変性を備えたモジュール設計により、室内空間の構成を自由に変化させることが可能となり、居住者のライフスタイルに合わせた柔軟な対応を実現した。同様に、ビャルケ・インゲルス・グループ(BIG)の「The Mountain」は、都市と自然の融合をコンセプトに、持続可能な集合住宅の在り方を提案し、住環境の適応性を示している。
1.3 Interactivity
Future architecture must be equipped with intelligent systems that enable real-time interaction between users and space. Spaces should no longer be static but should dynamically adjust based on user behavior and environmental changes.
MIT Media Lab's "Responsive Environments" employs a design that adapts lighting and temperature according to user movement and environmental fluctuations, showcasing architecture’s potential for dynamic adaptation. Similarly, Zaha Hadid’s "Parametric Urbanism" seeks to innovate urban planning through data-driven approaches, enhancing flexibility and responsiveness in architectural and urban spaces.
1.3 インタラクティブ性(Interactivity)
MITメディアラボの「Responsive Environments」は、利用者の動きや環境の変化に応じて空間の光や温度が変化する設計を採用し、建築が動的に適応する可能性を示した。また、ザハ・ハディドが提案する「Parametric Urbanism」は、データドリブンなアプローチによる都市設計の革新を試みており、建築と都市の柔軟な適応性を高める手法として注目されている。
1.4 Autonomy
Future architecture should not merely exist as a physical structure but should autonomously adapt to its surroundings, self-regulate, and self-repair. By integrating AI and robotics, buildings can minimize maintenance burdens and enhance long-term sustainability.
Thomas Heatherwick's "Seed Cathedral" explores architecture’s symbiosis with ecological systems, proposing new models for sustainable design. MIT’s "Self-Assembly Lab" pioneers research on self-organizing structures, demonstrating the potential for architecture to autonomously reshape itself, marking a new frontier in future-oriented design.
1.4 自律性(Autonomy)
トーマス・ヘザウィックの「Seed Cathedral」は、建築と生態系の融合を図るコンセプトのもと設計され、持続可能な建築のあり方を探求した。また、MITの「Self-Assembly Lab」は、自己組織化技術を応用し、建築が自律的に形態を変化させる可能性を提示し、未来建築の新たなフロンティアを切り開いている。
2. The Concept of "Perfect Architecture" in the Future
2. 未来志向の「完璧な建築」とは
The "perfect architecture" of the future must integrate adaptability, sustainability, interactivity, and autonomy, continuously evolving alongside societal and technological advancements. By combining these elements, architecture establishes a dynamic relationship with cities and the environment, transforming into a core foundation for future societies.
Conditions for Future-Oriented Perfect Architecture
A design that evolves over time
Must allow for flexible expansion and transformation in response to future social and technological changes.
Adaptation to the environment with self-sufficient energy systems
Should incorporate sustainable materials and energy systems to reduce long-term environmental impact.
Interactive spaces that engage with users
Must leverage digital technologies to dynamically transform according to user needs.
Autonomous maintenance and self-repair capabilities
Should integrate AI and robotics, enabling buildings to self-repair and adjust to environmental changes.
Future architecture must inherit historical contexts while embracing technological advancements, evolving in harmony with cities and societies. The perfect future-oriented architecture is not a static entity but one that continuously grows within a changing world, presenting a vision for the future while achieving balance with urban environments, society, and nature.
Convergence in the Information Society 情報社会の収斂性
Convergence of Architectural Design and the Redefinition of Creativity in the Information Society
Contemporary architectural design is increasingly exhibiting a tendency toward convergence, driven by the advancement of the information society. The widespread adoption of the internet, globalization, and digital design tools has profoundly influenced architects' thinking and design methodologies. In the past, architectural design evolved independently within the cultural and technological constraints of each region. However, today, architectural ideologies and styles are instantly shared worldwide, accelerating the formation of trends.
Architecture, as an entity, transcends time and continues to shape society. However, in an era where information spreads instantaneously, past designs are increasingly being "repeated" rather than "evolved," raising questions about the essence of creativity. Architects are now expected not merely to extend past designs but to create original concepts and spatial compositions that push boundaries.
Globalization and Digital Technology Driving the Homogenization of Design
The democratization of information provides architects with unlimited design possibilities while simultaneously promoting the homogenization of design. Advancements in digital technology have made it easier than ever to access architectural projects and cutting-edge design methodologies worldwide. However, this increased accessibility also poses a risk—the loss of originality.For architecture firms that integrate both design and production, the emphasis on efficient design processes and cost management often leads to the adoption of rationalized and standardized approaches. As a result, unique spatial compositions and forms become increasingly difficult to generate.
A major factor driving this trend is the widespread adoption of CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and BIM (Building Information Modeling). While these technologies enhance precision and productivity, they also encourage the use of standardized modules and templates, which may inhibit the creation of original designs.Additionally, social media and architectural publications contribute to the "visualization of trends," further accelerating design homogenization. The rapid dissemination of visual imagery unconsciously influences architects' creative processes, leading to an increase in trend-driven designs rather than genuinely original architectural expressions.Maintaining Creativity and Establishing Independent Design Thinking
To counteract these effects, architects must go beyond merely referencing available information and instead adopt a critical perspective that reflects their own values and design philosophy. One strategy is to reinterpret traditional construction methods and cultural contexts to generate new spatial compositions.
Another essential approach is exploratory design experimentation and the pursuit of uncharted materials and construction techniques. Such initiatives help break free from the prevailing trend of standardization and ensure greater diversity in architectural expression.
この流れの背景には、CAD(Computer-Aided Design)やBIM(Building Information Modeling)などのデジタルツールの普及がある。これらの技術は設計の精度と生産性を向上させるが、同時に、規格化されたモジュールやテンプレートの使用を促し、独創的なデザインの創出を阻害する可能性がある。さらに、SNSや建築専門誌による「トレンドの可視化」が、デザインの画一化を加速させている。即座に拡散されるビジュアルイメージは、無意識のうちに建築家の創造過程へ影響を及ぼし、結果として一時的な流行を追うデザインが増える状況を生み出している。
This issue also extends into the field of architectural education. The widespread dissemination of student design portfolios and graduation projects has made it easier for students to draw inspiration from past works. However, this also increases the likelihood of producing similar designs, reinforcing a cycle of repetition rather than fostering true innovation.In particular, in competition-based design projects, students often find it easier to receive recognition by following previously successful models, leading to an increase in unoriginal, derivative works.
To address this challenge, architectural education must reassess its methodologies. When referencing past projects, students should be encouraged to analyze them critically rather than simply imitating them. This approach would help them develop new ideas and conceptual breakthroughs.
Additionally, diversifying evaluation criteria is crucial. By actively recognizing originality and experimental approaches, design education can foster a culture of architectural diversity and innovation.
To prevent the homogenization of architectural design and promote a wider range of expressions, it is essential to reconsider the design process itself and encourage greater freedom and critical thinking.Both architects and students must strive to establish their own perspectives rather than simply following prevailing trends. Ultimately, the ability to translate unique ideas into spatial reality will be an indispensable factor in shaping the future of architecture.
Beyond Design Convergence: Creating the Future of Architecture
In an era where architectural design increasingly converges, information technology offers new possibilities while also posing challenges. Simply leveraging the benefits of technological advancement is not enough; architects must actively pursue originality and rethink the fundamental value of architecture. The abundance of information in today’s world demands that architects cultivate unique perspectives and explore architectural possibilities that transcend time and space.
To move beyond design convergence and rediscover creativity, architects must:
Challenge prevailing design norms and question the necessity of standardized approaches.
Integrate technology as a means, not an end, using digital tools to enhance creative expression rather than conforming to preset frameworks.
Revisit the cultural and historical roots of architecture, seeking inspiration beyond contemporary trends.
Develop new methodologies for contextual analysis, ensuring that architecture remains deeply connected to its environment and users.
By embracing these principles, architecture can break free from the constraints of trend-driven design and evolve toward a future where innovation and originality are not merely sought after but systematically cultivated. In doing so, architects will redefine creativity in the information age, ensuring that architecture remains a dynamic force shaping the world beyond its current trajectory of convergence.
The Absence of Objective Evaluation in Architecture 客観的評価の不在
情報の民主化により、世界中の建築家が自由に情報へアクセスし、最先端の建築プロジェクトや革新的なデザイン手法を学ぶことができるようになった。この状況は、設計の可能性を拡張する一方で、デザインの均質化をもたらしている。建築家が意識的に独自のアプローチを模索しない限り、トレンドに流され、結果的に既存の手法を反復することに陥りやすい。特に、設計と生産を両立する建築事務所においては、効率的な設計プロセスとコスト管理が重視されるため、合理的な設計手法が採用されやすい。その結果、標準化されたデザインや表現が主流となり、独自の空間構成や造形が生まれにくくなる。この背景には、CAD(Computer-Aided Design)やBIM(Building Information Modeling)といったデジタルツールの普及がある。これらの技術は設計のスピードと精度を向上させるが、一方で画一的なフォーマットやデータベース化されたモジュールの使用を促し、個性的なデザインの創出を難しくしている。
The Absence of Objective Evaluation in Architectural Design and Its Challenges
Architecture is a field where artistry and functionality intersect, often oscillating between subjective aesthetic sensibilities and technical rationality. Since the value of design frequently depends on an architect’s personal creativity and the social context, establishing a strict objective evaluation is difficult. This paper discusses the challenges arising from the lack of objective evaluation in architectural design.
Ambiguity and Arbitrariness in Evaluation Criteria
In contemporary architecture, evaluation is often left to the subjective opinions of architects and critics, with no unified standards in place. For example, when a building is deemed "symbolic" or "innovative," the criteria for such judgments often rely on the personal experiences and aesthetic sense of the evaluators. As a result, the same building may receive entirely different evaluations depending on the context, making objective comparison difficult. The absence of clear evaluation criteria in architectural award selection processes can also compromise the transparency of results.
Furthermore, the arbitrariness of evaluations can lead to favoritism toward specific architectural ideologies or styles. Historically, functionalist architecture was highly regarded during the modernist era, while symbolic and decorative architecture gained prominence in the postmodernist period. This shifting evaluation framework, however, may hinder the long-term maturation of architectural culture.
Lack of Feedback in the Design Process
The absence of objective evaluation in architectural design processes can prevent designers from reflecting on and improving their work. If evaluation methods based on scientific data and statistics were established, it would be possible to quantitatively assess factors such as environmental performance and user-friendliness during the design phase. However, such systematic evaluation methods are currently underdeveloped, and many design decisions still rely on intuition and experience.
This issue is particularly evident in urban planning and public architecture, where a gap often exists between design intent and actual usage. For example, a building designed as an "open space" may be perceived by users as excessively vast and unsettling. Such discrepancies arise due to the lack of objective evaluation indicators during the design stage, highlighting the need for a feedback system based on data collection and user research.
Impact on Architectural Education
The lack of objective evaluation also poses a significant problem in architectural education. Architectural critique sessions are often based on subjective evaluations, with assessment criteria varying greatly depending on the instructor. This limits students’ opportunities to understand architectural value objectively and can become an obstacle to fostering independent design thinking.
Moreover, the absence of established objective evaluation methods in architectural education makes it difficult for students to quantitatively understand the social and environmental impacts of their designs. If energy consumption simulations and methods for measuring the psychological effects of architectural spaces were more widely adopted, students could approach design from a more comprehensive perspective.
Relationship Between Architecture’s Social Responsibility and Evaluation
Architecture is a cultural asset with public significance, and its evaluation impacts society as a whole. However, in current architectural criticism and selection processes, the perspectives of the general public are not always sufficiently reflected. There are cases where award-winning buildings do not necessarily receive high praise from actual users. This suggests that architectural evaluations tend to be biased toward the subjective judgments of experts, often overlooking actual usage conditions and social impact.
From an environmental standpoint as well, objective evaluation is essential. In today’s context, where sustainable architecture is increasingly valued, it is crucial to quantitatively assess a building’s environmental performance and incorporate feedback from the design phase. However, as long as design evaluation criteria remain reliant on subjective aesthetic values, environmental considerations may not be adequately reflected.
Architecture inevitably deteriorates over time. Structural weathering, material degradation, and environmental erosion are unavoidable phenomena. However, architecture is not merely a physical object; it embodies culture, history, and societal memory. Thus, architectural preservation is not just about maintaining form but about continuously creating value across time. This chapter explores technical and design approaches to addressing physical deterioration, considering the role of preservation and regeneration in defining "perfect architecture."
1. The Nature of Physical Deterioration in Architecture
1. 建築の物理的劣化の性質
1.1 Material Degradation & Durability
Materials used in architecture degrade due to environmental conditions. Stone weathers, wood decays, and metal corrodes. Therefore, future architecture must incorporate advancements in material selection and treatment technologies. For example, the Pantheon in Rome has stood for over 2,000 years due to its meticulously designed concrete composition and structural integrity. Similarly, the Sagrada Familia, though still under construction, continues to integrate modern technology, presenting a concept of durability that transcends time.
1.1 材料の風化と耐久性(Material Degradation & Durability)
1.2 Environmental Impact & Adaptability
The deterioration of architecture accelerates through its interaction with the environment. Traditional architecture often adapts to regional climates and natural conditions. For instance, Japanese wooden architecture employs highly ventilated designs to cope with humidity, ensuring long-term preservation. In contemporary architecture, advanced waterproofing technologies and self-healing materials are being introduced, enhancing durability while adapting to environmental changes.
1.2 環境負荷と適応性(Environmental Impact & Adaptability)
1.3 Restoration & Regeneration
Preserving historic architecture requires more than simple restoration—it demands the creation of new value through regeneration. In Venice, historical buildings have been adapted for modern use while retaining their cultural significance through evolving restoration techniques. The Louvre Pyramid by I.M. Pei, for instance, merges modern elements with historical architecture, symbolizing the fusion of past and future.
1.3 修復と再生(Restoration & Regeneration)
2. "Perfect Architecture" in the Context of Physical Deterioration and Preservation
2. 物理的劣化と保存における「完璧な建築」とは
The ideal architecture of the future is one that adapts to deterioration and expands the concept of preservation. The following elements define such architecture:
Durable Materials and Structural Design: The selection of long-lasting materials and environmental adaptation strategies.
Adaptive Preservation and Reuse Strategies: Maintaining historical value while allowing flexible transformation for new uses.
Cultural Contextual Continuity and Reinterpretation: Ensuring architecture remains a meaningful cultural and societal entity rather than just a physical relic.
Integration of Self-Healing Technologies: Implementing AI and bio-technologies that enable autonomous maintenance and repair.
3. Toward a "Perfect Architecture" That Manages Deterioration and Redefines Preservation
3. 物理的劣化と保存における「完璧な建築」
The architecture of the future must not merely resist deterioration but evolve over time, continuously generating new value. Preservation is not about maintaining the past but about connecting it to the future. By acknowledging deterioration as a natural phenomenon, integrating technologies to slow decay, and developing systems for regeneration, architecture can transcend time.
"Perfect architecture" is one that strengthens its presence over time, generates new cultural narratives, and is passed down to future generations. Just as classical architecture remains part of collective memory today, future architecture must also evolve beyond mere physical maintenance, continuously engaging in dialogue with cities and people. How architects bridge the gap between preservation and deterioration will shape the future of the built environment.
Thus, "perfect architecture" is one that manages deterioration, redefines preservation, and ensures continuity for future generations. Architecture is not a static heritage; it is a dynamic entity that transforms its meaning over time. The ultimate challenge for architects is to determine how to preserve, regenerate, and seamlessly connect architecture to the future.
Architecture is not merely the creation of physical spaces; it transcends time, resonates with society and culture, and continuously evolves. In the framework of "Perfect Architecture" (Multidimensional Design Construction Theory), transcending historical time is an essential perspective—it concerns how architecture adapts and transforms over time while preserving its essence.
For architecture to endure beyond the flow of time, it must go beyond passive approaches such as preservation and restoration. Instead, it should evolve, adapt to new contexts, and be continuously inherited. This chapter explores the possibility of architecture transcending time from a multidimensional perspective.
1. The Temporality of Architecture — The Intersection of Past, Present, and Future
1. 建築の時間性 ― 過去・現在・未来の交差
From the moment architecture is created, it begins to physically deteriorate while simultaneously undergoing shifts in meaning due to societal and cultural changes. For architecture to survive beyond history, it must transcend not only physical time but also semantic time.
For instance, the Parthenon was originally constructed as a religious structure of ancient Greece but later transformed into a Christian church, an Islamic mosque, and eventually a cultural heritage site. Similarly, Kyoto’s traditional townhouses (machiya) have adapted from commercial spaces to residences, offices, and even hotels, ensuring their continued relevance in modern society. These examples highlight the importance of flexible functional transformation and acceptance of cultural context for architecture to transcend time.
2. "Authenticity" and Reinterpretation — The Coexistence of Preservation and Innovation
2. 「オーセンティシティ」と再解釈 ― 歴史の継承と創造
When evaluating historical architecture, the concept of "authenticity" is often emphasized. However, historical value is not static—it changes over time. For architecture to endure within the historical timeline, preservation alone is insufficient; reinterpretation is necessary.
For example, Le Corbusier’s Unité d’Habitation (1947) was originally designed as a collective housing project, but today, it also functions as a tourist attraction and cultural landmark. In Venice, historic buildings are preserved using advanced restoration techniques while incorporating modern functionalities through cutting-edge technology.
Thus, authenticity is not about merely replicating the past, but about continuing to evolve by integrating contemporary reinterpretations while maintaining historical significance.
3. "Temporal Adaptability" in Architecture — Digital Technology and Architectural Transformation
3. 建築の「時間的適応力」 ― デジタル技術と変容する建築
With advancements in digital technology, architecture’s capacity to adapt over time is further expanding. Through digital twin technology, buildings’ histories and usage patterns can be recorded in real-time, serving as guidelines for future renovations and adaptive reuse. Furthermore, BIM (Building Information Modeling) allows for architectural planning that considers long-term maintenance from the design phase.
For example, the King’s Cross Station regeneration project in London retained its historic station structure while integrating digital technology to create new spatial functions, achieving sustainable revitalization. Likewise, projects like BLOX in Denmark (designed by OMA) utilize modular architecture that allows for changing spatial uses over time, demonstrating how architecture can be designed to adapt dynamically to evolving needs.
現代では、デジタル技術の発展によって、建築の時間的適応力がさらに高まっている。デジタルツイン技術を用いることで、建築の履歴や使用状況をリアルタイムで記録し、未来の改修や再利用の指針とすることが可能となった。また、BIM(Building Information Modeling)によって、設計段階から長期的な維持管理を前提とした建築計画が行われるようになっている。
4.Transcending Historical Time in Architecture
4. 歴史的時間の越境
Architecture that transcends historical time is not simply about preserving the past. It must integrate four key elements: adaptation, durability, symbolism, and transformation, ensuring that it continues to generate value across generations.
"Perfect architecture" is one that maintains its fundamental essence over time while allowing for reinterpretation and transformation. With the advancement of information technology, past architectural knowledge can now be digitized, stored in databases, and analyzed multilaterally, enabling an integrated approach to architectural design.
This multidimensional approach to historical time represents the architectural philosophy of the 21st century, serving as a guiding principle for the future of architecture.
■『建築の時間性 ― 変容する都市と建築の未来 (The Temporality of Architecture: The Transformation of Cities and the Future of Architecture)』
Author: Toyo Ito
Publisher: Shokokusha
Summary: Examines the temporal nature of architecture and the transformation of cities, exploring the future of architectural design.
■『デジタル時代の建築再生 ― BIMとデジタルツインの活用 (Architectural Regeneration in the Digital Age: The Use of BIM and Digital Twins)』
Author: Norman Foster
Publisher: Life Science Publishing
Summary: Explores the application of BIM and digital twins in architectural regeneration in the digital age.
■『歴史的建築の再解釈 ― 保存と革新の共存 (Reinterpreting Historic Architecture: The Balance Between Preservation and Innovation)』
Author: Norman Foster
Publisher: Life Science Publishing
Summary: Investigates the balance between preservation and innovation in the reinterpretation of historic architecture.
Multidimensional Design Theory
The WASA World Architecture Student Award collects works from around the world and uses them as an analysis method for the Multidimensional Design and Construction Theory.
Analysis Process 多次元構築設計論の分析プロセス
Perfection in architectural design is not established under a fixed ideology or a singular value system. Rather, it is a design theory that evolves with a multi-dimensional perspective, continuously responding to diverse values and adapting to the ever-changing social and environmental landscape. This study goes beyond architecture as a mere outcome, aiming to systematize the growth process of architectural design by leveraging contemporary information technologies.
The analytical process in this research references AI learning processes, yet it does not merely utilize AI as a supplementary tool for design or analysis. The fully automated, black-boxed nature of AI processes risks omitting the most critical and creative aspects of architectural design. Therefore, this study seeks to dismantle such black-boxed processes, opening up and reconstructing the design and critique processes through a hands-on approach. This method is fundamental to fostering multi-dimensional architectural design growth.
To systematize the complex design processes of contemporary architecture and establish a more efficient and creative approach, this research proposes the following five-step process:
Collection: Gather diverse architectural design information from around the world to understand the current range of values and perspectives.
Decomposition: Break down the collected information into its constituent elements, deeply analyzing each component to clarify design factors.
Classification: Organize and systematically categorize the analyzed elements, comparing and examining different design patterns and approaches.
Statistical Analysis: Utilize statistical methods to derive trends from the categorized data, enabling data-driven evaluation of design directions.
Application: Apply the obtained insights to the design process, developing new architectural design approaches and evaluation frameworks.
Through this process, this study aims to transcend conventional architectural design frameworks and establish a new foundation for both design and evaluation. By implementing the principles of multi-dimensional structured design theory, this research explores methods to maximize architecture’s diverse possibilities and continuously evolve design methodologies.
Process 1
Process 2
Process 3
Process 4
Process 5
The Systematic Collection of Architectural Design — Organizing and Multidimensionally Classifying Information
建築デザインの収集体系 —— 情報の整理と多次元的な分類
Architecture continuously evolves in response to societal demands, reflecting regional cultures, technological advancements, and emerging trends. To analyze and understand the essence of architecture, it is essential to organize vast amounts of information and examine it through multiple dimensions.
This paper proposes a systematic framework for collecting and classifying architectural design information. Architectural data can be structured along three primary axes:
Scale of Collection — Categorizing architecture based on geographical and institutional influences.
Medium of Collection — Identifying diverse formats through which architecture is documented and communicated.
Types of Collected Designs — Classifying architecture based on its development stage, from conceptualization to construction.
By integrating these axes, a comprehensive understanding of architectural thought and practice can be achieved.
1. Scale of Collection — Tagging and Categorizing Architectural Influence
1. 収集規模 — 建築の広がりとタグ付けによる分類
Architecture is shaped by cultural and environmental conditions, but since the modern era, global networks have fostered cross-cultural exchanges of ideas and design methodologies. This study categorizes architectural works using tags that clarify their geographical and institutional contexts:
【Tag Classification】
■ Country/Region: Japan, USA, Germany, China, France, etc.
■ Architectural Firms: Kengo Kuma & Associates, BIG, Zaha Hadid Architects, SANAA, etc.
■ Research Institutions: MIT Media Lab, ETH Zürich, University of Tokyo (Dept. of Architecture), etc.
■ Educational Institutions: AA School, Harvard GSD, Tokyo Metropolitan University, etc.
■ Competition Organizers: WAF (World Architecture Festival), JIA, SD Review, etc.
■ Media Coverage: ArchDaily, Dezeen, Shinkenchiku, a+u, etc.
By defining these environments of architectural production, it becomes possible to visualize interconnections, analyze how design evolves, and understand the frameworks within which architecture is evaluated.
■ 国・地域:日本、アメリカ、ドイツ、中国、フランスなど、建築が生まれた場所
■ 設計会社:隈研吾建築都市設計事務所、BIG、Zaha Hadid Architects、SANAAなど
■ 研究機関:MIT Media Lab、ETH Zürich、東京大学 建築学専攻など
■ 教育機関:AAスクール、Harvard GSD、東京都立大学など
■ コンペ主催団体:WAF(World Architecture Festival)、JIA、SDレビューなど
■ メディア掲載:ArchDaily、Dezeen、新建築、a+uなど
2. Medium of Collection — Diverse Formats for Documenting Architecture
2. 収集媒体 — 建築を語る多様なフォーマット
The methods for recording and expressing architecture have evolved with technological advancements. While print media such as books and magazines have long been dominant, the rise of digital platforms has introduced new ways to archive, analyze, and communicate architectural information.
This study organizes architectural media into ten categories, each varying in data volume, accessibility, and analytical value:
【Tag Classification】
■ Architecture Magazines — Broadly disseminate architectural trends
Shinkenchiku, a+u, GA Document, Casabella
■ Monographs & Project Books — Curated insights into an architect’s philosophy
Kuma Complete Works (Kengo Kuma), Elements of Architecture (Rem Koolhaas)
■ Competitions & Awards — Indicate the future trajectory of architecture
WAF, JIA Awards, SD Review
■ Online Platforms & Blogs — Provide real-time updates and discourse
ArchDaily, Dezeen, Archello
■ Academic Papers & Journals — Offer theoretical and empirical studies
AIJ Journal, J-STAGE, ResearchGate
■ Social Media & Forums — Capture public perspectives on architecture
Twitter (X), Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit (Architecture)
■ BIM & Digital Design Data — Integrate architectural information
Revit, ARCHICAD, Rhino, Grasshopper
■ Regulations & Guidelines — Define architectural constraints
Building Standards Law, Barrier-Free Act, Energy Efficiency Standards, LEED
■ User Feedback & Reviews — Evaluate spatial experiences
Google Maps Reviews, Airbnb Reviews
■ Government & Planning Documents — Situate architecture in a social context
MLIT reports, UN-Habitat
By analyzing multiple media formats, this study highlights how architectural design is perceived, discussed, and shaped by diverse audiences.
■ 建築雑誌(Architecture Magazines) —— 建築の動向を広く伝える
新建築、a+u、GA Document、Casabella
■ 作品集(Monographs & Project Books) —— 建築家の思想を編纂したもの
「Kuma Complete Works」(隈研吾)、「Elements of Architecture」(Rem Koolhaas)
■ コンペ・アワード資料(Competitions & Awards) —— 未来の建築を示唆する
WAF(World Architecture Festival)、JIA 建築賞、SDレビュー■
■ Webメディア(Online Platforms & Blogs) —— 情報の即時性を持つ
■ 論文・学術資料(Academic Papers & Journals) —— 理論と実証を伴う知見
■ SNS・フォーラム(Social Media & Forums) —— 市民の視点から建築を語る
Twitter (X)、Instagram、Pinterest、Reddit (Architecture)
■ BIM・CADデータ(BIM & Digital Design Data) —— 建築の情報を統合する
■ 法規・ガイドライン(Regulations & Guidelines) —— 建築の枠組みを定める
■ 施設レビュー(User Feedback & Reviews) —— 空間体験の質を評価する
Google Mapsレビュー、Airbnbレビュー
■ 公的報告書・自治体資料(Government & Planning Documents) —— 建築を社会の文脈で捉える
3. Types of Collected Designs — From Realized Structures to Future Concepts
3. 収集デザインの種類 —— 形になるものと、まだ見ぬ未来
Architectural design is not limited to built works; it also includes conceptual projects, experimental research, and student-driven explorations. This study categorizes architectural design into six types, each reflecting different levels of realization and influence:
【Tag Classification】
■ Built (Completed Works) — Architecture that exists in society
Tokyo Skytree, Apple Flagship Stores
■ Planned (Conceptual & In-Progress Projects) — Designs yet to be realized
Azabudai Hills, OMA’s urban planning proposals
■ Unbuilt (Proposed but Unconstructed Projects) — Unrealized yet influential works
Le Corbusier’s Plan Voisin
■ Competition (Award-Winning Proposals) — Visions for future architecture
SD Review, WAF-winning projects
■ Academic (Student Projects) — Experimental designs by emerging architects
WASA (World Architecture Student Awards)
■ Experimental (Research-Based Architecture) — Expanding architectural boundaries
MIT’s self-constructing architecture, Pavilion prototypes
By mapping architectural projects based on their status, this study aims to uncover patterns in design trends, technological innovations, and emerging methodologies.
■ 竣工済み(Built) —— 実際に完成し、社会の中で生きる建築
東京スカイツリー、Apple Store 旗艦店
■ 計画・構想(Planned) —— 構想されているが、まだ形になっていない
■ アンビルド(Unbuilt) —— 設計されたが未建設のプロジェクト
■ 建築コンペ作品(Competition) —— 建築の未来を探る提案
■ 学生作品(Academic) —— 若い建築家の実験的な試み
WASA (World Architecture Student Awards)
■ 実験建築(Experimental) —— 建築の可能性を拡張するプロジェクト
4. Conclusion — A Multi-Layered Approach to Understanding Architecture
4. 結論 —— 建築を読み解くための多層的アプローチ
Organizing architectural design information is not merely about data accumulation; rather, it serves as a critical framework for understanding the conditions in which architecture is conceived, developed, and evaluated.
By applying the three analytical axes proposed in this study—Scale of Collection, Medium of Collection, and Type of Collected Design—we can:
Gain a more precise understanding of architectural trends.
Establish a structured methodology for analyzing design influence.
Use this knowledge to inform and shape the future of architecture.
Architecture is constantly evolving, adapting to societal changes and environmental contexts. Documenting and analyzing its transformation is not only a scholarly endeavor but also a foundation for envisioning the next generation of architecture.
Process 1
Process 2
Process 3
Process 4
Process 5
Analysis Process of Architectural Design Data in Text Mining
Architectural design discussions and evaluations are structured collections of information mediated by language. Embedded within this linguistic data are design philosophies, societal demands, functional requirements, and cultural-historical contexts, all interwoven in complex layers. Text mining has emerged as a valuable method for systematically analyzing this information, making it possible to visualize design directions and spatial logic.
This paper outlines the process of collecting and structuring textual data related to architectural design, transforming it into a format suitable for analysis.
1. Data Collection and Preprocessing
1. データ収集と前処理
Textual data related to architectural design originates from diverse sources, including:
Public engagement workshops (resident feedback),Design competition jury comments,Academic papers and research reports,Discussions on social media,Policy documents and building regulations,Architectural criticism and reviews,
Each of these sources exhibits unique linguistic styles and variations, necessitating appropriate preprocessing to ensure consistency and analytical usability.
2. Preprocessing the Data
2. データの前処理
Raw text data often contains noise, making direct analysis challenging. The following preprocessing steps are performed to clean and structure the data:
■ Removal of Unnecessary Characters
Eliminate HTML tags, special symbols, excessive whitespace, and redundant line breaks to ensure data consistency.
■ Standardization of Terminology
Unify multiple expressions of the same concept to reduce linguistic variation.
"ZEB", "ゼロエネルギービル", "Zero Energy Building" → "ZEB"
■ Stopword Removal
Exclude function words (e.g., "です", "こと", "のような") that do not contribute to meaning extraction, thereby enhancing content accuracy.
■ Sentence Segmentation
Divide paragraphs into individual sentences, making structural analysis easier and improving natural language processing (NLP) precision.
■ Morphological Analysis
Japanese text lacks clear word boundaries, necessitating morphological analysis to tokenize words for further processing.
Tools used:
MeCab, Sudachi, Janome (Japanese NLP tools)
■ 不要な文字の除去
■ 表記の統一
例: 「ZEB」「ゼロエネルギービル」「Zero Energy Building」→ 「ZEB」 に統一。
■ ストップワードの除去
■ 文の分割
■ 形態素解析
使用ツール: MeCab, Sudachi, Janome
3. Application of Morphological Analysis
3. 形態素解析の適用例
Example: Raw Text Input
After Morphological Analysis
Tokenized Output:
→ [この, 建築, の, 構造, は, 耐震性能, が, 高く, 省エネルギー, を, 意識した, デザイン, である]
The next section will explore classification techniques and analysis methodologies based on the refined textual data.
形態素解析後: [この, 建築, の, 構造, は, 耐震性能, が, 高く, 省エネルギー, を, 意識した, デザイン, である]
Process 1
Process 2
Process 3
Process 4
Process 5
The Process of Classifying the Multidimensional Components of Architecture
Architecture is not merely a physical structure; it is a dynamic entity that continues to evolve alongside societal, cultural, historical, and technological developments. Understanding and classifying its components is essential for exploring architecture more deeply and determining its future direction. This chapter examines architecture from a multidimensional perspective, systematically organizing how its various elements interact and take shape.
1. The Significance of Multidimensional Classification of Architectural Components
1. 建築の構成要素を多次元的に分類する意義
Architecture serves as a vessel for human activities and simultaneously symbolizes the structure of cities and societies. Therefore, its components are not merely combinations of space and structure; they are shaped through complex interactions with cultural, economic, and technological factors. Properly classifying and understanding these elements helps redefine architecture and reach its essence.
The classification of architecture serves the following purposes:
1.1 Organizing Architectural Characteristics and Clarifying Components
Systematically organize the spatial, structural, functional, and environmental elements that constitute architecture and clarify their respective roles.
Compare different architectural forms to highlight similarities and differences.
1. 建築の特性を整理し、構成要素を明確化する
- 建築を構成する空間、構造、機能、環境要素を包括的に整理し、それぞれの役割を明確にする。
- 様々な建築の在り方を比較し、共通点と相違点を浮き彫りにする。
1.2 Analyzing the Impact of Different Perspectives (People, Nations, Eras)
Examine architecture from the viewpoints of architects, contractors, developers, and users, understanding their respective influences.
Categorize architectural forms and elements based on regional climate and cultural backgrounds, considering their relationship with the environment.
Analyze how technological advancements and economic changes affect architecture, clarifying how it has responded to different eras’ demands.
2. 異なる視点(人・国・時代)による影響を分析する
- 建築に携わる建築家、施工者、開発者、利用者など、それぞれの視点から建築を捉え、その影響を分類する。
- 地域や気候、文化的背景によって異なる建築の形態や構成要素を整理し、環境との関係を考察する。
- 技術革新や経済状況の変化が建築に及ぼす影響を分析し、建築が時代の要請にどのように応えてきたかを明らかにする。
1.3 Visualizing the Impact of New Technologies and Trends
Identify how new technologies such as BIM (Building Information Modeling), AI, and 3D printing are transforming architectural components.
Examine the impact of sustainable architecture and carbon neutrality initiatives on the design and construction process.
3. 新しい技術やトレンドの影響を可視化する
- BIM(Building Information Modeling)、AI、3Dプリンティングなどの新技術が建築の構成要素にどのような変化をもたらしているのかを明確にする。
- サステナブル建築やカーボンニュートラルの推進など、環境問題への対応が建築の設計・施工プロセスにどのように影響しているのかを整理する。
1.4 Establishing Multidimensional Criteria for Design, Construction, and Evaluation
From a designer's perspective, evaluate spatial quality and aesthetics; from a contractor's perspective, consider feasibility.
From an economic perspective, analyze market value and cost management; from a societal perspective, assess sustainability and regional impact.
By systematizing this classification process, we can better understand how architecture evolves over time and the direction it should take in the future. Classification is not merely a method of organization but a framework for exploring architectural possibilities and continuously questioning its essence.
4. 設計、施工、評価の基準を多角的に確立する
- 設計者の視点からは、空間の質や美的価値を評価し、施工者の視点からは、技術的な実現可能性を考慮する。
- 経済的な視点からは、建築の市場価値やコスト管理を分析し、社会的な視点からは、建築の持続可能性や地域への影響を評価する。
2. The Process of Multidimensional Classification in Architecture
2. 建築の多次元的分類プロセス
2.1 Basic Steps of Classification
2.1. 分類の基本ステップ
The process of organizing architectural components consists of the following five steps:
Defining Main Categories
Establishing Subcategories
Organizing Relationships Between Elements
Applying and Analyzing Classification
Feedback and Reclassification
By repeating this process, we can refine the classification of architectural components and conduct flexible analyses.
2.2 Establishing Key Classification Axes
2.2. 主要分類軸の設定
When classifying architectural components, it is crucial to first determine "what criteria to classify by." The following three perspectives are fundamental classification axes:
"People": Differences in Stakeholders
Architects, contractors, developers, users, policymakers, and critics—each has distinct evaluation criteria.
"Nations": Differences in Regional Environments and Cultures
Climate conditions, historical background, legal regulations, and urban planning influence architectural styles and materials.
"Eras": The Impact of Technological, Economic, and Ideological Changes
Technological advancements, economic conditions, and architectural philosophies shape architectural trends.
建築の構成要素を分類する際、まず 「何を基準に分類するのか」 を決定する必要がある。分類軸として、以下の3つの視点が重要となる。
2.3 Defining Subcategories
2.3. サブカテゴリの設定
Once the primary classification axes are determined, they can be broken down into specific categories.
(1) Classification by "People"
Stakeholder Evaluated Architectural Component Key Characteristics
Architects Design, aesthetics, spatial composition Emphasizes creativity and identity
Contractors Constructability, safety, cost Prioritizes feasibility
Structural Engineers Seismic resistance, durability, load calculations Considers mechanical stability
Mechanical Engineers HVAC, electrical, plumbing systems Optimizes comfort and energy efficiency
Developers Profitability, asset value, market trends Evaluates architecture from an economic standpoint
(2) Classification by "Nations"
Region Influenced Architectural Component Notable Architectural Characteristics
Japan Seismic resistance, wooden structures, layouts Seismic isolation technology, traditional spatial concepts ("ma")
Nordic Countries High insulation, energy-efficient design Passive house, airtight structures
Middle East Ventilation, thick walls Traditional architecture adapted to desert climates
United States High-rise buildings, smart buildings Steel-framed construction, IoT integration
(3) Classification by "Eras"
Factor Affected Architectural Component Specific Influence
Technological Advances Design/construction process, materials BIM, AI, 3D printing
Economic Conditions Profitability, urban development Booming economy → High-rise buildings, Recession → Renovations
Architectural Thought Design, functionality Modernism, Postmodernism
(1) 「人」による分類
関係者 評価する建築の構成要素 特徴
建築家 デザイン、美学、空間構成 創造性やアイデンティティを重視
施工者 施工性、安全性、コスト 実現可能性を重視
構造設計者 耐震性、耐久性、荷重計算 力学的安定性を考慮
設備設計者 空調、電気、給排水設備 快適性と省エネの最適化
開発者 収益性、資産価値、市場動向 経済的な視点で建築を評価
(2) 「国」による分類
地域 影響を受ける構成要素 特徴的な建築手法
日本 耐震性、木造、間取り 免震・制震技術、伝統的な「間」
北欧 高断熱、省エネ設計 パッシブハウス、高気密住宅
中東 風通し、厚い壁 砂漠気候に適した伝統建築
アメリカ 高層建築、スマートビル 鉄骨造、IoT技術の活用
(3) 「時代」による分類
要因 影響を受ける構成要素 具体的な影響
技術の進化 設計・施工プロセス、材料 BIM、AI、3Dプリント
経済状況 収益性、都市開発 成長期→高層ビル、不況期→リノベーション
建築思想 デザイン、機能 モダニズム、ポストモダン
3. Feedback and Reclassification
3. フィードバックと再分類
Classification is not a fixed concept; it should evolve with time. Architecture is a living entity within society, and its components must also be updated in response to technological advancements and shifts in values. Thus, rather than adhering to a rigid classification, it is essential to continuously refine it based on feedback.
For example, the emergence of new technologies necessitates re-evaluating their impact on architectural processes. AI-assisted design and advancements in 3D printing have revolutionized construction methods and suggested new possibilities for architecture.
Additionally, changes in social environments require updates to classifications. The widespread adoption of remote work, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, has significantly altered residential and office spatial compositions. This has introduced new evaluation criteria emphasizing workspace flexibility and residential comfort.
Furthermore, architectural trends also evolve over time. Functionalist rationalism, once a dominant theme, has now shifted toward biophilic design, emphasizing coexistence with nature. Since classifications are inherently dynamic, it is crucial to remain sensitive to these changes and continuously update them.
Classifying the Multidimensional Components of Architecture
The components of architecture vary significantly based on the perspectives of people, nations, and eras. To systematically organize and comprehend their relationships, a multidimensional classification process is necessary. This process allows us to visualize various aspects of architecture and establish appropriate evaluation criteria, facilitating more practical design and critique.
Architecture is never static—it evolves alongside technology, society, and changing values. Thus, classification should not be regarded as a one-time effort but as a continuously updated system that adapts to societal needs. This approach serves as a fundamental way of thinking about architecture and is essential for architects in their ongoing practice.
Process 1
Process 2
Process 3
Process 4
Process 5
Multidimensional Analysis Process of Architectural Components
The components of architecture are not merely a collection of physical spaces and structures; rather, they form a dynamic system shaped by the intricate interactions of cultural, social, technological, and economic factors. Understanding and quantitatively evaluating these interactions refines the approaches to architectural design, evaluation, education, and critique, while also improving the ambiguous assessment criteria that have traditionally relied on subjective judgment and experiential heuristics.
This chapter explores the process of analyzing architectural components using statistical methods within a multidimensional database. This methodology aims to numerically clarify architectural design trends and characteristics across various countries, regions, and universities, objectively measuring the originality and consistency of design proposals. By shifting away from conventional assessment frameworks based on intuitive discussions and subjective evaluations, this study seeks to establish a fair and rational evaluation system for architectural design.
建築の構成要素は、単なる物理的な空間や構造の集合ではなく、文化的、社会的、技術的、経済的な要素が絡み合いながら形成される動的なシステムである。これらの要素の相互作用を解明し、定量的に評価することは、建築の設計、評価、教育、批評の在り方をより精緻化し、従来の主観的な判断や経験則に依存した不明瞭な評価基準を改善することにつながる。 本章では、多次元的なデータベースを活用し、建築の構成要素を統計的手法により分析するプロセスについて述べる。この手法は、世界各国、各地域、各大学における建築設計の傾向や特性を数値的に明確化し、設計提案のオリジナリティや一貫性を客観的に測定することを目的とする。従来、感覚的な議論や主観的な判断によって形成されてきた建築の評価基準を修正し、建築設計における公正で合理的な評価システムを構築することを目指す。
1. The Significance of Multidimensional Analysis in Architecture
1. 建築の多次元的分析の意義
1.1 Structuring and Quantifying Architectural Data
1.1 建築データの構造化と数値化
Architecture is not merely a collection of physical spaces and structures but a dynamic system formed through the interaction of cultural, social, technological, and economic factors. Understanding and quantitatively evaluating these interactions refine architectural design, evaluation, education, and critique while improving ambiguous assessment criteria that have traditionally relied on subjective judgment and experience-based heuristics.
Traditional architectural evaluation has primarily depended on visual representations such as drawings, models, and renderings, which often lead to qualitative assessments rather than objective comparisons. This study organizes elements within architectural proposals—including textual data (design intent, concept), drawings (floor plans, sections, elevations), diagrams, and CG renderings—into quantifiable datasets for statistical analysis.
1.2 Establishing an Evaluation Method for Architectural Design through Quantitative Analysis
1.2 定量分析による建築設計の評価手法の確立
To assess the superiority and originality of architectural designs, a numerical approach to evaluating design characteristics is required. This chapter analyzes architectural proposals from three perspectives:
Diversity of Design Representation
Evaluates the ratio of text, drawings, diagrams, and CG renderings in each proposal to determine the balance and tendencies in representation methods.
Spatial, Functional, and Structural Relationships
Analyzes spatial composition, functional distribution, and structural systems to quantify the consistency and uniqueness of each design.
Comparison of Characteristics Across Countries, Regions, and Universities
Classifies architectural proposals geographically to identify regional design trends and educational characteristics.
設計におけるテキスト、図面、ダイアグラム、CGパースなどの使用割合を分析し、各提案の表現手法のバランスや傾向を明確にする。 -
各提案における空間構成や機能分布、構造形式の組み合わせを分析し、設計の一貫性や独自性を数値化する。 -
2. Data Analysis Process in Architecture
2. 建築データの解析プロセス
2.1 Data Collection and Organization
2.1 データの収集と整理
To conduct quantitative architectural analysis, relevant data must be appropriately collected and structured. The target data include:
Textual Data: Design intentions, concepts, and explanations.
Architectural Drawings: Floor plans, sections, and elevations.
Diagrams: Zoning, circulation planning, and structural systems.
Visual Representations: CG renderings, model photographs, and axonometric drawings.
By digitizing and formatting this data systematically, statistical analysis becomes feasible.
2.2 Quantification and Establishment of Evaluation Criteria
2.2 数値化と評価基準の設定
Each element must be numerically defined and evaluated based on standardized criteria. The following quantification methods are employed:
Quantification of Textual Data
Converts design concepts and descriptions into word counts and extracts linguistic patterns using natural language processing (NLP) techniques.
Quantification of Drawings and Diagrams
Counts the number and type of drawings and diagrams, analyzing their ratio and distribution.
Analyzing Relationships Between Design Elements
Identifies spatial composition and functional distribution patterns to statistically assess the commonalities and uniqueness of each proposal.
設計意図やコンセプト文を単語数に換算し、各提案の記述的特徴を分析する。さらに、自然言語処理技術を用いて、頻出語や文脈の傾向を抽出する。 -
提案に含まれる図面の枚数、種類、ダイアグラムの構成要素をカウントし、それぞれの比率や分布を分析する。 -
2.3 Multidimensional Data Analysis Techniques
2.3 多次元的データ分析の手法
Using collected data, the following statistical methods are applied for multidimensional analysis:
Cluster Analysis: Groups similar design proposals to classify architectural design trends.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA): Identifies major characteristics of architectural designs through correlation analysis.
Regression Analysis: Examines relationships between design elements and evaluation outcomes to quantify design quality.
設計提案の特徴を基に、類似するグループを抽出し、建築設計の傾向を分類する。 -
設計要素の相関関係を明らかにし、建築設計における主要な特徴を抽出する。 -
3. Constructing an Architectural Evaluation System
3. 建築の評価システムの構築
3.1 The Need for a Data-Driven Architectural Evaluation
3.1 定量データに基づく建築評価の必要性
Traditional architectural evaluations often rely on subjective judgments from jurors, resulting in inconsistent and non-standardized criteria. By leveraging quantitative data, a more objective and transparent evaluation system can be established.
3.2 Establishing Evaluation Criteria
3.2 評価基準の策定
To evaluate architectural proposals, qualitative aspects must be converted into specific evaluation metrics applicable to all design proposals and elements. These include:
Originality: Degree of innovation and distinction from existing works.
Rationality & Functionality: Appropriateness of spatial composition, circulation planning, and functional distribution.
Consistency & Coherence: Alignment between design intent and actual spatial configuration.
Expressiveness: Clarity of visual representations such as drawings, diagrams, and renderings.
Technical Accuracy: Consideration of structural, mechanical, and environmental aspects.
Each criterion is assigned numerical scores to objectively compare and analyze design proposals.
Process 1
Process 2
Process 3
Process 4
Process 5
Utilize the constructed database to enable designers and researchers to perform architectural design and evaluation. This allows for the scientific assessment of design uniqueness, universality, and social significance.
Key Points for Analysis
Providing Design Guidelines: Learn from past data to offer specific guidelines applicable to future designs.
Need for Dynamic Updates: Continuously reflect new proposals and trends to evolve the database.
Ethical Considerations: Establish appropriate usage guidelines to ensure data utilization does not constrain the creativity of designers.
デザインの指針提供: 過去のデータから学び、将来の設計に活かせる具体的な指針を提供する。
動的更新の必要性: 新たな提案やトレンドを随時反映し、データベースを進化させる。
倫理的配慮: データ活用が設計者の独創性を制約しないよう、適切な利用ガイドラインを設ける。
Architectural Characteristics
In the modern architectural industry, systematically collecting and quantitatively analyzing the characteristics of designers, design processes, and architectural design attributes is essential to address the convergence phenomenon in architectural design and pursue a balance between uniqueness and universality. To achieve the ideal architecture, it is crucial to comprehensively evaluate these elements and establish clear design guidelines that harmonize social significance with market competitiveness.
Classification and Quantitative Analysis of Architectural Characteristics
In the contemporary architectural industry, multilayered factors such as the nature of designers, the design process, design attributes, and the characteristics of buildings significantly influence the success of architecture and its social significance. Systematically collecting and quantitatively analyzing these characteristics holds both academic and practical importance. With the advent of the internet and globalization, architectural design trends are becoming increasingly convergent. The simultaneous emergence of similar designs globally creates discrepancies in understanding between designers and clients, as well as heightened market competition. To address this, it is essential to quantitatively evaluate the characteristics of each project, clarifying the balance between uniqueness and universality.
Session 1: Analysis of Designer Characteristics 設計者の性質の分析
By analyzing traits such as creativity, objectivity, and flexibility, it is possible to identify the types of projects suited to individual designers. For instance, highly creative designers may excel in landmark architecture, while highly flexible designers may be better suited for renovation projects that require close collaboration with clients.
Session 2: Analysis of the Design Process 設計プロセスの分析
Evaluating the integration and fluidity of the design process allows for an assessment of project management efficiency and team collaboration. For example, an open process may lead to highly creative outcomes but can also pose risks of schedule delays and budget overruns.
Session 3: Analysis of Design Attributes 建築デザインの性質の分析
Balancing qualitative aspects (aesthetic value, cultural context) with quantitative ones (cost efficiency, technical feasibility) enables predictions of a project's social impact and market success. This analysis helps determine the optimal balance between prioritizing design appeal and functional efficiency.
Session 4: Analysis of Building Characteristics 建築物の性質の分析
Quantifying aspects such as durability, energy efficiency, and spatial experience of completed buildings facilitates the evaluation of their long-term impacts on communities and users. This can lead to proposing design guidelines that emphasize sustainability and social contribution.
Future Prospects 今後の展望
Advancing the quantitative analysis of architectural characteristics enables the scientific identification of factors that contribute to project success. In the field of education, integrating characteristic analysis into the curriculum for nurturing designers will undoubtedly enhance the precision and effectiveness of instruction. In the design process, establishing methods to optimize the balance of characteristics for each project will unequivocally lead to higher-quality and more efficient designs. Moreover, developing AI-assisted design tools leveraging characteristic databases not only significantly enhances design precision but also directly boosts the productivity of the entire design process. Therefore, the integrated analysis of qualitative and quantitative aspects in architectural design can be conclusively identified as the most critical approach for addressing the challenges of contemporary architecture and creating new value in the architecture of the future.
Characteristics of Designers デザイナーの特性
Characteristics of the Design Process デザインプロセスの特性
Characteristics of the Design Process デザインの特性
Architecture is not merely the creation of physical spaces; it transcends time, resonates with society and culture, and continuously evolves. In the framework of "Perfect Architecture" (Multidimensional Design Construction Theory), transcending historical time is an essential perspective—it concerns how architecture adapts and transforms over time while preserving its essence.
For architecture to endure beyond the flow of time, it must go beyond passive approaches such as preservation and restoration. Instead, it should evolve, adapt to new contexts, and be continuously inherited. This chapter explores the possibility of architecture transcending time from a multidimensional perspective.
1. The Temporality of Architecture — The Intersection of Past, Present, and Future
1. 建築の時間性 ― 過去・現在・未来の交差
From the moment architecture is created, it begins to physically deteriorate while simultaneously undergoing shifts in meaning due to societal and cultural changes. For architecture to survive beyond history, it must transcend not only physical time but also semantic time.
For instance, the Parthenon was originally constructed as a religious structure of ancient Greece but later transformed into a Christian church, an Islamic mosque, and eventually a cultural heritage site. Similarly, Kyoto’s traditional townhouses (machiya) have adapted from commercial spaces to residences, offices, and even hotels, ensuring their continued relevance in modern society. These examples highlight the importance of flexible functional transformation and acceptance of cultural context for architecture to transcend time.
2. "Authenticity" and Reinterpretation — The Coexistence of Preservation and Innovation
2. 「オーセンティシティ」と再解釈 ― 歴史の継承と創造
When evaluating historical architecture, the concept of "authenticity" is often emphasized. However, historical value is not static—it changes over time. For architecture to endure within the historical timeline, preservation alone is insufficient; reinterpretation is necessary.
For example, Le Corbusier’s Unité d’Habitation (1947) was originally designed as a collective housing project, but today, it also functions as a tourist attraction and cultural landmark. In Venice, historic buildings are preserved using advanced restoration techniques while incorporating modern functionalities through cutting-edge technology.
Thus, authenticity is not about merely replicating the past, but about continuing to evolve by integrating contemporary reinterpretations while maintaining historical significance.
3. "Temporal Adaptability" in Architecture — Digital Technology and Architectural Transformation
3. 建築の「時間的適応力」 ― デジタル技術と変容する建築
With advancements in digital technology, architecture’s capacity to adapt over time is further expanding. Through digital twin technology, buildings’ histories and usage patterns can be recorded in real-time, serving as guidelines for future renovations and adaptive reuse. Furthermore, BIM (Building Information Modeling) allows for architectural planning that considers long-term maintenance from the design phase.
For example, the King’s Cross Station regeneration project in London retained its historic station structure while integrating digital technology to create new spatial functions, achieving sustainable revitalization. Likewise, projects like BLOX in Denmark (designed by OMA) utilize modular architecture that allows for changing spatial uses over time, demonstrating how architecture can be designed to adapt dynamically to evolving needs.
現代では、デジタル技術の発展によって、建築の時間的適応力がさらに高まっている。デジタルツイン技術を用いることで、建築の履歴や使用状況をリアルタイムで記録し、未来の改修や再利用の指針とすることが可能となった。また、BIM(Building Information Modeling)によって、設計段階から長期的な維持管理を前提とした建築計画が行われるようになっている。
4.Transcending Historical Time in Architecture
4. 歴史的時間の越境
Architecture that transcends historical time is not simply about preserving the past. It must integrate four key elements: adaptation, durability, symbolism, and transformation, ensuring that it continues to generate value across generations.
"Perfect architecture" is one that maintains its fundamental essence over time while allowing for reinterpretation and transformation. With the advancement of information technology, past architectural knowledge can now be digitized, stored in databases, and analyzed multilaterally, enabling an integrated approach to architectural design.
This multidimensional approach to historical time represents the architectural philosophy of the 21st century, serving as a guiding principle for the future of architecture.
■『建築の時間性 ― 変容する都市と建築の未来 (The Temporality of Architecture: The Transformation of Cities and the Future of Architecture)』
Author: Toyo Ito
Publisher: Shokokusha
Summary: Examines the temporal nature of architecture and the transformation of cities, exploring the future of architectural design.
■『デジタル時代の建築再生 ― BIMとデジタルツインの活用 (Architectural Regeneration in the Digital Age: The Use of BIM and Digital Twins)』
Author: Norman Foster
Publisher: Life Science Publishing
Summary: Explores the application of BIM and digital twins in architectural regeneration in the digital age.
■『歴史的建築の再解釈 ― 保存と革新の共存 (Reinterpreting Historic Architecture: The Balance Between Preservation and Innovation)』
Author: Norman Foster
Publisher: Life Science Publishing
Summary: Investigates the balance between preservation and innovation in the reinterpretation of historic architecture.
Architectural Elements
In the contemporary architectural industry, systematically collecting and quantitatively analyzing architectural elements—such as space, form, materials, light, and function—is essential to address the convergence phenomena in architectural design and to pursue a balance between innovation and universality. Striving for perfect architecture requires the integrated evaluation of these elements to clarify design guidelines that harmonize functionality, aesthetic value, sustainability, and social significance of buildings. Such efforts not only enhance the quality of architectural design but also enable the realization of structures that contribute to users and local communities in the long term.
Classification and Quantitative Analysis of Architectural Elements
In the contemporary architectural industry, the systematic collection and quantitative analysis of architectural elements—such as space, form, material, light, and function—hold significant academic and practical importance. These elements, which form the foundation of any architectural project, influence not only the success of the final design but also its societal impact. With the advent of the internet and globalization, architectural styles and trends are converging, leading to a simultaneous emergence of similar design approaches worldwide. This phenomenon often results in discrepancies in understanding between designers and clients, as well as increased competition in the architectural market. Addressing these challenges requires a detailed quantitative evaluation of architectural elements to achieve an optimal balance between innovation and universality.
Future Prospects 今後の展望
Advancing the quantitative analysis of architectural characteristics enables the scientific identification of factors that contribute to project success. In the field of education, integrating characteristic analysis into the curriculum for nurturing designers will undoubtedly enhance the precision and effectiveness of instruction. In the design process, establishing methods to optimize the balance of characteristics for each project will unequivocally lead to higher-quality and more efficient designs. Moreover, developing AI-assisted design tools leveraging characteristic databases not only significantly enhances design precision but also directly boosts the productivity of the entire design process. Therefore, the integrated analysis of qualitative and quantitative aspects in architectural design can be conclusively identified as the most critical approach for addressing the challenges of contemporary architecture and creating new value in the architecture of the future.
Characteristics of Designers 建築要素
比率とスケール(Proportion and Scale)
サービスシステム(Building Services)
社会的要素(Social Elements)
Quantitative Analysis
In the contemporary architectural industry, systematically collecting and quantitatively analyzing architectural elements—such as space, form, materials, light, and function—is essential to address the convergence phenomena in architectural design and to pursue a balance between innovation and universality. Striving for perfect architecture requires the integrated evaluation of these elements to clarify design guidelines that harmonize functionality, aesthetic value, sustainability, and social significance of buildings. Such efforts not only enhance the quality of architectural design but also enable the realization of structures that contribute to users and local communities in the long term.
The stage involves collecting data on the "Nature" and "Element" that form the foundation of the "perfect architecture." This data is extracted from student design proposals, architectural works by professionals, books, architectural magazines, and presentation sheets. It is aggregated into a database after being converted into text-based formats, including architectural shapes and spatial characteristics.
Key Points for Analysis
Ensuring Diversity: The collected data must encompass various conditions such as country, culture, era, and scale.
Accuracy of Data: Maintain consistent standards for text conversion to avoid discrepancies in interpreting architectural drawings and renderings.
Elimination of Redundancy: Ensure that the same building or similar proposals are not registered multiple times.
多様性の確保: 収集データは国、文化、年代、規模などの異なる条件を網羅する必要がある。
データの正確性: 建築図面やパースの解釈が異ならないよう、一貫した基準でテキスト変換を行う。
情報の重複排除: 同一の建築物や類似の提案が複数回登録されないように注意する。
Architecture has always been deeply connected to local culture and environment, yet advancements in technology and globalization are increasingly allowing it to transcend these boundaries. The evolution of BIM, VR, and cloud technologies has enabled architects to collaborate on projects worldwide, overcoming physical distances. Additionally, the rise of international design competitions has further encouraged architectural diversity.
However, as architecture continues to expand beyond borders, challenges such as the loss of regional identity and the homogenization of design are becoming more apparent. The adaptation to seismic regulations, energy efficiency standards, and traditional construction methods remains essential, as mere technological optimization risks undermining the fundamental value of architecture.
The balance between global perspectives and local contexts will be crucial in shaping the future of architecture. This paper explores the creative potential and challenges of architectural internationalization and examines its future implications.
1-A1. Expansion of Access to International Markets
1-A1. 国際市場へのアクセス拡大
The evolution of remote work and cloud technology has significantly expanded the scope of architectural firms. Previously, working on overseas projects required a local presence, but now, BIM and real-time 3D collaboration tools allow seamless progress, regardless of physical distance.
For example, a London-based firm can design a skyscraper in Singapore, while an architect in Tokyo conceptualizes a museum facade in Dubai. The notion of "nations" in architectural practice is fading, ushering in an era where an architect's ideas can be realized anywhere in the world.
リモートワークとクラウド技術の進化によって、建築設計事務所の活動範囲は飛躍的に広がった。かつては現地に拠点を持たねば難しかった海外プロジェクトも、いまではBIM(Building Information Modeling)やリアルタイム3Dコラボレーションツールを駆使することで、物理的な距離を感じることなく進行できる。
1-A2. Efficiency and Sustainability of Remote Design
1-A2. リモート設計の効率性と環境負荷の削減
Remote degn significantly reduces time, costs, and environmental impact. Traditionally, overseas projects necessitated frequent site visits, but with virtual reality (VR) and digital twin technology, architects can now experience and incorporate site conditions remotely. This minimizes the need for physical travel, accelerates project timelines, and reduces CO₂ emissions, contributing to sustainable architecture.
1-A3. Growth of International Competitions and Diversification of Architecture
1-A3. 国際コンペの活況と建築デザインの多様化
The rise of international design competitions offers architects new opportunities. Previously, only select participants could enter prestigious contests, but now, anyone worldwide can submit proposals online.
For example, a Swiss architect might design a stadium in Doha, or a Japanese firm could conceptualize a public library in Africa. This diversification enriches urban landscapes, exemplified by projects like Beijing’s Bird’s Nest stadium (by Swiss firm Herzog & de Meuron) and Bilbao’s Guggenheim Museum (by American architect Frank Gehry). Remote design will further accelerate such cross-cultural architectural synthesis.
1-B. Challenges in Cross-Border Architectural Design
1-B1. Cultural and Regulatory Barriers
1-B1. 地域文化と建築規制の壁
Despite the increasing feasibility of cross-border design, architecture remains deeply rooted in its local environment. Disregarding regional culture and environmental conditions can lead to unsustainable designs.
For example, Japan’s strict seismic regulations require foreign design teams to adapt significantly. Similarly, energy efficiency standards in Europe and traditional ventilation systems in the Middle East demand a nuanced understanding of local architectural norms.
1-B2. Standardization and the Risk of Architectural Homogenization
1-B2. デジタル技術による建築の画一化
BIM and AI-assisted design improve efficiency in the architectural process, but they also come with the risk of design homogenization. Optimized architectural designs can reduce environmental impact and enhance structural performance, but as "optimal solutions" become standardized, urban landscapes may lose their diversity and uniqueness.
In reality, high-rise buildings designed through parametric methods tend to adopt similar shapes due to climate simulations and wind tunnel experiments. If AI-generated "optimal designs" become the norm, architectural originality and cultural diversity could be lost.
1-B3. The Importance of On-Site Experience in Remote Design
1-B3. リモート設計の限界と現場の重要性
Even with advancements in digital technology, architecture remains something to be experienced, and fully replicating the sensory aspects of a site through remote design is challenging. The way light enters a space, the flow of wind, and the reverberation of surrounding sounds—can a design that lacks these sensory experiences truly create a high-quality space?
To address this, it is essential to combine digital tools with real on-site experiences. As remote design progresses, the opportunity for architects to visit sites and physically sense the unique characteristics of a place will become increasingly important.
1-C. Future Outlook: Seeking a Balance Between Technology and Culture
1-C. 未来への展望:技術と文化のバランスを求めて
As architects, we have gained the opportunity to design beyond national borders. However, in this process, we must not lose sight of the fundamental nature of architecture: the act of creating relationships between people and places.
Now that digital technology allows us to work on projects around the world, the question is how to design architecture that remains deeply connected to local culture and nature. The balance between the efficiency brought by technology and the unique contextuality of architecture is what architects must explore moving forward.
Our designs must go beyond merely crossing physical borders; they must engage deeply with the culture and people of each place to create truly meaningful architecture. Believing in this future, we will continue to seek new possibilities in architecture.
『Architecture Without Borders: The Work of Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée』
Authors: Doina Petrescu, Constantin Petcou
Publisher: Routledge
Summary: This book provides a detailed analysis of how architecture can transcend national borders and influence society on a global scale.
『Remote Work Revolution: Succeeding from Anywhere』
Author: Tsedal Neeley
Publisher: Harper Business
Summary: A study on the potential and impact of remote work, offering insights applicable to architectural design and international collaboration.
■『Architecture Competitions and the Production of Culture, Quality and Knowledge: An International Inquiry』
Editors: Jean-Pierre Chupin, Carmela Cucuzzella, Bechara Helal
Publisher: Potential Architecture Books
Summary: A comprehensive analysis of the cultural impact and knowledge production in international architectural competitions.
■『みんなの建築コンペ論 新国立競技場問題をこえて』
Authors: Sōtarō Yamamoto, Shunsuke Kurakata
Publisher: NTT Publishing
Summary: This book explores the history, current state, and evolving role of architectural competitions in modern society, with a focus on the New National Stadium competition in Japan.