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Photography Instructions for Exhibition Works

~ 卒業設計展・修正設計展・コンペ作品展示の撮影作業について ~

一般社団法人 Global Architecture & Design Organization(GADO)

Process 1 Collection収集

1. 撮影目的


2. 撮影スケジュール


  • 撮影期間:展示会の開場時間に従う。

3. 撮影場所


  • 会場名:展示会の展示会場に従う。

  • 会場内の撮影可能エリアを確認し、指示に従うこと。


4. 撮影対象


  • タイトルプレート(1 枚) 

  • 展示写真(1 枚) 

  • 提案書(複数枚) 

  • 模型(複数枚)
    ※模型が大きい場合 2つ以上の視点から撮影。模型のキャプションも映すこと。
    ※複数模型があるの場合 各1 枚以上を撮影。模型のキャプションも映すこと。

  • 展示会場の様子(自由


5. 撮影方法と品質基準


  • スマートフォン(高画質のもの)で撮影。

  • 一眼レフ・ミラーレスカメラは撮影に時間がかかり、重たいため推奨しない。
    事前にスマートフォンの空き容量を十分確保しておくこと。替えのスマートフォンやiPad があるとよい。


6. データ提出方法


  1. LINEのアルバム機能を使って共有。​

  2. フォルダ名:「撮影日_撮影データ」とする。

  3. 撮影したデータは翌日までに共有すること。

7. 謝礼金の支払い


  • 主催者の定める金額(事前に確認すること)

  • データ提出完了後に振込手続きを行う。

  • 振込完了後、担当者より通知いたします。


  1. 振込情報(銀行名、支店番号、口座番号)をLINEで送付。


  • 提出期限を過ぎた場合、謝礼金の支払い対象外となる。

  • 不備のあるデータ(ブレ・低画質・欠落)については再提出を求める場合がある。

  • 撮影ルールを守らなかった場合、謝礼金の減額または支払い不可となる。

8. 連絡・問い合わせ先

  • 主催者の指定する担当者に連絡すること。

  • 連絡方法:指定の連絡手段(メール、LINE、電話)を使用。


What is "Perfect Architecture"? データ収集先と収集数

The Systematic Collection of Architectural Design — Organizing and Multidimensionally Classifying Information

建築デザインの収集体系 —— 情報の整理と多次元的な分類

Architecture continuously evolves in response to societal demands, reflecting regional cultures, technological advancements, and emerging trends. To analyze and understand the essence of architecture, it is essential to organize vast amounts of information and examine it through multiple dimensions.

This paper proposes a systematic framework for collecting and classifying architectural design information. Architectural data can be structured along three primary axes:

Scale of Collection — Categorizing architecture based on geographical and institutional influences.

Medium of Collection — Identifying diverse formats through which architecture is documented and communicated.

Types of Collected Designs — Classifying architecture based on its development stage, from conceptualization to construction.

By integrating these axes, a comprehensive understanding of architectural thought and practice can be achieved.




​1. Scale of Collection — Tagging and Categorizing Architectural Influence

1. 収集規模 — 建築の広がりとタグ付けによる分類

Architecture is shaped by cultural and environmental conditions, but since the modern era, global networks have fostered cross-cultural exchanges of ideas and design methodologies. This study categorizes architectural works using tags that clarify their geographical and institutional contexts:

【Tag Classification】

■ Country/Region: Japan, USA, Germany, China, France, etc.

■ Architectural Firms: Kengo Kuma & Associates, BIG, Zaha Hadid Architects, SANAA, etc.

■ Research Institutions: MIT Media Lab, ETH Zürich, University of Tokyo (Dept. of Architecture), etc.

■ Educational Institutions: AA School, Harvard GSD, Tokyo Metropolitan University, etc.

■ Competition Organizers: WAF (World Architecture Festival), JIA, SD Review, etc.

■ Media Coverage: ArchDaily, Dezeen, Shinkenchiku, a+u, etc.

By defining these environments of architectural production, it becomes possible to visualize interconnections, analyze how design evolves, and understand the frameworks within which architecture is evaluated.



■ 国・地域:日本、アメリカ、ドイツ、中国、フランスなど、建築が生まれた場所

■ 設計会社:隈研吾建築都市設計事務所、BIG、Zaha Hadid Architects、SANAAなど

■ 研究機関:MIT Media Lab、ETH Zürich、東京大学 建築学専攻など

■ 教育機関:AAスクール、Harvard GSD、東京都立大学など

■ コンペ主催団体:WAF(World Architecture Festival)、JIA、SDレビューなど

■ メディア掲載:ArchDaily、Dezeen、新建築、a+uなど


​2. Medium of Collection — Diverse Formats for Documenting Architecture

2. 収集媒体 — 建築を語る多様なフォーマット

The methods for recording and expressing architecture have evolved with technological advancements. While print media such as books and magazines have long been dominant, the rise of digital platforms has introduced new ways to archive, analyze, and communicate architectural information.

This study organizes architectural media into ten categories, each varying in data volume, accessibility, and analytical value:

Tag Classification

■ Architecture Magazines — Broadly disseminate architectural trends

Shinkenchiku, a+u, GA Document, Casabella

■ Monographs & Project Books — Curated insights into an architect’s philosophy

Kuma Complete Works (Kengo Kuma), Elements of Architecture (Rem Koolhaas)

■ Competitions & Awards — Indicate the future trajectory of architecture

WAF, JIA Awards, SD Review

■ Online Platforms & Blogs — Provide real-time updates and discourse

ArchDaily, Dezeen, Archello

■ Academic Papers & Journals — Offer theoretical and empirical studies

AIJ Journal, J-STAGE, ResearchGate

■ Social Media & Forums — Capture public perspectives on architecture

Twitter (X), Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit (Architecture)

■ BIM & Digital Design Data — Integrate architectural information

Revit, ARCHICAD, Rhino, Grasshopper

■ Regulations & Guidelines — Define architectural constraints

Building Standards Law, Barrier-Free Act, Energy Efficiency Standards, LEED

■ User Feedback & Reviews — Evaluate spatial experiences

Google Maps Reviews, Airbnb Reviews

■ Government & Planning Documents — Situate architecture in a social context

MLIT reports, UN-Habitat

By analyzing multiple media formats, this study highlights how architectural design is perceived, discussed, and shaped by diverse audiences.



■ 建築雑誌(Architecture Magazines) —— 建築の動向を広く伝える

新建築、a+u、GA Document、Casabella

■ 作品集(Monographs & Project Books) —— 建築家の思想を編纂したもの

「Kuma Complete Works」(隈研吾)、「Elements of Architecture」(Rem Koolhaas)

■ コンペ・アワード資料(Competitions & Awards) —— 未来の建築を示唆する

WAF(World Architecture Festival)、JIA 建築賞、SDレビュー​■ 

■ Webメディア(Online Platforms & Blogs) —— 情報の即時性を持つ


■ 論文・学術資料(Academic Papers & Journals) —— 理論と実証を伴う知見


■ SNS・フォーラム(Social Media & Forums) —— 市民の視点から建築を語る

Twitter (X)、Instagram、Pinterest、Reddit (Architecture)​

■ BIM・CADデータ(BIM & Digital Design Data) —— 建築の情報を統合する


■ 法規・ガイドライン(Regulations & Guidelines) —— 建築の枠組みを定める


■ 施設レビュー(User Feedback & Reviews) —— 空間体験の質を評価する

Google Mapsレビュー、Airbnbレビュー​

■ 公的報告書・自治体資料(Government & Planning Documents) —— 建築を社会の文脈で捉える




​3. Types of Collected Designs — From Realized Structures to Future Concepts

3. 収集デザインの種類 —— 形になるものと、まだ見ぬ未来

Architectural design is not limited to built works; it also includes conceptual projects, experimental research, and student-driven explorations. This study categorizes architectural design into six types, each reflecting different levels of realization and influence:

Tag Classification

■ Built (Completed Works) — Architecture that exists in society

Tokyo Skytree, Apple Flagship Stores

■ Planned (Conceptual & In-Progress Projects) — Designs yet to be realized

Azabudai Hills, OMA’s urban planning proposals

■ Unbuilt (Proposed but Unconstructed Projects) — Unrealized yet influential works

Le Corbusier’s Plan Voisin

■ Competition (Award-Winning Proposals) — Visions for future architecture

SD Review, WAF-winning projects

■ Academic (Student Projects) — Experimental designs by emerging architects

WASA (World Architecture Student Awards)

■ Experimental (Research-Based Architecture) — Expanding architectural boundaries

MIT’s self-constructing architecture, Pavilion prototypes

By mapping architectural projects based on their status, this study aims to uncover patterns in design trends, technological innovations, and emerging methodologies.



■ 竣工済み(Built) —— 実際に完成し、社会の中で生きる建築

東京スカイツリー、Apple Store 旗艦店

■ 計画・構想(Planned) —— 構想されているが、まだ形になっていない


■ アンビルド(Unbuilt) —— 設計されたが未建設のプロジェクト


■ 建築コンペ作品(Competition) —— 建築の未来を探る提案


■ 学生作品(Academic) —— 若い建築家の実験的な試み

WASA (World Architecture Student Awards)

■ 実験建築(Experimental) —— 建築の可能性を拡張するプロジェクト



​4. Conclusion — A Multi-Layered Approach to Understanding Architecture

4. 結論 —— 建築を読み解くための多層的アプローチ

Organizing architectural design information is not merely about data accumulation; rather, it serves as a critical framework for understanding the conditions in which architecture is conceived, developed, and evaluated.

By applying the three analytical axes proposed in this study—Scale of Collection, Medium of Collection, and Type of Collected Design—we can:

Gain a more precise understanding of architectural trends.

Establish a structured methodology for analyzing design influence.

Use this knowledge to inform and shape the future of architecture.

Architecture is constantly evolving, adapting to societal changes and environmental contexts. Documenting and analyzing its transformation is not only a scholarly endeavor but also a foundation for envisioning the next generation of architecture.



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