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Double-Sided Table H750

Length: 1820mm
The table length accommodates 4 to 6 people comfortably, providing ample space at the center for decorations and tableware without feeling cramped. This dimension ensures balanced proportions in the dining area, creating a design that offers presence without overwhelming the space.


Width: 1100mm
The 1100mm width maintains an ideal distance between individuals sitting across from each other, while allowing room at the center for large dishes or decorative items. This size fosters easy eye contact and conversation, naturally encouraging communication and interaction.


Height: 750mm
A height of 750mm is optimized for pairing with standard chairs (seat height approximately 420–450mm), offering excellent ergonomics and comfort. Designed for extended use, it minimizes physical strain and is suitable for all age groups.




Cedar Board + Oil Stain


A finish that combines "natural warmth" with "premium texture."By applying an oil stain finish, the natural grain of the cedar board can be accentuated while adding a rich, deep color. Unlike surface coatings, this finish penetrates the wood, preserving its inherent softness while enhancing durability. Additionally, the tone of the oil stain can be freely chosen to match the theme of the dining space, accommodating a wide range of designs—from bright and natural impressions to chic and sophisticated atmospheres.



Fabric-Textured Finish

Fabric-textured wall coverings envelop the dining area in a cozy ambiance while creating a refined and sophisticated space. With a soft, cloth-like appearance that casts subtle shadows, they add depth to the entire room. This natural texture harmonizes beautifully with the materiality of wooden furniture and tables, fostering a sense of unity throughout the space. Selecting subdued tones such as natural beige or gray, or more sophisticated shades like navy or moss green, allows for the creation of an elegant atmosphere that complements the interior style. Additionally, designs mimicking the textures of linen, wool, or silk offer versatile options for crafting intricate spatial expressions.



Stainless Steel Hairline Finish

The glossy texture of stainless steel creates a modern and sophisticated atmosphere, perfectly suited for a functional dining space. A stainless steel hairline finish softly reflects light, adding an elegant and composed impression to the room. Its simplicity exudes a sense of luxury, making it a striking accent that enhances the dining area. Stainless steel is a highly durable, rust-resistant material, ideal for dining spaces prone to humidity and stains. The hairline finish, with its ability to mask fingerprints and minor scratches, ensures easy daily maintenance and helps maintain its pristine appearance over time.




DALL·E 2025-01-11 16.26.41 - A luxurious classical-style interior perspective inspired by


Overview: Luxurious and decorative styles flourishing in 17th-18th century Europe, deeply tied to court culture and symbolizing authority and wealth.


Color Combination: Gold, Ivory, White, Crimson, Pastel Pink, Emerald Green

色の組み合わせ: ゴールド、アイボリー、白、深紅、パステルピンク、エメラルドグリーン

Interior Features: Frescoes and gold leaf decorations on ceilings and walls, marble flooring, chandeliers, and overall opulence.

インテリアの特徴: 天井や壁にはフレスコ画や金箔装飾。大理石の床やシャンデリアなど、空間全体に豪華さを演出。

Furniture Features: Graceful, curved designs with cabriole legs, precious woods, silk, and velvet upholstery.

家具の特徴: 曲線的で優美なフォルム。キャブリオールレッグや貴重な木材、シルク、ベルベットの張地を多用。

DALL·E 2025-01-11 16.56.40 - A Scandinavian-style interior perspective featuring a minimal


Overview: Functional and simple design developed in Nordic countries during the mid-20th century, emphasizing harmony with nature and light.


Color Combination: White, Light Gray, Pastel Blue, Natural Wood, Moss Green


Interior Features: Bright, simple spaces using natural materials like wood and linen, with warmth and functionality.

インテリアの特徴: 自然素材を取り入れた明るくシンプルな空間。木製家具やリネンカーテンなどで暖かさを演出。

Furniture Features: Minimalist designs prioritizing functionality, lightweight, modular furniture.

家具の特徴: 機能性重視のミニマルデザイン。軽量で実用的、モジュール性の高い家具が特徴。

DALL·E 2025-01-11 17.16.15 - A mid-century modern interior perspective showcasing a stylis

Mid-Century Modern

Overview: Modern design style popular in the U.S. during the 1940s-1960s, emphasizing functional beauty and innovative materials with flowing forms and vibrant colors.



Color Combination: Olive Green, Orange, Turquoise Blue, Mustard Yellow, Walnut Brown



Interior Features: Open layouts with large windows to utilize natural light, combining wood and glass.

インテリアの特徴: 開放的なレイアウト、自然光を活用した大きな窓。木材やガラスの組み合わせが一般的。

Furniture Features: Molded plywood and plastic designs, characterized by flowing curves such as the Eames Chair.​​

インテリアの特徴: 開放的なレイアウト、自然光を活用した大きな窓。木材やガラスの組み合わせが一般的。

DALL·E 2025-01-11 17.33.15 - A Japanese-style interior perspective featuring traditional e


Overview: A style reflecting traditional Japanese architecture and culture, emphasizing harmony with nature and understated beauty.


Color Combination: Natural Wood Brown, White, Charcoal Black, Vermillion


Interior Features: Shoji and fusuma partitions for light and ventilation, use of tatami, washi, and plaster.

インテリアの特徴: 障子や襖で空間を区切り、光や風を取り込む。畳や和紙、漆喰などの自然素材を使用。

Furniture Features: Low furniture like floor tables and chairs, simple and functional designs suited to floor-based living. 家具の特徴: 座卓や座椅子など、床座生活に適した低い家具。機能的かつ簡素なデザイン。

DALL·E 2025-01-11 22.14.55 - A Chinese-style interior perspective showcasing traditional e


Overview: A lavish style rooted in Chinese traditional architecture, incorporating Feng Shui and philosophy, emphasizing harmony and symmetry.


Color Combination: Red, Gold, Black, Deep Green


Interior Features: Dragon and phoenix carvings, gold leaf decorations, spacious layouts.

インテリアの特徴: 龍や鳳凰をモチーフとした彫刻、金箔の装飾。広々とした空間設計。

Furniture Features: Use of high-quality woods like rosewood, with intricately carved chairs and tables.

家具の特徴: 紫檀や黒檀などの高級木材を使用。彫刻が施された椅子やテーブルが中心。

DALL·E 2025-01-12 00.23.50 - An American country-style interior perspective showcasing a w

American Country

Overview: A rustic and practical style developed in 19th-century rural America, creating a cozy and warm atmosphere.


Color Combination: Beige, Red, Blue, Natural Wood


Interior Features: Use of rustic wood and stone, accented by quilts and checkered fabrics.

インテリアの特徴: 素朴な木材や石を活用。キルトやチェック柄のファブリックがアクセント。 家

Furniture Features: Simple, functional wooden furniture with painted finishes highlighting natural textures.

具の特徴: 実用性を重視したシンプルな木製家具。風合いを活かしたペイント仕上げが多い。

DALL·E 2025-01-12 00.36.31 - An industrial-style interior design featuring exposed brick w

Industrial Style

Overview: A style developed in the early 20th century, inspired by industrialization, recreating the rugged look of factories and warehouses.


Color Combination: Gray, Black, Rusty Red-Brown, Steel Blue


Interior Features: Exposed brick walls, concrete floors, visible pipes, with pendant lighting.

インテリアの特徴: レンガ壁やコンクリート床、露出した配管が特徴。照明にはペンダントライトが多用される。

Furniture Features: Simple designs combining metal and wood, often with a vintage aesthetic. 家具の特徴: 金属と木材を組み合わせたシンプルなデザイン。ヴィンテージ風の家具が多い。

DALL·E 2025-01-12 01.04.22 - A Middle Eastern-style interior perspective showcasing tradit

Industrial Style

Overview: A luxurious style reflecting Middle Eastern traditions and religion, with geometric patterns and calligraphy at its core.


Color Combination: Gold, Deep Red, Turquoise Blue, Sand Beige


Interior Features: Ornate rugs and cushions, arched ceiling designs, and warm lighting.

インテリアの特徴: 豪華なラグやクッション、天井のアーチデザイン。温かみ


Furniture Features: Low, intricately decorated seating and tables, featuring brass and inlaid craftsmanship.

家具の特徴: 装飾が豊富な座椅子やローテーブル。真鍮や象嵌細工が特徴。


Double-Sided Table H750

Length: 1820mm
The table length accommodates 4 to 6 people comfortably, providing ample space at the center for decorations and tableware without feeling cramped. This dimension ensures balanced proportions in the dining area, creating a design that offers presence without overwhelming the space.


Width: 1100mm
The 1100mm width maintains an ideal distance between individuals sitting across from each other, while allowing room at the center for large dishes or decorative items. This size fosters easy eye contact and conversation, naturally encouraging communication and interaction.


Height: 750mm
A height of 750mm is optimized for pairing with standard chairs (seat height approximately 420–450mm), offering excellent ergonomics and comfort. Designed for extended use, it minimizes physical strain and is suitable for all age groups.


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